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Status Replies posted by Veantire

  1. Just went and checked on my fishies, I'd put my remaining female betta in a Coke bottle chimney in the boy's tank this morning, and although this morning he was bashing into the bottle with such force I could hear the smack, I just saw now that he's calmed down and started building a bubble nest! XD OMG OMG I think he's finally got the point that she's not his lunch, she's his girlfriend =P

    1. Veantire


      Haha yeah, he is a bit, I was starting to despair that I'd never be able to breed him because he'd just bash up any girlies I put in with him.... but it's looking like he may have finally seen the light, lol. Maybe he knocked some sense into himself against the wall of the bottle yesterday morning, haha.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. AUBURN AQUARIUM now stocking Indian Almond Leaf!

    1. Veantire


      The same packaged stuff that I bought that little while ago, or are we talking bigger quantities of it now? At any rate, I might come in tomorrow and have a stickybeak =P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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