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Posts posted by maddzvk

  1. success. I downloaded google chrome. still cant get them to work through explorer

    this is one of my newest spawn. not sure if it is my vt or ct spawn. I took so many photos I forgot to log the numbers lolol

    one browser is better than it not working at all :P



    thats the way we do it to.

    Didnt even realise there was an image box till BT put it in the thread :D


    This holiday season we will be hosting an Ausaqua photography competition.

    There will be one broad class so all fish, inverts, tank, plant photos can be entered.

    A shortlist will be created by the judges.

    The top Photos will then be put to a vote on the Ausaqua forum

    Each person may submit one vote for their favourite shortlisted picture in the designated poll.

    so YOU will decide the winner!


    Submit your photos along with your name(required) and 'title' of picture(optional) to

    info@lodobettaaquatics.com.au by 10:00pm on Sunday the 15th December 2013.

    There is no limit on the number of pictures per person which can be submitted.


    Will be up on Ausaqua by the (Wednesday)18th december

    voting will be open via poll from the 18th till the 22nd of December.

    Winners will be announced on the 23rd December 2013.



    the overall winner will be given the choice of the following prize packs donated by Lodo betta aquatics and a photography comp badge to add to their signature.

    PRIZE PACK ONE (national)

    25x IAL

    1x small ceramic pot (ornament)

    1x nano goldvine

    PRIZE PACK TWO (vic entrants only)

    1x 10 cube tank

    2x small malaysian driftwood

    1x medium java fern

    PRIZE PACK THREE (national)

    1x fish first aid kit

    PRIZE PACK FOUR (can not be sent to WA or TAS)

    5x small crypts

    2x small java fern

    1x spawning moss

    1x anubias

    as well as a 2013 photography comp winner badge to add to your signature


    all shortlisted entrants will be given a shortlisted photography comp badge to add into their signature


    All photographs must be your own unedited images.

    To enter you must have 20 posts of the ausaqua forum by the date entries close.

    There is no limit on the number of pictures per person which can be submitted.

  3. url is the web address so in your bar at the top
    then you add %7Boption%7D with the square brackets before and after this address
    so for example for this thread (if it was a picture on photobucket which its not so dont expect a picture) it would be
    [ IMG ] http://www.ausaqua.net/index.php/topic/15496-photos/#entry173236 [ IMG]
    without spaces and that should work

  4. that made my head explode a little.

    just woah

    anyway all good ideas i think we will ease in to it.
    were happy to donate something or will gather some donations to award as prizes.
    i quite ike the idea of a photo comp (just as the last aquascape comp was a bit of a flop due to the IBC SHOWS distracting us all!)
    james suggested a participation based one first up.
    apparently some of his other forums (soccar and bad music i mean....'punk rock') do them frequently and it does boost traffic and communication
    he can explain them when hes awake i suppose though.
    but anyone else have any input?
    a comp youd like to see run?

    frequency of comps?
    (im think a quick short easy one, then photo then aquascape with some awesome winners banners in signatures and prizes and time between each comp and alot of advertising if comps hahah )

  5. The posts do come up with views as well as replies though. I like the idea of responding and when you have to actually write something it tends to turn into a nice comment Atleast

    ash and Brenton both routinely spend days (for a brief patch even weeks) talking mostly to themselves :P

    I also think likes can be misconstrued or weird its like well what did you like the content, my hilarious sense of humor, brilliant fortography etc

  6. Right I get slight envy whenever I see razzi's photo comp,winner signature

    also,since the,forums,been,updated I think we should have some friendly comps

    I suggest photos and aquascape depending on,how we rub it we may eve be able to scrounge up,some prizes. Would anyone be keen?

