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Everything posted by Chuckie

  1. any kind of moss should make your bettas happy. can't help with calcium lime rich water, as I use rainwater, but it java moss seems pretty tough.
  2. Manda, you're awesome. I feel all emotional now!
  3. sorry about the missing images guys, which has just come to my attention. I don't have control over what faewyn does to her photobucket album. I'm sure you can work out from the text how it works.
  4. not as useful now that the images have apparently been deleted . Oh well. Hopefully you folks can figure it out.
  5. Since it's impossible to critique a fish with its fins trimmed, I have moved this thread from the Critique forum. Please try and post in the logical forum, guys :D
  6. Hi guys, please continue discussion re the sick fishy in this thread: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=9514&hl= Thanks L
  7. Please post suggestions in this thread: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=9512&hl=
  8. BUMP Recent deleted new AAQ members include "Administration Team" and "ForumTeamSupports". There have also been others. Due to our spam control measures they should be unable to PM anybody, but if your email address is visible on the site, I can't help you. Do NOT click on any links sent to you by an email from someone claiming to be AAQ Admin unless you check with me first. How would I know your computer had a virus anyway?!?!?!
  9. Hi Kandee. That link doesn't take me to a thread. There is a thread here about importing from AquaBid. We buy from the Asian (mostly Thai) sellers, not the US. Also see here But you're especially in luck because fishchick aquatics is also in QLD, and will ship to you!
  10. Wow, that is one seriously shiny fish! Great dorsal, too! He's a really impressive guy.
  11. People can advertise any fish that it is legal to sell. I'm not into unnecessary censorship. If you don't like it, don't buy it. I doubt there's a big market for flowerhorns at AAQ in any event.
  12. Ahhh, you're in the US! I was about to offer to post you some suitable plants. Oh well. Good luck in getting the amswers you seek (I don't know the answer). Could you put your location in your profile so people won't make rude assumptions that you're in Australia (like I did!)? :)
  13. I'm not the most knowledgeable person re killies, but I keep my whitei in a similar ratio and they seem to breed fine.
  14. I have not seen AusAqua abbreviate to aa before, but it's kind of fitting! Hi Aquaman, what colour are your halfmoons?
  15. Ironically, adding un-dechlorinated tap water to your tank (which only has no visible ill-effects on the fish, FWIW - it still strips off their protective slime layer and irritates their gills) is killing the beneficial bacteria in your tank that might help keep the algae under control. As well as maybe covering the tank with a towel or something when you don't need to be looking at it (to reduce the light that the algae uses to reproduce and grow - we call this a black out), also use a good water treatment like Prime and let your beneficial bacteria get a foot hold.
  16. Chuckie


    Hi, and welcome. Where did you get your CT? I'd love to see a photo if you have one!
  17. Chuckie

    Hello :)

    Just ammonia from the supermarket with no surfectants. I thought we had articles about fishless cycling at ausaqua.net but apparently not. I tried googling it, and the original author Chris Cow :)
  18. I googled them - nice looking tanks! which colour did you get? I don't think it's too many fish but as I posted in intro, I suspect the shrimp may not survive. Another alternative is to just run it as a shrimp tank :applaud:
  19. Chuckie

    Hello :)

    I would prefer a fishless cycle so you have a high bacteria population when your new fish are added, rather than use whiteclouds which may not get the bacteria colony well enough established to cope with a higher bioload after the whiteclouds go. Incidentally, what would you do with the whiteclouds afterward? And just because they might survive a nitrogen cycle doesn't mean they wouldn't suffer through it - I'm with you on that front :applaud:
  20. Chuckie

    Hello :)

    I don't think it's to many. Are you going to run a filter in it? I assume so, since you're cycling it. What are you using to cycle it, BTW? I suspect that the shrimp may end up fish food, but tetras may be too small to do any damage. I know bettas will eat them.
  21. Great to hear your fish are in their new home, and happy enough to spawn. Hopefully they'll enjoy snacking on all the lovely creatures in the water!
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