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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. I don't know about that behaviour because I always kept them in a tank where they were one of the smallest fish. Just wanted to mention that they're brackish water fish, in case you hadn't happened upon that. what fish is it kept with, that it's chasing?
  2. I've always done ok with danios as dither fish. They stay up the top, are eye catching and IME don't nip or bother other fish.
  3. Chuckie


    Hi Ossie and welcome. I'm back now and your permissions have been switched over to New Member. Thanks for your patience. Cheers Lisa
  4. Chuckie

    New Tank

    If your oscars are about the size of the beanie box, they are going to be SO happy in there!!!
  5. Chuckie

    New Tank

    Somewhere like The Warehouse has those foam mats for yoga and pilates, I use them. BTW I am having trouble visualising how big it is - any chance we could get a photo with something in it for context? Like a lamp or a book or um, a toaster? Not with water in it, obviously! :)
  6. Your fish sound lovely. I haven't had enough sleep to give you any intelligent information regarding genetics today, though, LOL!
  7. So, bag buddies are like a calming tablet for fish? (I googled it ...) Great tips for stress reduction and shipping Jodi, thanks.
  8. you could throw a towel over the tank.
  9. oh yow, he's had a good chew all right! Little monster! I like Jodi's suggestions about the ketapang and dimmer light.
  10. Hi Ken That's my point - you can't be sure the info you get is correct. I'm not suggesting don't ask questions!! I am a huge believer in asking questions. But there are a lot of bush lawyers out there that can sound like they know exactly what they're talking about, and they can be hard to distinguish from the people who actually DO know what they're talking about. I totally agree that it's important to make enquiries and go to as many sources as possible and draw your own conclusions based on the logic and quality of the information you get. But I have unfortunately (or fortunately, from the POV of folks who don't like me! ) personally been on the receiving end of trouble-makes who would love to seize upon the fact that I might have an illegal in my fish room (I don't, FWIW!) and report me to someone to make my life difficult. I know of one individual in particular - not a member here - who would be inclined to behave that way, and I am not the only person on his hit list. So I guess my point is it can pay to be careful how you describe what's going on in your tanks if it is maybe not totally legal, so nobody can make trouble for you. A sad way to have to approach things, but unfortunately for me and several others, a fact of life now! Sorry, I probably sound preachy, paranoid and condescending and that certainly wasn't my intention!!! ;)
  11. I'd be cautious what you post on a public forum about having - or giving away - fish you're (possibly) not meant to have. An AquariumLife member has just been 'raided' by AQIS for having plants he bought from someone on ebay (within Australia) which aren't allowable imports. Forums are often a rich source of misinformation, so I don't know if it's safe to assume that the answers you got were correct. Just a thought. I hope the advice you got was correct :welcome:
  12. Chuckie

    New Tank

    I bet the oscars love it!
  13. Hi Yunanto, he's a beautiful fish! :welcome:
  14. Don't worry, the nitrifying bacteria colonises surfaces, not the water column. I don't really know anything about Amazonia except that it does reduce pH. I understood that a "buffer" prevents a drop in pH, rather than causing it. Don't livebearers require somewhat hard water? What do you mean by "highish"? Absolutely. You should always age tap water at least 24 hours so the unavoidable pH fluctuations occur before you add it to the tank. As for instructions, I guess you fill, add Prime, leave, then bucket it in! Or get a little pump and hose to pump it into the tank.
  15. Chuckie

    New Killies

    I think everyone has commented over there Moved to the killifish sub-forum.
  16. Hi Andy, MTS is a way of life for many of us, so you're among your people here!
  17. That metallic scalation is filling in really nicely!
  18. I think I only have 3. Maybe 3 more would be good, to stop anyone in particular getting picked on. Thanks Phil!
  19. I know "blonde" is a type of red (I think it's one with no black) but I expect he just said "blonde" because she's yellow.
  20. Hello! Glad you don't bite :D
  21. Hi Lyarlla, I gave them lids to build under. There's also duckweed all over the surface. Mine sound like little frogs croaking!
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