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Status Updates posted by Chuckie

  1. Happy 12.12.12, people!

    1. 6ftaquaman


      you didnt send the message at 12.12.12pm tho :P

  2. Happy New Moon, everybody! :-D

  3. Oh. My. God. Dexter!!!

  4. I'm making soap!!!!!!

  5. Thank you for all the lovely birthday messages, here and by phone :-), and for helping me celebrate. What's great about having friends and relatives in the northern hemisphere is that I feel like I get 2 birthdays! I have had a fantastic birthday weekend so far, and today I'm catching up with family for a nice lunch. I am very lucky to know all of you!

  6. 1 year ago today, I was in Cornwall. I hope I can go back again within 1 year from today

  7. Green sky, thunder and lightning.

  8. Happy birthday to my lovely mum Maureen!!!!

  9. I just saw a black cockatoo! I have never seen one around here before! :D

  10. Man cold. Hot chocolate then home.

  11. I rather like the swirl effects I have been getting lately in the soap! Does anyone have any suggestions for colour combinations I could add to my list?

    1. gulp


      Yellow and purple?

    2. gulp


      Yellow and purple?

    3. Yanagi


      Mint green and a pale purple look nice together, so does pale creamy orange and ice blue.

  12. Really not loving Theon Greyjoy right now..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. blackworm


      It took reading the books (and the last series) for me to even realize he wasn't related to them.

    3. Rhysmachine101


      He is a fair asshole. he gets whats coming though.

    4. Rhysmachine101


      I love Tyrion! Just saying :)

  13. When I start selling my soap in September, I'll need a business/trading name. Suggestions...?

  14. Latest Electricity bill: 60% of the usage at the same time last year. Here's to switching stuff off at the wall!

  15. Just put my first Rosemary and mint shampoo bars to bed - excited!

    1. Sarah


      Why do your soaps make me hungry?

      If I didn't know they were soaps, I probably would take a bite!

    2. Yanagi
  16. Maybe I should make a shampoo soap bar...

    1. lildeb


      shampoo bar is not hard to make, and really really yummy... goats milk??

  17. I have many baby mystery snails!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bec


      I wish mine would breed, I love them!

    3. Becki


      two of mine keep visiting each other in the divided tanks but no eggs as yet

    4. Chuckie


      Mine are still miniscule but, I expect I'll have many to go to new homes in no time.

  18. surprised more people aren't jumping into the batch testing campaign...?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bec


      I joined but am a twitter retard

    3. Bettarazzi


      We're all pretty new to it. You're doing ok Bec

    4. Chuckie


      I can't access Twitter or FB during work hours - which is most of the time I spend in front of a comp. So help us out,you guys who can access it!

  19. guess who's back?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chuckie


      I'm glad you got it, Yan! I did have a nice trip! But those grey nomads can't drive. Driving was a bit unrelaxing up there!

    3. fishbites


      got a few mobile road blocks huh? :) Now you're back do we have to be good again?

    4. Sarah


      Who's back?

      Lilli? That's great! :D

  20. I'll be away on holidays from Sunday 18th to Sunday 25th. Please contact the moderation team if you have any forum-related issues while I'm away, not me. Thanks!! :)

    1. Bettarazzi


      Welcome back Lisa!

  21. Please use status updates to UPDATE YOUR STATUS. Wanted to buys etc should be posted in the appropriate forum. Please post an introduction post and wait for it to be approved before using status updates. Thanks guys.

  22. no True Blood this week :(

    1. Anasfire


      nope :( stupid american independence day

  23. We now have status updates!?!

    1. Bettarazzi


      We can even comment on other people's status updates

    2. Chuckie


      This is tops! Thanks Michael!!!

    3. Becki


      Its like a mini facebook :)

  24. hey Mr Phil! Stop lurking and post something!

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