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Everything posted by maddzvk

  1. maddzvk

    Hi All :)

    its usually a mix depending on timing we currently have 5 fancy spawns growing out so in a few months you'll see them guys about next month will mostly be imports
  2. maddzvk

    Hi All :)

    Only online as a hobby business Well have heaps of fish mid to late feb though (literally 100+)
  3. maddzvk

    Hi All :)

    The female tip alot of American breeders told us. Since females are short fin any faults will be exaggerated on the longer finned males (shapes, bent rays, rough edges, unbalanced fins etc) There's plenty of really nice fish in aus the main sources are Jodilea(someone) and aquabid imports The IBC international shows (all international entrants are auctioned or sold off) Breeders especially those who show fish as they'll be actively striving for well balanced stunning fish Even shops can have nice bettas (a lot of the bettas taken to whole salers are runts or excess to needs so there can be some stunning fish) the lady who won the reserve best of show at the Vic IBC show last year was hand picked by me and James (lodobetta- we handpick all our fish) for under $20 :)
  4. maddzvk

    Hi All :)

    welcome ronny. i saw these guys on facebook (all of us seem to get around a few pages ) they are stunning best of luck with breeding. theres plenty of info on here never be afraid to ask any q's either theres heaps of spawn logs too geez hachi slow down on the betta crtique hes just saying heyy all
  5. maddzvk

    endlers in aus

    thanks for that ive actually found it really hard to find the info i want on endlers so im a bit every where. had guppies before they thrived sold there fry to the LFS which got me out first betta breeding tank that was a while ago though im very excited to get some endlers though but yes wanted to see what other people were keeping a sthe ones in shops are very limited
  6. maddzvk

    endlers in aus

    i know most are hybrids i though black bar was one of the native wild types (N class strain) like i said i mostly want to see what others are keeping in aus if i get some id probably prefer to get them from hobbiests since the ones in shops are severly limited and dont hear much bout them
  7. maddzvk

    endlers in aus

    ai has gold leopard, red line and neon tuxedo atm and alot of people have black bar just tryng to see whats around
  8. maddzvk

    endlers in aus

    just taking stock who is currently keeping endlers?? what species are you keeping? (and classification? if possible) i'm thinking of getting some endlers but obviously they arent something every LFS stocks and AI's had pretty limited species coming through so thought i'd see what other keepers have at the moment
  9. first spawn of 2014 already!!! come at us 2014 show year :P

    1. detour


      wtg ! wishing you luck for the year :).

    2. maddzvk


      boy was stupid. ate the eggs ah well we have 4 fancy spawns growing out plus the wilds :)

  10. Hi Ricky Welcome to the forum For info this is the right place there's 1000's of posts from the past few years plus all the members who are online. Plenty of info and sources around hopefully you have success breeding bettas there's heaps of spawn logs (I should update mine actually) and some very worth while subgroups enjoy having a gander around the site! Maddie (ps met you at the last SSS meet but we are from Melbourne)
  12. there were some great ones tried to pick a few different subjects and photos which were interesting for things besides the subject (contrast, balance, lighting etc)
  13. oh razzi soo slow welcome to the forum! you'll see a few of us around facebook and the forum and some of us are locals (altona meadows dawg and vic betta crew) have fun browsing theres plenty of good advice sometimes you just need to do some searching as the forums been around a few years and plenty of spawns logs. plus the classifieds section
  14. Squishy Cherry on Anubias Tending the nest Kobe: super delta betta splenden Angels breeding and thats the ten shortlisted photos
  15. Shortlist is up! http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/LodoBetta/library/AUSAQUA%20PHOTOCOMP%202013?sort=3&page=1 Excuse me as ill need to post the photos in small groups so may take a little while. Voting will be via the poll on this thread. Any ausaqua forum member can vote! after the voting closes i'll update the photos with who submitted each photo and the other entrants as well happy voting All the fish are brown Fluorescence Ruby Flame Macrostoma sparring Hello
  16. Right slackers It's the final countdown <br/><br/>
  17. Did you say sydney....Come to SSS for the xmas break up tomorrow!!! me and James will gladly talk to you about everything fish!!! Cheap sand: playsand or bunnings has ok sand just be sure to check parameters as some will take longer to cycle than others Driftwood and plants we have wholesale accounts so we are cheaper than live fish etc id suggest Mekong river wood If your gonna use lots of small pieces or gold vine if your after one big branchy tree feature piece What you actually choose to use substrate wise and plant wise will depend on things like your lighting, any co2 (I'd stay steer clear of the co2 for now) and what you want it to look like. Hopefully that helps a touch but seriously come to SSS at labyrinth tomorrow for a chat everyone's friendly enough and we are up from Melbourne for it ;)
  18. Yo diggidy dawgs Entries are due this sundayyyyyyyyyyy I
  19. There not an allowable import that being said a few people do have some
  20. Congrats we will definitely be sending up some wilds for the smp atleast
  21. yah stunning. found the answer to your q Serkan answered it on another forum when i asked a few months ago "Currently on the allowable import list we only have Aphyosemion (which within it encompasses genera Fundulopanchax, Chromaphyosemion, Mesoaphyosemion, Roloffia etc.), Epiplatys and the Asian genus Aplocheilus. The Eurasian genus Aphanius, South American Rivulus and all the peat spawning genera from there (Simpsonichthys etc.), and the African peat spawning genus Nothobranchius are not on the allowable import list. I would imagine for the Rivulus it is just a case that no one tried to put it on the allowable import list as it occupies the same niche as Aphyosemion in Africa, but it just happens to be from South America."
  22. Serkan,killiguy or David would be best from memory nothobranchius are the main no no killi but some people In aus do have them. Epiplatys and aphyosemion are both allowed the main thing is availability/sourcing species can sometimes be hard especially since most of our fish inports come from south east Asia
  23. maddzvk

    Hi everyone

    welcome to the forum! plenty of info on here and help if you neeed it. have an explore and i'm sure you'll find everyone is super nice
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