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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. Chuckie


    I keep getting an error message. Anyone else have the same trouble, or know what's up? Hopefully it's just down for maintenance or something.
  2. Chuckie


    You're welcome :)
  3. Chuckie


    A "sticky" is a post at the top of a forum that is pinned so it stays where people can find it. There's a thread (sticky, lol) on how to post photos in this forum
  4. Chuckie


    Are there any plants with him, or a filter? Anyway have a look at the sticky post and see if it gives you some ideas. If you have a photo please post it (in the Clinic forum, not here) and I am sure you will have several people happy to help.
  5. Chuckie


    how much water is he in, and how much water do you change? How do you treat the water beforehand?
  6. Chuckie


    Sounds like fin rot. There is a sticky post in the Clinic forum about treating finrot in Australia.
  7. Chuckie


    Oh, FWIW I have kribensis (decent ones!) and an Apisto. agassizi (sp?) pair. I gave my calvus recently to pilchard, he'll hopefully pop in and say hi. Cichlids aren't my main thing ATM. I used to keep mananguense, oscars, texas, geophagus, brichardi, juildochromis, electric blues and ... I think that's all!
  8. Chuckie


    Hi Jason, what sort of cichlids are you keeping? Welcome aboard!
  9. Chuckie


    Hi chich, welcome here. Help with what? Lisa
  10. Have a look at the pinned topics in this forum for how to add photos to posts. As for why there's no upload button in your personal settings, maybe you need a min number of posts before that function is available. I didn't set up those permissions so I'm not sure what they are. Leave it with me - have to head out now for NYE. L
  11. Hi, try this Top right hand side of the forum: click on My controls Then: Left hand side menu: click Edit Avatar Settings Then: If you want to use a picture from your PC, choose the "Upload a new image from your computer" option. PS - you don't need to just post in the intro forum any more. I moved this to the Feedback and Tech Support forum. Lisa
  12. Hi Blueyes! There are several killifish hobbyists here, many of whom are likely to have eggs or fish available to send to you. I have changed your permissions to New Member so you can post a Wanted to Buy ad in the Classifieds if you like, too. For a complete listing of what killies are available in Australia at the moment, also check out the Killifish Australia forum. I will have whitei and guentheri blue eggs available soon. I have rachovii eggs too, but I only have the single breeding pair so I'm not keen to part with those eggs until I get another generation hatched :betta:
  13. Hi Jerry. I just use an oil/column heater in winter (don't need it in summer). It stays around 30*C. Cheers Lisa
  14. I have those too, LOL!
  15. I was wondering if you put a mirror beside the tank so they think there are 4 rams (not just 2), if that might make them a bit more confident?
  16. Hi Jerry! As long as you keep the temperature stable (which can be tricky in small containers), I'm sure your Australian bettas will be fine! Some people use reptile heating cords to warm small containers. Others (like me) heat the entire room to a constant temperature. Looking forward to hearing more from you Lisa
  17. Hi Rainer, welcome to AAQ! I posted about your sick betta at KFA: http://killifishaustralia.forumcircle.com/...php?p=4562#4562
  18. Do you have grindal worms, Tracey? Or access to live blackworms, to get them eating? I'm surprised they haven't followed the female betta's lead. Keith Hand (Handsfree) is in WA and often has grindal starters.
  19. I'm pretty sure shell grit increases ph, rather than reducing it... Still, shouldn't stop them spawning!
  20. What a great present! IMO you're better off with acclimatised fish in non-ideal pH than messing around trying to make the pH "ideal" and having it swing all over the place (IME). I had a pair of rams spawn once in a community tank I just used 7.8 tap water in, if that helps. Alternatively you could add IAL or peat to the water, which I find more effective than blackwater extract.
  21. Chuckie

    new here

    Just wondering Brad if you meant lower rather than raise kH, if your water's already hard and alkaline. I am a big fan of indian almond leaf (terminalia catappa) for blackwater species, which you can buy from members of this forum - have a look in the classifieds.
  22. Chuckie

    new here

    Hi Brad! Welcome to AAQ. My apologies that I haven't had a chance before now to change your permissions. You can now post elsewhere on the forum. Again, welcome! Lisa
  23. Hi Shemma! Welcome. Your permissions have been updated, so now you can post elsewhere in the forum. Me too! Amazing how you can find time for the things you love, isn't it! :D
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