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Posts posted by maddzvk

  1. this is some acronyms around for shimp.
    some species the acronyms are rarely used or theres no acronym available. eg riffle shrimp...

    AFS = African Filter Shrimp
    AS = Amano Shrimp
    BB = Blue bolt
    BBS = Blue Bee Shrimp
    BCS = Blue Cherry Shrimp

    BCS = Brown Camo Shrimp
    BKKS = Black King Kong Shrimp
    BPS = Blue Pearl Shrimp
    BS = Bamboo Shrimp
    BS = Bee Shrimp

    BTS = Black Tiger Shrimp
    BPS = Blue Pearl Shrimp
    BTS = Blue Tiger Shrimp
    CBS = Cystal black shrimp

    CS = Cardinal Shrimp
    CRS = Crystal Red Shrimp
    FRS = Fire Red Shrimp
    DAE = Darwin Algae Eater
    DAS = Darwin Algae Shrimp
    DGS = Dark Green Shrimp
    DRNS = Darwin Red Nose Shrimp
    GBS =Golden Bee Shrimp
    GGGS =Ghost - Glass - Grass Shrimp
    HS = Harlequin Shrimp
    KK = King Kong
    MS = Malaya Shrimp
    NACs = North Australian Chameleon Shrimp
    NHS = Neocaridina Heteropoda
    NS = Ninja Shrimp
    OBS = Orange Bee Shrimp
    OSS = Orange Sakura Shrimp
    ODS = Orange Delight Shrimp
    PS = Panda Shrimp
    PZS = Purple Zebra Shrimp
    RCS = Red Cherry Shrimp
    RGFS = Red Gold flake Shrimp
    RTS = Red Tiger Shrimp
    RTS = Red Tupfel Shrimp
    RS = Rili Shrimp
    SPS = Shadow Panda Shrimp
    SBS = Snow ball Shrimp
    SS = Sulawesi Shrimp
    STS = Super Tiger Shrimp
    TB = taiwan bee
    TTS = Tangerine Tiger Shrimp
    TS = Tiger Shrimp
    WBS = White Bee Shrimp
    WES = Wine Red Shrimp
    YCS = yellow cherry shrimp
    YS = Yellow Shrimp
    ZS= Zebra shrimp


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  2. i've seen serkan's nothobranchius guentheri photos they are stunning!
    and from someone you'll have eggs in no time :P

    species we have im still getting userd to the actual names rather than common...
    blue panchax (aplocheilus panchax)
    gold panchax (aplocheilus lineatus gold)
    werneri killifish (aplocheilus werneri werneri)
    dayi killifish (aplocheilus werneri dayi)
    blockii killifish (aplocheilus werneri blockii)-gorgeous little cuties they remind me of sparkling gourami a little
    aphyosemion australe gold
    epiplatys annulatus (clown killis)
    Aphyosemion bitaenatum lagos

    im hoping to get a few more in the next few months, splendopleure, ijebu ode, gardneri again (probably makurdi) maybe striatum and australe chocolate too. spose we will see how i go for tank space :P

  3. Welcome Jenny

    plenty of option if microworms didn't start

    try vinegar eels the culture doesnt need as much checking and they are great for your fry(ragged yolk or liquidfry is also good for freshly hatced fry in a push)

    As for bbs hatching is always best but some times that's difficult

    Substitutes are decaps. Baby brine/instant bbs, golden pearls, fine dry foods or even frozen Rotifers or bbs (blister pack) defrosted and used sparingly

    Plenty of info on here :)have a look around and hopefully we will see spawn log or your bubs soon :P

    • Like 1
  4. Hey roydy thanks for answering

    I quite like some of the hybrids especially because sourcing anything is so hard especially especially starting out :)

    We have red lines which have fry as of today as well as getting gold leopard and black bar this weekend ish will be seeing kev in wa at the end of the month too so I look forward to seeing his n class endlers, wild bettas an apistogramma collections :)

  5. ive asked micheal to delete this thread.
    besides him no ones answered my initial question which was "what hobbyist have in australia" as i would like to get some
    i didnt think it was so hard to say "not many pure endler about plenty of hybrids though.
    I know ...(n class in wa with kev, platinum pink with roydy, blackbar with greg) are about maybe ask them. and endlers usa has some good info though it might take some searching to get the info you want"

  6. a good soak and scrub if its still there look into options for the filter clean.
    its mostly just built up minerals (calcium scunge) we find water and a scrub works well otherwise you can try vinegar or methylated spirits from memory but the worst come off pretty easy so dont stress.
    with fish plenty of options since its an alright size tank just remember it will be much easier if you match fish to your water not the other way around. i think youve mentioned adelaide has relatively hard water though which will suit guppies/endlers/livebearers well :).

  7. The female tip alot of American breeders told us.

    Since females are short fin any faults will be exaggerated on the longer finned males (shapes, bent rays, rough edges, unbalanced fins etc)

    There's plenty of really nice fish in aus the main sources are

    Jodilea(someone) and aquabid imports

    The IBC international shows (all international entrants are auctioned or sold off)

    Breeders especially those who show fish as they'll be actively striving for well balanced stunning fish

    Even shops can have nice bettas (a lot of the bettas taken to whole salers are runts or excess to needs so there can be some stunning fish) the lady who won the reserve best of show at the Vic IBC show last year was hand picked by me and James (lodobetta- we handpick all our fish) for under $20 :)

  8. welcome ronny. i saw these guys on facebook (all of us seem to get around a few pages ;))
    they are stunning best of luck with breeding. theres plenty of info on here never be afraid to ask any q's either :) theres heaps of spawn logs too :)

    geez hachi slow down on the betta crtique hes just saying heyy all :P

  9. thanks for that ive actually found it really hard to find the info i want on endlers so im a bit every where.
    had guppies before they thrived sold there fry to the LFS which got me out first betta breeding tank :)
    that was a while ago though im very excited to get some endlers though but yes wanted to see what other people were keeping a sthe ones in shops are very limited :)

  10. i know most are hybrids :)
    i though black bar was one of the native wild types (N class strain)
    like i said i mostly want to see what others are keeping in aus
    if i get some id probably prefer to get them from hobbiests since the ones in shops are severly limited and dont hear much bout them :)

  11. just taking stock
    who is currently keeping endlers??
    what species are you keeping? (and classification? if possible)
    i'm thinking of getting some endlers but obviously they arent something every LFS stocks and AI's had pretty limited species coming through so thought i'd see what other keepers have at the moment :)

  12. Hi Ricky

    Welcome to the forum

    For info this is the right place there's 1000's of posts from the past few years plus all the members who are online. Plenty of info and sources around :) hopefully you have success breeding bettas there's heaps of spawn logs (I should update mine actually) and some very worth while subgroups enjoy having a gander around the site!

    Maddie (ps met you at the last SSS meet but we are from Melbourne)

  13. plakats are the hardest to tell in my opinion

    im still really new at it though (but im trying)

    i agree with razzi you need to look at fins besides the caudal as well.
    length, shape and raying/structure will all give you the information for 'guessing' the tail type (sometimes its easier than others)
    as you pick up the terminology and look at more fish you will begin to be able to tell the difference more
    and may be able to guess the tail type better
    but unless you know the genetics of the fish or its an outstanding specimen there is usually some ambiguity of tail type. :)
    practice makes perfect though so start spawning and staring at fish :P

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