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ineke last won the day on April 22 2015

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About ineke

  • Birthday 11/24/1954

Profile Information

  • Status
  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas
  • Interests
    Shrimp keeping Betta keeping, dogs, 4wd

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Welcome Fatbetta. Nice to see another SA member.
  2. Hi Brenton, Yes that would be me! The Lavender's are just something to aim for - I really just want to learn as much as I can and have a go at breeding. If I get it right and have some success then I will try to get the Lavenders but in the mean time I will be looking to get one pair or a trio of whatever is available at the time. I have 2 tanks setup already for my fish-just letting them cycle and have spare tanks ready to setup for breeding and of course a few grow out tanks supposing I am lucky enough to even get any fry. I am just looking up about live food and will try to source some local microworms plus try my hand at BBS. I will look you up on facebook . Cheers Ineke
  3. Hi All, I don't have any Bettas at the moment -I have kept some in the past but got swept up with Shrimp keeping fever and gave them away. I have a shrimp specific room in the house and have a few spare tanks that keep beckoning to me to fill so thought I would like to have a try at one spawning of Bettas. -Yes I know famous last words- one is never enough. However I would be classed as a novice in regards to Bettas so have a lot to learn. I am having trouble finding breeders in SA so thought joining your group may help with introductions. I would love to have some lavender jumbo ear halfmoon plakats- have I got that right or is it dumbo ears???? Any way whether I will be able to get some of these is yet to be seen -it may come to getting whatever is available at the time. At this stage I won't be trying to get show stock or entering shows - do we have them in SA ? - this is just to add to my shrimp keeping hobby to give me something else to look after as I am now retired and have plenty of time. Cheers Ineke
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