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Everything posted by maddzvk

  1. Lovely color Without him flaring its hard to see tail type safe to assume its either delta, super delta or halfmoon depending on the spread.
  2. maddzvk


    Ai currently has cape Lopez and gold lyre tail variants on the list Ours were just from coburg since we were in the area anyway
  3. maddzvk


    Compared to the ones we got yours are quite long it seems. You can check bayfish stock as well for Killis available as well as AI The gardneri have been spawning of late so we will see. Eggs will be hatching right around when we are redoing our tanks so at least space will hopefully not be an issue then :)
  4. maddzvk


    I approve of that list i like most of them fish as well although i like gardneri makurdi alot. and have clown killis they are definately a cool little fish. me and james bought an australe pair today hopefully soon we can pick some eggs of thier spawn mop :)
  5. maddzvk


    looking good ash. Can I ask what peat moss do you use(brand, retailer, etc) for your egg containers. do you also use the moss in your wild tanks?
  6. We've made spawn mops and have amazon frog bit and plants always looking for more things in the tank though The gardneri are in the main tank and at the moment the boy Is petty useless since he's always trying to show off to the betta girl instead of his two lady gardneri room mates maybe once there alone we will see some spawning happening James Australe, makurdi, ijebu ode, striatum (i think) and blue gularis are all on my killifish wish list and you know it.
  7. either way thank god for digital (although we recently raided some photo shops for film canisters for the wilds so you know film camera's have thier perks )
  8. havent heard the term dayak before had to look it up haha james is next to me saying dayak is a term in electrical dont think thats hat you were referring too though :P
  9. He came with a matching Girly And was building nest withing 10 hours of being unpacked Our friend Eric has the pair now and is planning to breed them So fingers crossed xx
  10. i think the fish are lovely more than anything else im sure they know it too some of them would not stop showing off for me jim has some great bettas im particularly fond of the sorta grizzly CT and the HM green black dragon This is my fave photo. i think I like how this shortfin boys tail looks in this one
  11. just me playing around with photography and fishies just a mix of photoes some fish are from jim some are ours some are other peoples haha i know everyone likes pretty fish though so ill just drop these hear
  12. the adults are actually quite large for cherries our friend had two adult girls floating around her 8 foot tank for ages uneaten (with female fighters, discus, sharks and all sorts of other usually hungry fish) she only took them out for breeding haha welcome to the group its an amazing time to get into splendens especially cause in september Melbourne is having its first ever IBC sanctioned show have a look around theres plenty of info and lovely people on here :)
  13. (Photobucket is the one we use for sharing photos mostly on here) Nice little set up that tank for 50 is a good buy Plants are good lots of cover shrimp love to climb all over everything haha Ember tetra may eat shrimp babies same with guppy fry when they get large enough. Only thing I'd suggest is look into a shrimp substrate rather than gravel. The dark colour helps the shrimp colour, it has additives to make the plants go whoosh and it will stabilize your pH real well for the range most shrimp like it to be (mid 6) plus the shrimp like to do there little rolling/digging/cleaning thing to the substrate but gravels a bit heavy for the little guys Just a suggestion though the shrimp will still live a normal life cycle etc with gravel What shrimp will you/have you put in it? :)
  14. no. it does not mean more shrimp. if you spend all of your moneys on fish who will buy me a house. people need a home too jimbob. stop encouraging him zui
  15. Ours have Been together and haven't spawned at all Plus they've Been exclusively on live brine and daphnia cause they won't touch pellets And they've had spawn mops and water changes That's why I was thinking of trying pH Maybe I'm just not supposed to have baby killis haha
  16. well i dont like using chemicals much either we use IAL and peat for the wilds. but i worry if i put it in the tank and the substrate or water quality goes nuts well.... there goes my nicely cycled tank. the friends tank was a fluval spec with shrimp soil and it went nuts even after 6 weeks and daily water changes only had driftwood a few plants and a super hardy tetra in it. ours is a fluval flora with fluval substrate its been cuycling for about 2 weeks with plants and tetras and stabilised (both pH and ammonia) so i dont want to risk mucking it up....
  17. Hey so we have a killiscape. anyway clown killis similar to wilds are often stimiulated to spawn by a drop in pH the substrate in our tank regulates the pH so that without using any buffers the pH sits stably at 6.4 would it be advisable to drop the pH knowing we use a pH regulating substrate already (ideally we want to lower the pH to 5.5 short term) and if so is there a preferable way to do it? Proper pH, pH down, IAL, peat.... the reason i ask is we used a similar pH stabilising substrate in friends tank and after 6 weeks of cycling the tanks ammonia was continually sitting at 8.0 and pH was swinging wildly even afrer a full water change and im worried playing with pH could be tricky with the substrate and have a similar result.
  18. this ones perfect with the canister filter its also quite spacious without being super deep which i like. plenty of room to swim forward and back rather than up and down like a discus. will try get a photo of the completed tank tonight.
  19. first go. right after we set it up have added more to it though
  20. shes pretty hardy. she once ate a whole box of lindt chocolate when we were out (wed usually make her throw up(salt) but it had been to long) she was fine. just passed some tinsel a few days later. #mydogisanidiot #thishasnothingtodowithfishorbarracks #diygenius the culprit #hadabluetongue #stillalive
  21. Yeah quick google of the Internet She didnt drink much water And we were home all night and didnt notice an unusual behavior Of signs of sickness
  22. Phoenix moss = fissidans I meant peacock moss...
  23. Haha im cheating no pics just yet cause I'm on the train to work super bored But when I get home ill take some special This sorta fits in aquascape but ill take some pretty pics of the killis in the tank to make up for it We bought a fluval flora not long ago initially we were gonna use shrimp as we were told killis like water similar to bettas (tannins and driftwood) but then Adrian at aquatic showed us his clown killis which are in almost neutral water no tannins so the killis were allowed to go in the flora The run down Fluval substrate Sponge filter Heaters Several rocks (5) one is quite pretty with two quartz stripes through it (pinched it from my dad a while ago) various mosses ATM each one has a different moss: Phoenix moss Fisidans Rose moss Flame moss As well as a small rock with palm moss And a carpet of Belem hair grass We wanted hc but Even though the tank has CO2 it doesn't reach saturation for long enough the hc would thrive ... Anyway tanks been set up and cycling with the ugliest tetras we have (3 neons: 2 who lost an eye each to our old ghost knife and 1 runty boy whose severely beat up) They seem to love it though as we've never noticed neon tetra eggs before we put them in the tank Anyway clown killis were introduced last night they've been living in a pretty plain tank with just spawn mops till now (and a single gardneri girl) unfortunately we've lost a few but didnt realize till it was time to catch them But we have 5 in the flora tank now 3 boys and 2 girls would like it if they would have some babies for us but am quite dubious they will. Oh well photos later tonight once I get home!
  24. She's alive and hasn't had any side effects we can see so I think she's in the clear
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