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Posts posted by maddzvk

  1. It seems like the industry is taking this a little more seriously and banding together a bit. They should have done that to start off with. Now they have a year to prove that the science supporting batch testing isn't all that sound.

    ​Does anyone know how much is being done??? I feel like the delay happened and it went quiet and now i'm wondering if in 6 months it will be back to fishkeeping doomsday cause everyone sat on there heels and breathed a sigh of relief and promptly forgot it was a postponement .
    hopefully there's some research being carried out which will be able to provide an alternative to batch testing and the high kill rate needed.

  2. the mustard gas and the butterfly are pretty nice.


    Id also say they are both halfmoons
    i dont think they are particularly rosetailed.
    the finnage has a few over laps but overall the edges are clean and even and finnage looks pretty good lengthwise :)
    rosetail/feathertail when bred alot tends towards scalloped edges and the anal tends to be short and anal super long which can look super unbalanced.
    your boys dont display them traits though :)
    id just say they are quite well finned

  3. funnily enough exotic aquatic is just that THE AUSTRALIAN ADA GALLERY its a very high honour ^_^
    he usually does have some for sale on the little water fall tanks on the left hand side when you enter the store. maybe hes out of stock at the moment

    I would thoroughly suggest having a look at liverpool creek aquarium. they have a great range of plants(some quite hard to find elsewhere) and alot of information available in the item descrition regarding conditions and difficulty etc. http://www.liverpoolcreekaquariums.com/store/c18/Mosses%2FLiverwort.html
    otherwise Subscape would be the other go to place for interesting plants :)"

    Steer clear of java, subwassertang and riccia. They are very hard to tame and maintain especially long term and tend to work thier way out from your tying <_< .
    look into fissidans, pellia and rose moss (they all grow small leaved and compact and will grow and climb over the surface rather than out from it)
    you could also try mini bolbitis. depend swhat look you were going for i spose :)

    Best of luck!

  4. Just sharing some of our endler guppy hybruids.
    tehy are really hard to photograph and theres so many names its a bit confusing but im planning to do a bit more research on patterns and colour genetics so maybe that will tidy it up a bit :P

    Pink platinums also sometimes called a blonde scarlet..
    I got these from a breeder in queensland the first lot of fry were hybridised with gold leaopard which resulted in a fair few neon oranges or 'pink' leopards. cute but not what i was going for. so a melbournite has the offspring. theyve recently dropped new fry though which should be more like the parents as the parents have been seperated from any otehr fish (besides cories) for 4 montsh now.

    This is ayoung male same strain the red layer comes in first the blonde or platinum over lay which makes them appear the baby pink/fairy floss colour comes in later

    Hybrid gold patterns. we have a mix of tigers, leopards and snakeskins.

    Neon tuxedos.
    chest is one colour, back half is black like there in some groovy orange and black tux.

    Japanese blues.
    this isnt my photo of them but they are my newest strain from a different queensland breeder :) i adore them

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  5. theres some one in WA that breeds amazing guppies.
    we visited earlier this year and aquatix in perth has fantastic guppies that are all locally bred in WA from someone aquatic stock.
    if les jumps on soon hes also a westerner :P

    yeah i think it would be handy. even i have a pane of glass from a baracks i want to split for my grindal cultures but havent got around into looking how to cut glass :P

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