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Posts posted by maddzvk

  1. Victoria Betta website. And their facebook page.

    Defs visit holger he's absolutely lovely and keeps some awesome fish. If you head to the coast same thing goes for jaylee of course :)

    It's in Melbourne but its open to anyone who wants to attend and all the international and some local entrants get auctioned off so there's some great fish and we will be trying to make the auction interstate friendly :)

    • Like 1
  2. There's a fair few of us from Melbourne so plenty of help ioth locally and through the forum like the lively brenton

    There is a local club vic Betta they are hosting and inter.national show in may so if your free head on down to that :)

    Otherwise have a peruse around the forum ask some questions and everyone will be as helpful a

  3. You can possibly get in touch with serkan he keeps a lot of killifish but also has some wild bettas and plenty of knowledge plus local hobbiests he can point you too

    Also Holger at second nature aquariums I know its orange not Canberra buts he's a lovely fella and all his anks are inspirational To visit

    And yes plenty if people on here are happy to ship fish :)

    ( also keep your eyes peeled in may for the Vic beta inc show fish :))

    • Like 1
  4. Usually we just .say where we are from what fish or tanks we keep and how we got in to the hobby :)

    Intros are really just to make sure you aren't a spam bot once you post in the forum you really get to know everyone much more anyway and thoer interests :)

  5. welcome :) most of us are active on the facebook page too.
    i'm a fan on the gene pool.
    that's where we make our spawnlogs so we can easily track ages, sizes and pictures of our own spawns :)

  6. Yeah I always opt to fatten up and do a big feed of something like live blackworms before I go so they can nibble on them. Betta can survive up to several weeks with no food anyway. I've read of fish lost in the post for six weeks but still alive and bloated fish being starved for four weeks so ten days in the scheme of things isn't too hard on a healthy Betta

    Holiday blocks risks fouling water quality and id prefer a hungry Betta to a dead Betta

  7. yes do what brenton suggested!
    the ibc show is going to be fantastic and all international entrants (and some local entrants) are auctioned off so plenty of amazing fish will be up for grabs!

  8. check out the other two topics as well. especially 'breeding dumbos'
    i spoke to a few americans about their lines of enlarged pectoralled fish as well
    even extravagent bettas guys over a year ago i asked and they were the ones who said they had 14 sellable fry though most of them were assymetrical in colour if not size (didnt make them reconsider continuing dumbo to dumbo breeding though so not too severe).
    anyway theres much more info available now than when i posted this over a year ago :) (including an ibc standard(trial standard))

  9. someone or les are probably some of the best people to ask about this
    it's something ive wondered for a little while to but i really hard to find info on
    colours are much easier to find definitions/info/genetics for than form trait but oh well
    i think youll find you can find vague definitions or specifications
    but anything like standards usually require you to be a member of a guppy specific forum/organisation (eg IFGA)

    here's some early definitions on some traits i come across though

    RREA (Real Red Eye Albino) : There are two types of red eye colors for Guppies. Red wine color red eye type is called Albino eye. The clear pink color eye is called Real Red Eye Albino, RREA

    This is a high dorsal line most famous in ASIA like Thailand but will not pass in IFGA standards.

    male with a basic round caudal, that has an extended flag dorsal fin. It could also probably be described as an IFGA swordtail without the sword.

    and some good links


    international fancy guppy association (has a show standard and extensive library for members)
    might help but i think you need to join to access most of the things which may be useful... :/

    guppy specific forum

  10. back when we had guppies we found the fry are too prone to stress from sudden changes in tanks.
    Thats why people use breeding nets and remove the mother.
    the fry can grow in the net protected from predators without the stress of changes.
    when ever we tried moving fry over early on such as the week of birth more often than not we'd find them dead that night. (that was just standard lfs gupies though)
    im a bigger fan of moving parents out if possible otherwise once they are a few weeks old or just under a cm they can handle it (endlers also seem more resilient) . accidently scooped a tiny bugger out and left him in a cup unheated for 3-4 days no problem.

  11. i believe most fancy lines breed pure as the effort is put to seperate them. throughout thier lifespan. eg the fish chick ones ar ekept seperate no sorority or mixed guppy tanks like the LFS. i know the offspring ive seen from someone lea trios carry all thier parents traits pure. :)

  12. dont over complicate it. ;)
    plenty of sponges cheaper than aqua-ones especially if you buy a few (plus no postage when its local )
    we mostly run the XY sponges no problems. as for biological function i wont lie we mostly use them to prevent having tanks of stagnant water.
    plants and water changes remove more ammonia than most filters
    good bacteria is on everything in your tanks, plants, rocks, driftwood and your sponge of course and water changes shouldnt affect it dramatically.
    make sure every few weeks you do give the sponge a good squeeze and rinse though :)
    if your concerned re: water changes, you can always test it. gradually increase the water your changing and look for signs of stress in the fish after each increase till you find a level you and the fish agree on :)

  13. im not sure if emersed leaves will help with all algea blooms
    they will survive though we have some emersed leaves in our pallifina tank no problem
    you can spot dose with flourish excel for black beard algea.
    use a syringe or eye dropper right up on the spots affected and it will begin to die off in a few days :)
    also maybe look at your photo period (amount of light on tank) as this is a leading cause of algea blooms and fixing the cause is better than treating the symptoms

    • Like 1
  14. Hi sarah,
    welcome to the forum! we hope you love bettas.
    apple has some really nice coolour to him :)
    also as you look around you'll see some of us do keep bettas with other fish.
    Including sorority tanks of female bettas, wild betta species can be maintained in group, and even lone males can be kept with most tetra or cory species no issue (though there are exceptions)

  15. hi krystie
    the image size is fine :)
    the fish look lovely cant wait to see some more.
    alot of us dabble in other fish.
    were gonna get a few of the show grade guppies after we move so we can compare pics of sexy sexy guppies :P
    (currently only have endlers but i actually bought my first breeding tank with guppy fry )

  16. long intros are good! means we know more about you.
    i spose after goldfish 13L seems tiny but for a betta that's actually quite a nice tank size though :)
    definately better than what 99% of shops keep them in
    if he is a bit sick salt and regular water changes will always help and the swimming room as well will help keep water quality better for longer and will also give him some space to exercise his fins and things swimming :)
    plenty of infos around here and plenty of fish as well :)
    good luck

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