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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. and it can vary from tub to tub! Also don't let it get too runny. I have found you can extend the life of a culture that gets runny by adding more media, but at the same time I try to use part of it to start a new culture too, just in case.
  2. ;) We can always order them form Pisces or somewhere
  3. what is the soil-less culture!!? Sounds interesting!
  4. I'm glad to find out that wheat flour has a nutritional purpose for something (even if it isn't human).
  5. weetbix gives me more worms than I need, so it'll do me. I always found oats turned to vomit! I tried baby cereal once. I might get some more and add it to the basic weetbix substrate, because as Cassi said it would have some additional nutrients in it (one would hope!).
  6. how do you know it is infusoria and not just bacteria?
  7. cool, that's how I pronounce it too. Wasn't sure if it was infuse-or-EE-a.
  8. I would love to hear how members have cultured infusoria. Also, how you all pronounce it!
  9. I am so glad you posted that! I was about to PM you and ask how they were going .
  10. thank god, cos I was editing Finley's post to try and include the images and it was doing my head in!!!
  11. sounds like a nice healthy culture though! :lol:
  12. fry take 3 days to consume their yolk sac, then when they swim vertically they start to eat. so if I was going to add infusoria it would probably be 3 days after they are wriggling, because any sooner and they may die before the fry can eat them (who knows?) and any later and the fry will hopefully have had other food and will be big enough that infusoria may not be a great deal of use to the,. But I have always relied on MW, VE and the internal infusoria population for first foods, rather than culturing it. Maybe someone else has actual experience re this?
  13. you put an ad in the classifieds "WTB microworm culture" :dontknow:
  14. You mean like Vegemite? That is a yeast extract. Try it and see what happens! It probably won't work because the yeast you put in the culture is supposed to be active, which it isn't in extract.
  15. wow, thanks! lol. A hint: just add a little, as too much protein really makes the culture reek and it can even go off entirely.
  16. sometimes I add spirulina powder of Tim Addis powdered food to the culture, which would usually be weetbix. It's a good idea to experiment with different cultures and find one that works for you.
  17. Wow, we have become rather popular in the last few weeks! It's great to have so many new people and fresh perspectives on board :) To keep those of us charged with administering the site sane, and so nobody feels singled out for not knowing 'the rules', it would be greatly appreciated if you could please take the time to quickly familiarise yourselves with the Board Rules Due to spammers, we now manually approve all Introduction topics. Once we have approved your topic you will added to the group "New Member" which will give you posting access to the other forums. Please be aware that it may take a few hours for an administrator to log in. Here are some other links to hopefully make your time here more pleasant, and to help you get an idea about who we are and where we're coming from: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1291 http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3246 http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3238 http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4321 Thanks guys! :)
  18. hey Mr Phil! Stop lurking and post something!

  19. yep, it came with XP. There is a programmed option that allows you to re-size to "website" size.
  20. I was actually just on my way in here to make a post about this. Please note that oversize images will be replaced by links to the images, at the discretion of the AusAqua Team. Thanks Lisa
  21. I assume that the method would be the same for FW - anyone know? I am SICK of brine at the moment!
  22. but .. vegemite is just yeast extract - and we add vegemite to the media traditionally used ... why the objection? And as for not being nutritious - surely we're all happy little Vegemites here! As bright as bright can be! It puts a rose in every cheek! :D
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