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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. I would say the male is a red cambodian butterfly with an opaque layer. The female is non-red cambodian (yellow) and she also appears to have an opaque layer. The female looks like what we were calling "palomino" a few years ago
  2. I have had a few croaking gouramis for months - since the 1st SBG in April, actually, because I remember they were in QT then. Anyway, today I removed the last of the evil krib problem children from the tank they're in, gave them a few round takeaway container lids on the surface and an IAL, and they're beginning to act like proper little anabantids. I am hoping that some bubble nesting will soon occur. They are such cute pies! Not as small as sparkling gouramis, but still really cute and interesting. Images Info Sounds like they breed exactly like bettas. I won't be lowering my tank to 8cm or removing anybody though! I'll just see if they spawn and watch what happens.
  3. Hey guys, if you have mites in your grindal worm culture (whether soli or not), Dallas Morgan mentioned at the SKG meeting on saturday night that lime juice is supposed to help repel them, but has no effect on the worms. I haven't had a chance to try it but thought the info's still useful to you guys! :)
  4. Yeah its happened to me too. But I make no claim of technical competence :lol:
  5. You've clicked something that has switched you to linear or outline view. On the top right there is a drop-downbox headed "Options". Click that and from the menu, select "standard".
  6. From 6pm at Castle Hill, NSW Details at www.sydneysplendens.org Email to RSVP and for address: sydneysplendens@gmail.com
  7. Thanks to the lovely members who reported the spam of the day today - you know who you are! B)
  8. Sorry about the particularly nasty post in the Critique forum earlier. we would have known about it sooner if one of the 3 people who viewed it had used the REPORT POST function. It's right there on the left next to "TOP" under avatars. Help us help you, guys!
  9. please don't comment on the spam. It just bumps it, which is only helpful to the spammer. Please use the Report Post function so we know it's there (as we cannot monitor 24 hours a day). Thank you to the people who did so.
  10. At Holsworthy NSW. Betta show, raffle, trading table, fishroom visit and more!
  11. To be held at the home of John Pye in Summer Hill.
  12. it's much more polite than what I was going to write, as all I could think of that rhymed was "pig", LOL! (no, I did not intend that to rhyme).
  13. BUMP. Come on people, why should Lissa have to keep policing this simple request? I have even shrunk my signature size If your sig is too big ... I can't really go anywhere inoffensive with that rhyme. But if your sig IS too big, fix it or lose it.
  14. See Lissa Mouse's instructions here http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4519 Also, you can: * Go to the YouTube video * Copy the "embed" data at the right side next to the video * Go back at AAQ and choose "insert special item" * From the drop down menu, pick "YouTube" and paste the copied information in the box. If you use Fast Reply, there is an "more options" button below the reply box that will give you the "insert special item" menu.
  15. I'd suggest 10cm x 5cm Jodi uses cards of different colours which she flips behind to see which colour flatters the fish best. Lots of overhead light. Flash is a pain due to the reflection. Don't build the mirrors into it. Sometimes a betta won't flare at a mirror but will flare at another betta so you want to be able to try both.
  16. There are certain parts of the forum that you need a minimum post count to access. This is because we provide a FREE service to members of AusAqua, and some parts of the forum are intended to be for the benefit of contributing members of the forum only. Sadly, a few people have been effectively spamming the intro forum, presumably to get access to other parts of the forum, without actually contributing anything to the community here. If you do this, your spam posts will be deleted and we may also choose to moderate all posts by you going forward or remove permissions all together. Please don't try to take advantage like that. It is just plain rude, as well as an insult to our intelligence.
  17. I made some!!!! I used a V8 juice bottle, a small amount of MW culture, and water from the planted tank. At first it was cloudy and smelly, and it got a skin on it. Then it cleared up to a colour similar to diluted apple cider vinegar, and I can make out the organisms teeming in it! It took about a week to clear up.
  18. Nobody may make potentially adverse comments about 'problems' they've had with any particular seller in this thread. This is an informational thread, not one for discussion of personal experiences. Remember the rule against making defamatory posts? Well that applies here, as does the need for us all to be extremely cautious not to cause offence to our suppliers and the people Jodi-Lea has to conduct business with to get our fish into the country. If you feel the need to tell someone what happened to you with a particular breeder, please do so off site. We cannot be jeopardising the supply of bettas and other fish into Australia because there was a "frank discussion" at AAQ that someone took offence to. How do you know these peopel are not reading this thread?? It's not necessary to disucss it here, Jodi has given us whatever information we need to best conduct Aquabid business, and from what little I understand of our cultural differences with the breeders, anything approximating rudeness is extremely offensive to them and could reflect badly on Australian buyers generally. Then everyone loses! Thanks.
  19. Thanks Killiguy, that sounds so simple. Wih infusoria, my fishroom cultures will be just about complete!
  20. I would like to say something more imaginative to new members than "please tell us your location". We have a LOT of members, and sometimes I feel like I need an autotext entry for "where are you located?" or "can you please put your location in your profile?".... PLEASE put your location in your profile (as you are asked to do upon registering), or mention it in your intro. We'd love to be able to sell/give you the fish, live food, dry goods, etc etc that you're after, and get to know another like-minded hobbyist nearby, but it helps if we have some idea where you are. Thanks :lol:
  21. Damn it, that was exactly what I was hoping WOULDN'T happen. I am really sorry that you have been put in that position, Jodi. It's hard enough as a buyer (for me, who speaks only English) to have dealings with someone who has English as a second language - it must be far more complicated from your perspective, as a transhipper, in business generally, and as an IBC judge. And it would certainly not be assisted by people going off half-cocked and insulting the breeders! I hope it doesn't reflect badly on other Australian AquaBid users from the breeders' persepctive, too. :D
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