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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. Chuckie


    SSS is Sydney Splendens Society :D
  2. the midges lay the eggs. The bloodworms are the larva.
  3. They sound to me like the jelly casings of midge (bloodworm) eggs. http://bugguide.net/images/raw/5QT01QHSUQZ...KVQHSVQCKXK.jpg http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=...zCIyC7QP8_sT-Dw http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=...zCIyC7QP8_sT-Dw
  4. Chuckie

    Hello :)

    Hi Mickey, what sort of fish are you planning to put in your tank?
  5. Hi there! if you can make it up to one of the Newcastle/Hunter aquarium meetings, you should be able to source female bettas there. There are plenty of cultures around too. Cassi (fighters4U) has a thread selling cultures by mail order in the classifieds.
  6. Castiel is gorgeous! What a great VT. Your CT is really cute too, that one of my favourite CT colours. I really love the names you've given them all.
  7. This is the email I got from ANGFA, FYI:
  8. A few other forums I belong to have had a recent spam/virus attack via a PM claiming to have been sent by "the forum administrators", saying your computer has a virus and that you should click the link in the message . This is spam. I am the only administrator of AAQ and have sent no such message. If you receive such a message don't click the link, and delete the PM. Please also inform me who sent you the PM, and their account will be deleted. Thanks guys! Lisa
  9. They're lovely! I love "show off 2" Missy is gorgeous too. If you want to post actual images here you need to upload the photos first to a photo hosting site like photobucket, then post here using the tags.
  10. Chuckie


    I rather like black HMPKs.... :P
  11. Hi Daniel! There is a thread at the top of the Fishy Showroom which explains how to add pictures. Would love to see your fish!
  12. Hi rob, you've come to a good place for that. You may also want tp try killifish australia: http://killifishaustralia.forumcircle.com/index.php Good luck! Lisa
  13. Chuckie


    Thanks, and welcome to Ausaqua! :(
  14. Chuckie


    Hi kilo. What kind of fish do you breed? :(
  15. Chuckie


    Hi Chris, welcome! tell us about your bettas :(
  16. Chuckie

    Hi ya !

    Hi Darian! I hope you enjoy the guppy forum There are a LOT of guppy fans here!
  17. Chuckie

    sup all

    Hi Michael, welcome to the forum! Have a cuppa and a good look around Which part of Sydney are you from - N, S, E or W? ;)
  18. There are only 2 left, and I had to move them out of the 80L to make room for betta grow-out. But I could only catch one, lol, so now ther're separated. I figured if they hadn't bred by now there wasn't much point wasting 80L on 2 fish.
  19. It helps if you refer to litres rather than gallons here. I agree that bettas will probably eat glass shrimp. IME they also hassle mystery snails (they try to eat the feelers). I doubt you could sex otos even if it mattered what ratio you had them in, but no, it doesn't matter. I couldn't get a colony of 6 to breed in a 6' tank so I don't think the chances of a breeding pair in a 5 gallon (?? litres?) would be very high!
  20. Chuckie

    Boo :D

    Hello! What kind of betta do you want? :)
  21. Chuckie

    Hello all

    Welcome to AAQ James. Are you thinking of any particular type of discus? I've always wanted to give them a go (properly - I have stunted a few in my time ), but I am too lazy with the water changes. :D
  22. Hi Sharz, and welcome to AAQ! What sort of american cichlids do you have? There are plenty of guppy fans here ^_^
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