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Posts posted by maddzvk

  1. His tank looks lovely!!!

    i'd agree with jaylee
    colouration is salamander.
    Salamander is a mostly red betta with white trim and iridescence (blue/green) on top of the body which can make it look purple-y (ness/melbourne betta had some fantastic salamander spawns a while ago speaking of fish eye candy http://www.victoriabetta.com/salamander-spawns.html)

    dumbo/elephant ear/enlarged pectorals means that his pectoral fins or 'ears' are about half the length of his body (normal sized pectorals are closer to 1/4)

    as for the finnage (since you mentioned his short tail) it's cause he's a plakat or short finned betta male :)

    so you have a salamander dumbo plakat male :)

  2. the diy sounds interesting consider making a thread and evaluating it??? :fish:

    with the pH id be looking at the substrate
    if higher ph is an issue you can swap for a proven inert base or a pH lowering base like aquasoils.
    you could also add peat (in a stocking if you hate the mess) to lower pH a bit,
    ph uppers and downers can cause swings so we usually avoid them.
    pH of 7.5 isnt too bad for guppies though as long as its stable a slightly high pH causes less issues than a fluctuating pH and guppies do like harder water than bettas anyway. :yes:

  3. I reset my password like 4 times in a row cause i kept forgetting my log in.

    BUT I am back sort of..

    i really want to find my camera too...but im not even sure which house its at :dontknow:

    i knew youd be on to it but i thought id chuck in the reminder.
    i'll also note alot of the ctpks ive seen havent been very consistant with webbing reduction across the three fins so thats another thing to look at in the next generation as they grow up :):ctpk:

  4. welcome to the group :)
    where abouts are you from?
    sounds like you have a good start and knowledge to fish keeping hopefully you enjoy the forum.
    i'd love to see some more guppy threads going around :)

  5. there are some amazing guppies in WA.
    i had the pleasure of visiting Les in WA earlier this year and hands down aquotix has the best guppies ive ever seen in a shop (locally bred from imported lines). i'm actually intending to get some from the breeder later this year :)

  6. some beautiful ladies BT!!!
    I have your pair conditioning as we speak theyve been fed up for about a month (ive been busy) but next week they should be having a spawning sesh for me to brag about :P
    anyway i agree definately look for some square anal fins they are a good way of judging plakat.
    I also agree with your guesses although the last one is very hard cause im struggling to see its fins ;)

    but also make sure you are looking at the fish as a whole as well as the anal.
    I know sometimes i tend to look for a trait (you know, copper, short anal fin in longfinned fish, big wide dorsal etc) and ignore other things (dippy top lines, small based dorsals, wash, split ventrals etc) and constantly need to reign myself and say hold up COLOUR AND FORM and form is more than just one fin so definately weigh up each perspective breeder for traits besides the squarest anal.
    hope that makes sense and best of luck (although i seem to recall you have an F2 from this line already :D) !!!

  7. Hi Eric,
    welcome to the group
    what bettas are you keeping right now?
    apologies if I repeat something BT or Razzi has already mentioned.
    With all heaters they have thermostats. if the water around the heater is warm it turns of. if you dont have a filter or bubbler near the heater then its possible around the heater is warm and thats it, so it could one a circulating problem.
    The other thing is when selecting heater sizes theres a few variables to consider the first (and a big one is volume) but the other things is how hard it has to work. so for example if your heating a tank in your house which stays moderately warm the heater only has to heat a few degress.
    If you had your tank outdoors though where the temperature isnt as controlled youur heater could have to heat 30+ degrees on a cold winter night!!!!
    The last possibility is some heaters dont work ive bought heaters from arguably one of the most trustworthy and well known shops in melbourne and it hasnt even worked straight from the packet. May be worth seeing if you could exchange it or if there is a warranty on it.
    last thing is if nothing helps and you need a new heater consider and under tank heat matt or cord like razzi suggested. the heated water rises so the tank maintains a nice temperature with out needing the circulation in tank as much.
    Hope some of that helps :)

  8. haha sometimes we take a while. i have this affliction of checking the forum on my phone yet only being logged in on the laptop.

    we go through periods where everyones active though.

    and periods where its slow and Brenton and Ashlea talk to themselves mostly :P
    lovely shrimp. im hoping once my tanks are settled i may take the leap into more than crystals :P
    remember there is a melbourne shrimp meeting next weekend!!!!!

  9. hey BT.
    I dont think its got red genetics (well red wash or underlay) i think its just a copper. in a normal fish like ness's they will flassh purple, blue ,yellow, brown depending on the light and angles viewed. i think the dragon just changes these colours a little in this case pinker/lilac-y but thats from my keeping and intense love of all things copper and blingy :P

    his fins are really really nice and i like his full mask
    The colouration makes me think hes got quite heavy dragon genes too
    (thicker scaling and also how the colour is more white rather than the normal copper bronze(as demopnstrated in this photo by melbourne betta of one of her stunning copper halfmoons 9706463_orig.jpg)
    hes definately an great looking fish though

    **SUBTLE PLUG***
    check out your local betta club cause i wouldn't hesitate entering him in a show :)

  11. welcome to the forum ash,
    have a look around hopefully you like it.
    There are alot of topics on here so plenty of info and pretty fish pictures (i drool every time go through one of 'melbourne bettas' spawn logs)
    will see your round the forum :)

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