    I think,its a good way to,increase traffic to the forum as well

  7. right when the forum was upgraded Razzi also got the option to turn on or off the 'like this' button on each post.
    i begged him not to since i hate it, it makes it like facebook and i like how with out 'likes' people actually respond but eh.
    so heres a poll for who likes and dislikes the like this button

    • Like 1
  8. figured i should make an our killis thread like our wilds thread.
    was water changing today(happens less often than oit should there a bit neglected right now)
    all the killis seem to get in everyone elses section since they are in a temp tank.
    any way noticed some very small killis in with the big panchax and was like oh maybe its we had more blockii our clown pancha than i thought. on closer inspection we have some decnetly grown fry.
    so heres killis currently kept and any breeding activity.
    its a pretty small list but there all in temp homes so once there moved i want a few more species/will be able to give them a bit more TLC.
    blue panchax

    golden panchax
    gardneri (have fry from them just over 1 cm)
    gardneri makurdi (lonely boy. we bred and raised him but hes our only makurdi)
    clown panchax (have a baby from them just under one cm)
    to be picked up form ash 2 australe pairs

  9. The shop ones generally you need wholesale accounts to get. Think roughly $600-$700 each.

    Reptile cord is just like a piece of cable that gets hot, place it under tanks/beanie boxes and the heat radiates and warms the box up

    yeah stops the fish freezing pretty much not as much control over temp but keeps temp about low 20s

    shop ones arent great but they are filtered, heated and lit and we know someone who has one minus the display cases thats just sitting around. doing not much

    a few people have the 12 bay aqua one barracks... they are pretty neat as long as you watch for evaporation and sickness (communal water so it will spread disease if not caught early)

  10. we have a lot of tanks (ike 30-40...) but we still run out.
    im always umming and ahhing who i want to keep and then i realise i have no partner for them or have like 6 copper halfmoon males and i have to give myself a serious talking too about fish hoarding and what i want to breed.
    we have 2 6 ft custom barracks which are a god send (26 compartments)
    and are looking at getting an aqua one shop one (24 bay) possibly or similar
    we also fully utilise beanie boxes and reptile cord with regular water changes for jarring and adults (keeps them in permanent qt too as weve had outbreaks before and it made me want to chuck in fish)
    and failing that poly boxes become temp tanks some times with a heater sometimes with out. depending what were using it for.
    James currenly has one conveniently set up where i can trip over it atleast 5 times a day but its a spawn tank (think bucket method BUT BIGGER)
    the boys got a massive nest and all he can look at is his pretty lady friend so they will likely breed soon. the lid also means we can control light/dark periods well and it maintains temp pretty good (they do leak onto the floor very slowly though so careful if you have carpet)

  11. yeah they're not too hard.
    just slow growing and moving the parents around to avoid egg predation/increase fry survivals a bit of a pain (have only had them for like 2 weeks though so we will see). plan is the dsm project will be a rasbora grow out and parent pairs ill stay in the shed...till we move
    heres the little tyke


  12. the tank in the shed is divided in two sections (solid divides)

    CRS and CBS will cross but they are in different sides

    the cherrries will breed too if given a chance so weve split them up

    blacks are in one half

    yellows and blues are in the other half (all still juvies though the yellows will be rehoused in the 4 foot DSM project once its flooded)

    and all our red cherrries are in a 3 ft in the house

    so very little interbreeding since anyone who can is seperated out plus we have breeder nets with the shrimp we want to cross.

    we also have an exciting new addition tonight A BRAND SPANKING NEWLY HATCHED GALAXY RASBORA that weve bred/hatched ourself from our original 2 pairs. ive named him uno. he in my uno. hopefully there are more uno's coming soon :)

  13. yeah we're looking to try some of the azoo products in the near future: have heard really good reviews
    these guys get whatever we have on hand at the moment: cucumber, zucchini, algea wafers, fluval shrimp james fed them lettuce the otehr day (they didnt like it much).
    the red cherries have been breeding like nuts since we first got them(round feb this year). we have baby CBS and CRS at the moment fresh!
    the blue and black cherries still neeed to do some growing since they are quyite small and arent sexable yet so were not even sure if we have both genders (only have like 2 of each due to problems with acclimatising them...)

  14. Razzi: the fence being down is not a reason to move house I love the sherpanator from next door. she cries with hapiness whenever she gets attention.
    BYT: ideally yeah that would be sweet and some solar power.
    but ill settle for actually having heating and cooling which both work!

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