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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. I love the buzz you get from new community tank fish <_<
  2. I won a bag of endlers in the SKG raffle tonight, bred by Brad. Looking forward to seeing what happens with them I hope Phil sees this - he will laugh at me for getting guppies :(
  3. they are gorgeous pics, the colours are so dense!
  4. That's it Flip, I am sending the RSPCW around to your place!
  5. In terms of what you need, I suggest a demister on the right tank so we can see it better! Just kidding. My mind's eye seems to want to see something tall and pyramid-like in the right back corner. Not a pyramid, just something in that general shape, drawing the eye upwards rather than all the action being at ground level. Hope that helps! Dumb shrimp newbie question: will RCS and CRS cross-breed? I assumed they were the same genus, but they're not. I love your lush java moss! How many hours a day is the light on, and does DIY C02 run 24/7?
  6. hey paul, what's that cool backing soundtrack you added to that one? It really enhances the footage! It's amazing how much better metllics look when you can see them moving!
  7. wild betta splendens are still aggressive, but there are other species of bettas you could consider Have at look at the info on the IBC site about wild species :D
  8. Hi, welcome to AAQ Maybe you could consider wild bettas? They don't have to be kept alone, and culling for aesthetic reasons isn't an issue :applaud:
  9. Ok .... did something prompt the question? If they are all living harmoniously, why make any changes at all?
  10. Good idea, paul! See if you can get footage of the dragons/metallics - it does them justice a bit better than still photos. Fishchick65 has lots of good video on her YouTube page :applaud:
  11. Labeotropheus Trewavasae are mbuna - Lake Malawi cichlids. Think 'freshwater reef fish'. They are from very hard alkaline rift lake environments in Africa. A quick google search reveals that they are universally regarded as "aggressive." Most hobbyists heavily stock (and heavily filter) African cichlid tanks (with African cichlids, not community fish) to spread aggressive behaviour. I would have thought they were totally incompatible with Angelfish (being South American cichlids, with totally different behaviour/dominance patterns and water requirements). Most of the other fish sound incompatible with mbuna to me as well. While several can be aggressive, (eg angels, red tails), again, they have different behaviour patterns. To be honest, this sounds like it is going to end up being a really unrelaxing tank with lots of fish that chase and try to bully each other. I don't like the glass catfish's or bumblebee's chances. Having said all that, I prefer Lake Tanganyika cichlids and so don't profess to be an expert on Malawis.
  12. You did it! You did it!! He is a pretty boy :)
  13. There is a link on the left in "My Controls" called "change personal photo".
  14. blbl = steel. *noted* Thanks paul, I have updated the blue betta genetics pinned topic with that info
  15. You can do this via "My Controls". Thank you for your co-operation.
  16. copper = a steel fish with 2x metallic modifier. I haven't totally worked out the relationship between copper and gold, except that it's my understanding that : a copper fish is a dark bodied fish with spread iridescence (ie it is genetically iridescent blue - specifically, steel - with 2x metallic modifier) a gold betta has the cambodian (light bodied) gene, and the gene for spread iridescence, AND 2x metallic modifier. a platinum fish has 2x the opaque (pastel) gene over a light body (ie it is a cambodian fish with ... 'extra opacity' ). Forgive my poor utlisation of the genetic terminology. And I am assuming that opaque and metallic are slightly different, but I may be wrong about that (this is becoming a profoundly unhelpful post.... !) I also think I understand that cambodian (light body) is recessive, so it is possible that your copper male is carrying a recessive cambodian gene, so if you paired him with a female with the same genotype (or a gold female) you would get gold bettas and either copper or teal in the offspring. I can't remember what the genotype of 'teal' is except that I think rather than being steel + metallic (ie copper) it is royal blue + metallic. But it could be turquoise + metallic ... sorry. If I remember I will go look it up and come back. *edit: it is the royal blue equivalent of copper, ie royal blue + 2x metallic modifier I don't know what blbl is supposed to represent.
  17. it's nothing to do with protein. Just don't overfeed them in terms of quantity, period. They'd never come across a dollop of wriggling blackworms as big as your thumbnail in the wild, and even if they did, they would have to share them!
  18. I have some in my fishroom that grows without any illumination apart from what comes into the room from the window, and some that doesn't do much of anything in the same room, very next tank! I think it's just finnicky. Could be a pH issue but I don't test pH.
  19. :D Please, help save me from my obsession! I know what you mean.
  20. I have all my grindals in soilless cultures now. I cannot speak highly enough of this method. I use either layers of (not soap impregnated) green scourers - No Frills brand is great - or layers of chux superwipes (or no-name brand equivalent) in a plastic lunchbox. I have also bought some needlepoint plastic and put that on top of the culture, with kitten kibble on top. It is so simple to then just rinse the worms from the surface into some water for distribution with a baster, around 24 hours later when they have swarmed all over the surface.
  21. Hope you've had a great day! :(
  22. The 'Quote' buttons quote and allows for multiple quotes. The 'Fast Reply' and the 'Add Reply' buttons at the bottom of the screen don't automatically add quotes. It usually isn't necessary to quote the last post before yours in its entirety when you're posting a reply. Doing so makes the threads unnecessarily long, and for people on dial-up or who have been shaped, the fewer pages that need to load, the better. If there is a specific aspect of another post you need to quote please select that part only, and quote it in your reply. If your post speaks for itself, please don't quote the post or posts before it. If quotes are unnecessarily included in posts, the posts may be edited OR DELETED to save on space and thread length. Thanks for your co-operation :(
  23. Hopefully it will fuse back together. Drop round next time you're in Sydney Paul, I have plenty of IAL on hand.
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