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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. It looks like fin damage to me, not genetic. I successfully spawned a giant PK with a (large) regular HM female once. I think the technical name for his colour is "orange" but I agree that he is in reality apricot (or peach, if you prefer).
  2. isn't exactly complimentary! But it's about the snails, not the shrimp.
  3. *cough* we're not allowed to critique aquabid fish. Snails, I can probably live with a little critique of :D
  4. I am not, and do not purport to be, an expert in the allowable import list. Nor do I purport to know the minutiae of various state-based legislation regarding legal and illegal fish and plants. However, to the extent that I do know something is in fact noxious or not a legal import, I'm not willing to allow AAQ to be used for the sale/exchange/trade or attempted (illegal) importation of such items. Such posts will be locked with a public explanation, and they may also deleted at the moderators' discretion. I would appreciate everyone's co-operation on this. Thanks guys.
  5. Hi Julie! Sorry for the delay :D
  6. I love the contrast between the red and green in the shrimp picture.
  7. sounds like an issue with your cookies or other computer settings, not the forum. There are older threads in the feedback forum about the same issue. I don't know how to fix it (just because I pay for a forum doesn't make me computer literate, lol) but someone else did. http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtop...mp;#entry103657 useful?
  8. I am going to just remove signatures that don't comply, PM people to let them know and refer them to this thread. I hope you all understand, but we have gone from 4 admins to 1 and I am just one person, and am simplifying my life so have to run a tight ship in here! Good on you, guys :P
  9. some people think that the bloodworms have hooks that can damage the betta's stomach. I haven't had that issue personally, but that is the perception. freeze dried blackworms seem to me to be the perfect food for bettas. If you were willing to culture live grindal worms, they are also excellent food. Just remember a betta's stomach is only as large as its eye and DON'T overfeed.
  10. Like I mentioned in the classifieds post on the same topic, regrettably, I can't allow AAQ to be used for trading in noxious weeds. Again, my apologies!! Please try and understand my position.
  11. It looks great! What substrate did you end up using for the Grindals?
  12. No worries, and thank you Wayne . You'd all be surprised the number of times in the past I have had PM's demanding that someone's "freedom of speech" be respected/reinstated. Last time I looked outside this was AUSTRALIA, and we're not a state of the US (yet). We have no constitutional right to "freedom of speech" and if people don't like how my place rolls, they can go play in a different sandpit :lookaround:
  13. Chuckie


    thank god it doesn't effect humans the same way.
  14. Chuckie


    LOL!!! I am sure he was just going to poop anyway. 20 minutes flaring exercise a day is actually recommended for bettas (
  15. OK, I have had to do a bit of editing lately and also add a few more bad-word filters, so it's time for a reminder: Thanks for your cooperation, peeps! Love ya's all :D
  16. Chuckie


    Welcome Caroline, and we would love to see photos/film of your betta when you get a chance :)
  17. these questions and answers are awesome. I have pinned the topic :)
  18. It looks fantastic Wayne! And I think it's fine as it is, to be honest. The only thing I would suggest is a solid dark coloured backing on the tank to really make the fishes' colours pop.
  19. BBG thread
  20. Chuckie


    I love plakats, and white clouds Welcome! :)
  21. Chuckie

    from melbourne

    Good luck in your quest. Go forth with full access :)
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