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Everything posted by maddzvk

  1. We have a community tank planted plenty of hiding spots has ghost knife,female fighters, neon Tetras and hockeystick Tetras in it and some bristlenose. anyway we've had one or two Tetras who are missing an eye. weve also had a hockey stick who wound up dead missing both of his. tried to take some photoes a bit hard since there so fast and shiny. tetra on right is missing an eye Same tetra swimming along anyway any idea what fish is doing this my partner is convinced its the ghost knife and wants to get rid of it but there so fun to have :(
  2. We take time to think ofna reply sometimes welcome to the forum enjoy looking at all the lovely fish on here. Hope snudge enjoys his new home and you talk the hubby around to getting him a friend or ten Since your in Brisbane look into fish chick for super good bettas and guppies or you have the Betta Australia group which is good if you can get along to there meetings imnsire you'll meet some lovely people good luck with your fish keeping
  3. maddzvk


    Youre in the right place then and in for a treat if you didn't do so last weekend venture down to the next Vic Betta meet in June To meet some fellow fish fanatics and some pretty bettas there's also the EDAS auction coming up incase you wanted to get some plants/equipment/food/fish (i read Melbourne and u wad like yes local fish fan)
  4. Sara already has a photo of one of her fish up he won third place for halfmoons in the last Vic Betta meet
  5. maddzvk


    Haha I find spawn logs on here are the worst the parents are so good looking and the Kids are so cute and so cheap compared to aquabid(after import costs etc aquabid can be very pricey) and a lot are local. NSW has a bustling Betta scene :)
  6. maddzvk


    Give it time you'll MAKE the desk space. yeah the genetics are quite full on especially since you've got form and colour to try figure out my head melts when they start adding in irids, opaques and metallics for colours but ill get there one day... there's some amazing fish out there just you wait you'll start looking around on here and realize you want every fish there's a picture of pretty much :P
  7. maddzvk


    taenna where abouts are you located? I studied biomed as well and its probably one of the reasons i enjoy bettas so much. wait till you see some of the ones around they are spectacular :)
  8. haven't seen one of these but is defs interesting thanks for the share :)
  9. damn snails are mighty good at cleaning tanks if you have a light use it less/take it away from a window if its in sunlight a lot also clean water/tank as well as you can and if you want you can always try algeafix or something similar
  10. Cograts on the new shop danielle!
  11. hey trada i've seen some of your fish on the facebook group (i think youve spoken to my partner james a few times) anyway they are lovely fish. cant wait to see more of them! hope you enjoy ausaqua
  12. maddzvk


    yeah if you have a good light the plants will just go crazy we had a rather bare looking tank and within the space of 2-3 weeks we are trying to figure out what we can do with all our extra plant just cause it all shot up so much so fast. i love black ghost knives we have two small ones (15cm). they crack me up whenever they explore the tank. sorry bout the troubles with your reef aquarium hopefully it fixes up and you dont have any more losses. welcome to the group everyone is absolutely lovely on here :)
  13. Victorian Betta has a website alternatively hassle ness (melbournebetta on here) cause she organises it i believe also on the Victoria Betta website it has a brief intro to tail types and colours all the fish you posted were pretty accurately described both type and colour wise I'm a fan of plakats even though they are more aggressive their colours just seem to be so much more wow. (in fact that marroon/white dumbo you posted we have an almost identically coloured Halfmoon plakat) as for tanks/storage since bettas are from more tropical regions (thailand) they do much better in warmer water (around 24 roughly) so for melbourne weather especially winter you may need to consider heating also for permanent homes they may need larger than 1L in the short term they can stay in them but they are much happier in larger tanks (at least a few L) it may be easier and happier for the fish to consider dividing a tank up so each fish has a larger quantity of water that is filtered and heated more regularly than just by the water change sorry for the long reply There's plenty of help available on this forum and good luck with your fish :)
  14. there is a victorian betta club that meets in clifton hill (melbourne) every 3 months roughly. Ness is in charge of it but hopefully they will have a meeting soonish. in which case i hear its a fantastic place to meet other local betta enthusiasts. any idea what color or type of betta you are after theres plenty around. :)
  15. also just randomly when they were in this setup it wasnt just males in the barracks it was all the fighter babies females and males mixed up and just whilst they were young/finding new homes new setup is much better.
  16. until you found some lovely red HM on here who arrived and you are now in love with. yay for new fish :)
  17. theres a list on here of who has live food for sale(under classifieds) check that out maybe. betta's are lovely fish they are so exciting (and addictive) and breeding is really interesting. good luck!
  18. Hi, im new here, my partner recently joined up and has encouraged me to get on this site as well. we have a few fish, betta's, tetras, ghostknives, catfish. and breed some bettas occasionally
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