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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. I am getting inclined to the view that an interest in the importation of garra rufa for commercial use falls outside the parameters of hobbyist interest, which is what this forum is for. This matter is currently under advisement. If all you want to say in your intro is that you're interested in Blade importing these fish so they can eat diseased skin off some people - a concept I find to be of dubious hygienic value to begin with - I'm not sure why you need your membership approved anyway.... Comments?
  2. Goldfish are the labradors of aquaria. You have to tell them when to stop! :)
  3. Wayne, you are an amazing font of information! I had never heard of Hydrilla.
  4. maybe an "elodea-like" plant, as elodea is illegal here now... :)
  5. and the cardinal rule (IMO): don't let her overfeed them. The less you feed, the less ammonia, and in turn the less nitrate. Assume a fish's stomach is as big as its eye and only feed as much as it would take to fill its eye (yep, not much) once a day or every 2 days (no, it isn't cruel - the fish will thank you for it by improved health and vitality. "Controlled starvation" has been proven to extend the lifespan of many organisms).
  6. Danios! Get danios. And hi!
  7. bump - someone was looking for this stuff the other day. Hopefully the links still work.
  8. you need virgin females from a defined strain to line breed guppies. They store sperm for ages, so will keep dropping any fry they were impregnated with by whatever random males were in the vicinity, otherwise. Jodi-Lea (fishchick) is an excellent source of excellent guppies.
  9. This is not an uncommon way of housing bettas, and it's not cruel if their space and water changes are adequate. Many of us have jarred individual bettas this way for quite some time, especially juveniles until they are big enough to move on. It helps avoid transmission of disease for bettas not to share water, too. I am impressed that the guy realised that having them in a heated tank was necessary!! (Assuming he meant 'float the jars in the tank, with the heater running').
  10. No worries. Sorry, was in a rush before. Nice to have you here :(
  11. you need a minimum post count before seeing certain forums.
  12. :) snails do not necessarily = bad. If you want to breed bettas, IMO snails = fundamental. But Yan did have a frustrating time with hers recently! Whether you want snails or not, other undesirables can arrive on plants (diseases, parasites) so it is a good idea to rinse them beforehand. I think some people recommend a weak bleach solution but I don't know what it is.
  13. easy (not necessarily cheap) plants for bettas tanks are java fern, java moss, and anubias (not anubis - he is a god). All will grow attached to driftwood or stone so are easy to move around, and are tolerant of low light. hornwart is also good, and just floats like a soft green mass in the tank (ie, you don't plant it). They don't need CO2. Carpet plants are not so good unless you have more light. I am not that well up on high light plants so will defer to the opinions of others. Higher light can only be utilised effectively by plants with adequate CO2.
  14. Looks like he MIGHT be one of Shemma's fish ... and he's close by Fountain Gate, if Google Maps can be trusted. Lovely, like all his fish *lol*
  15. ahh bladderwort, you disguise your evil so prettily...
  16. Not so! Especially in a divided tank. But I suppose you have to do as they say Apart from getting algae on what you have suggested doing, it doesn't sound like a bad idea. You'd need a 'frame' of some sort stuck over the edges of the mesh to ensure it stayed stuck down neatly. The males will be able to see each other through the mesh, though.
  17. waxing is so 2009. IPL is the go these days. :dontknow:
  18. I really think you have to keep the shrimp on their own, without fish. That's what I do :dontknow:
  19. when can you post photos? :dontknow:
  20. Hi Des, Welcome! I checked your settings and you should have access elsewhere on the forum. Let me know if you're still having trouble. There are some threads in the Feedback & tech Support forum that might help you with the error message you were getting. I suspect that the male bettas may have had velvet. Do you still have any? If so, are they droopy as well? DO they look like they're coated in yellow dust if you shine a light on them? IMO Protozin is the best treatment for velvet (if that is what it is), but multicure/white spot cure should also work.
  21. Kandee, you can do a google images search for pictures of just about anything, I think its a fantastic resource. Image search result for endlers livebearer: http://images.google.com.au/images?hl=en&a...er&gs_rfai= Endler's guppy: http://images.google.com.au/images?hl=en&a...ai=&start=0 <_<
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