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Everything posted by maddzvk

  1. yeah they're not too hard. just slow growing and moving the parents around to avoid egg predation/increase fry survivals a bit of a pain (have only had them for like 2 weeks though so we will see). plan is the dsm project will be a rasbora grow out and parent pairs ill stay in the shed...till we move heres the little tyke
  2. the tank in the shed is divided in two sections (solid divides) CRS and CBS will cross but they are in different sides the cherrries will breed too if given a chance so weve split them up blacks are in one half yellows and blues are in the other half (all still juvies though the yellows will be rehoused in the 4 foot DSM project once its flooded) and all our red cherrries are in a 3 ft in the house so very little interbreeding since anyone who can is seperated out plus we have breeder nets with the shrimp we want to cross. we also have an exciting new addition tonight A BRAND SPANKING NEWLY HATCHED GALAXY RASBORA that weve bred/hatched ourself from our original 2 pairs. ive named him uno. he in my uno. hopefully there are more uno's coming soon
  3. yeah we're looking to try some of the azoo products in the near future: have heard really good reviews these guys get whatever we have on hand at the moment: cucumber, zucchini, algea wafers, fluval shrimp james fed them lettuce the otehr day (they didnt like it much). the red cherries have been breeding like nuts since we first got them(round feb this year). we have baby CBS and CRS at the moment fresh! the blue and black cherries still neeed to do some growing since they are quyite small and arent sexable yet so were not even sure if we have both genders (only have like 2 of each due to problems with acclimatising them...)
  4. Razzi: the fence being down is not a reason to move house I love the sherpanator from next door. she cries with hapiness whenever she gets attention. BYT: ideally yeah that would be sweet and some solar power. but ill settle for actually having heating and cooling which both work!
  5. always. its an excuse for us to buy brand new tanks to set up and move everyone into
  6. i started this a while ago no one really took to it http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=14877 looking through some of the american forums it seems that whilst breeding ee to ee is the easiest way to get alot of ee fry it also leads to alot of assymetry. in fact i asked extravagent betta about it in january and they said they had 14 sellable fry from a ee x ee pairing and even they had assymetrical pectoral colouring. so i think breeding fry back to a father would be a good way to go about it. not saying you cant breed ee to ee i think theres just some caution needed like breeding DT's together. and of course if there is no matching female then an unrelated female and then breeding back to the father should result in some fry with the trait...
  7. any pump should do just when you hook it up have a look at the flow rate and how well its filtering (so you can work out your water changes and wont stress the fish overly)
  8. attach them to an air pump they are air driven so they will circulate the water from the back section to the front section so its all filtered and heated :)
  9. you remove the grass from the pot. try get rid of some (not all) of the packing material just with tweezers or similar. dont go too gung ho or you will wreck the roots. we then pull it apart into small plugs approximately .5-1cm. we roll the roots between or finger to compress them a bit then palnt it (sorta weird to explain.....) next time you order something we will send you some loose belem hair grass we have (currently floating in a fry tank) to experiment with :)
  10. welcome to the forum. you'll be happy to know theres a few hobbyist over your side including les and kevin who are both amazing and that a lot of peopel on here do have interests besides bettas though they are definately nice fish ;)
  11. Hi Shannan welcome to the forum hope you enjoy it. did you recently have the armageddon spawn on facebook? we have a spawn talk and gene pool which are full of people spawn logs and questions regarding questions as well as heap of other cool threads (which brentons been busy digging up lately) and as you knwo tehre was recently the vic betta ibc show (did you make it to it?) anyway look forward to seeing some of you fish and fish keeping experience! Maddie
  12. that was nice of them to answer so fast. looks like its a dragon then! who will you be putting the handsome guy with??
  13. your australe are looking real good ash!!! weve just moved ours aroud are bit so ill have to give them thier spawn mops back come on fry ;)
  14. hard work yes. am i jealous still...yes. looks awesome. wish i ahd some racks. hopefully soon theyll be in one place and then you can spend more time enjoying them :)
  15. I FORGOTTT ABOUT IT :(/> Ive asked ness to allow late submissions. Its not like anythings been announced yet so still a shot perhaps???:please:/>
  16. lucky you didnt bring home as many fish as you planned then razzi...
  17. we have a few currently keeping: australe gardneri gardneri makurdi(only one boy) blockii clown dayi werneri the ones actively breeding are the gardneri and clown hoping the australe will start soon and looking at getting some chocolates and striatum in the near future :)
  18. if you decrease the lights it will usually help decrease algea you can also try having a gap in the middle of the day (lights on for two short periods) but can be tricky with timers we turn ours on at 3 pm (james gets home from work) and leave them on till we go to bed as we got real bad algea when i turned them on when i went to work but turned them off same time. it will depend on things i assume your betta tanks wouldnt be highly planted so they could have lights on for 16 hours no issue but will depend on lighting, plants, ferts, time etc. try cut back ferts or lights and see if that helps balance out the algea issue otherwise youve got BN's in the mail or can try algea eaters as well :)
  19. i forgot recently i thought oh yeah i should check dates soon.... what 3-4 weeks too late now darn it
  20. my tip is turn the light off for longer. 12-14 hours a day is alot most of our tanks with fast growing plants are fine with 6-8 hours any more and we start getting some not so nice algea. try the root tabs perhaps ive wondered how well they work and they arent too expensive otherwise co2 booster (or flourish excel) will help with promoting fast growth(and flourish also doubles as being able to treat/kill black beard algea):D/>
  21. BT covered all the bases with his post. vic betta show so we can now post some more :lol:/> yeah im also intrigued by this interesting spawn sydney also has the local enthusiast club sydney splendens society which has some lovely people in it and recently became an ibc chapter i believe :)
  22. maddzvk


    im just gonna hope my australe boy gets some extensions like those.....
  23. maddzvk


    gorgeous photos im so jealous! what is with his extensions i swear they are always getting longer. he looks pretty pleased with his tank set up :)
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