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Hon. Life Member
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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. Welcome back! I am in the midst of a 2 year hiatus Still love that copper black male of yours.
  2. sorry Shaun, for some reason your topic was approved but your permissions didn't update. I have fixed it now.
  3. There is a sticky about this, hope it helps. http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2403
  4. I haven't had a lot of time to spend here lately but have recently noticed a few photos being posted that appear not to have been taken by the poster, without an acknowledgement of the photo being used with permission. I haven't had time to investigate every individual image so when posting someone else's image, if you could please post that the photo is used with permission (if it is) or provide a link instead (if you don't have permission) I would be obliged! Thank you! :bighug:
  5. :alright: you do know we're largely at work right, Matt? :giggle:
  6. You need to make an intro post of your own, rather than replying to someone else's. Unless you have posted an intro and had your permissions changed by the admins, nothing you post will be visible. :alright:
  7. Just a reminder folks - please ensure your signatures comply. Thank you!
  8. There are very good historical reasons why we limit access to certain forums. It is a great shame that we had to do it. This is currently under review.
  9. Hi Jax! You're still a member - it's the same AAQ, just with a different skin. Great to have you back. Let me know if you'd like the password on your old username reset :)
  10. Hi Shane! I used to live in Cheso, on McPhee St. :)
  11. I'd definitely be up for a LFS crawl, maybe we can combine that with the next SBG - ie, a morning LFS crawl and afternoon bbq/gathering. Or something. I actually don't have any more fish, though, and don't really plan on getting any so it would be a social thing for me (until I see all the fish I will inevitably end up buying...). I don't have to be the boss of the LFS crawl BTW - happy for someone else to run with the idea. As you all will have seen, I don;t have a lot of time on my hands lately so would not be a lot of use in getting this organised. @ FlameDragon, Where in NW Tas are you? I love that part of Australia and keep going back, but I have wondered how I would cope with actually living there. without a Westfield or similar somewhere within my vicinity! It's great that Tassie doesn't have that sort of monstrosity at every corner, but at the same time, it would be a big adjustment after having had it.
  12. St George, Auburn (LOL) and Aquaristic are my favourites. Auburn has really cool staff too ;)
  13. I can't believe this particular bit of history is repeating itself. The allegations extracted don't even seem to make any sense, but I am seeing them out of context, of course. I don't know which forum the other one is and I second the suggestion that people not get involved as that often just adds fuel to the fire. I realise that this may not be possible for you Jodi, as it's your reputation and livelihood being damaged and you are entitled to defend yourself! But I wouldn't give it any energy in a public sphere. You're well versed in how to deal with such behaviour (unfortunately) so I'll defer to the advice you've been given in the past. Honestly. If administrators want to go around banning people, why the 'name and shame' as well? I just don't see the need - as you will have noticed! I just came across this somewhat topical quote: Source: http://www.zgeek.com/content.php/1981-Lawyer-threatens-forum-with-Defamation-Lawsuit
  14. He's beautiful, I hope he holds the BF pattern.
  15. Chuckie

    Hi New Member

    please tell us a little something about yourself, eg the fish/tanks/plants/shrimp you keep, how long you've been in the hobby, etc.
  16. Hi again Matthew - if you can't reply in this thread, you can start a new one with some additional details. Sorry about this! It's certainly not that you're unwelcome - as the comments at the top of the board indicate, we had some awful problems with spam (and worse) a little while back so we really do need to have these arrangements in place. Thanks! Lisa
  17. Hi Matthew. Please tell us a little more about yourself eg the fish/tanks/plants/shrimp you keep, how long you've been in the hobby, etc.
  18. HI HI!! Glad you were able to get in We'll arrange another SBG soon - I am flat out with work and other things and I know the rest of the committee are too. And I'm going to be away until mid-Feb interstate, so we can't arrange anything til after that anyway. But hopefully we all can catch up again soon!
  19. I have some annulatus which don't seem to be interested in spawning at all, in the year or so since they arrived. That's it for killies for me ATM. I think I have some eggs in peat somewhere that I never got a chance to hatch (life is inconvenient sometimes!). One of these days I'll give them a try. You never know for sure how long a diapause can be... (I hope).
  20. Chuckie


    Serkan, do you want us to reset your KillieOrCory password so you can just log in as your original self? ;)
  21. Chuckie


    SERKAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
  22. Hi Matt. I love your planted tank!
  23. Ok, this has started happening again, so here's my annual(ish) friendly reminder :bighug:
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