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About Dragon1

  • Birthday 04/21/1982

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  1. 5 days & counting with the moss fully submerged in the bucket of water & its still looking quite healthy & starting to I guess you could say plume out to something like Sarahs pic look likes just not as long. Its a very dark green colour now though instead of being the light bright green, I'm guessing because its holding alot of water & not getting much light. Here's some pics. This is the "control" moss This is some more that I've had sitting in the fridge with water on the plate This is the submerged moss This is the best shot I could get of the "pluming" Cheers.
  2. Sorry for double posting but I think I may have just noticed that 1 of new angels is male while the other 2 are female going by what I've read. So question is, is it true that females lower fins are set at an almost 60 degree angle & males are at an almost 90 degree angle? If that's the case I would say I have 1 male & 2 females. But if this info is incorrect please feel free to point me in the right direction to another possible way of sexing angels. Cheers
  3. I'll keep this post updated with info as I can, as for the chemicals that might have been used around the moss that's not likely seeing ass my parents do all their gardening the old fashioned way, by hand & not relying on chemicals. Cheers.
  4. Well I put a small plate full of the moss into a bucket full of water to see if it would survive & so far so good its actually looking pretty healthy, but I'll keep checking it every few days to see how it looks. Cheers.
  5. Yes Matt I am aware of the size that silver sharks can get to, & its for this reason that I'm only keeping 3 so that I can have some other fish in the same tank. Cheers
  6. I'll see what i can do Neffy they're all pretty fast so don't know if my camera would be fast enough to get them all. How about a video instead, even though this turned out to be just as bad as trying to get a photo of all the fish because they went somewhat camera shy & came out after I had finished getting the video . Cheers. Edit: Added video link
  7. Ok so my 6ft doesn't look as bare now, its now housing 3 red tail sharks, 3 silver sharks, 2 pakistani loaches, 2 common BNs, 2 albino BNs & 3 angels (2 black & 1 I guess you could say marbled angel (silver with black patches)) Cheers.
  8. Thanks for the replies guys ill test it out in a bucket to see if it will survive fully submersed. Cheers.
  9. Hi guys quick question about moss, can I grow your everyday variety "garden" moss in a aquarium? The reason I ask is because I recently found a huge patch of this moss at my parents place & I was thinking of attaching it to 1 of the pieces of driftwood in my 6ft tank. Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated. Cheers
  10. Hi betta_hobbyist, do't know if they're still available & not exactly the quantity you were after but its a start, there's someone selling 16 on gumtree in Springfield Lakes for $5. Here's the link http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/ipswich-city/pet-products/fish-tank-beanie-boxes/325736308 Cheers.
  11. There's 1 Angel, 1 Silver Shark, 1 Red Tail Shark, 2 Pakistani Loaches & 4 Bristlenose in there, just wondering if I should now get another angel, red tail & silver shark for it so they've got some friends to "play" with. Cheers.
  12. Yea I'll get on to Wayne & see if he knows anyone, Funny you should mention Liverpool Creek Aquariums I've got them bookmarked & check the site from time to time to have a look at their selection of plants. Cheers Thanks Neffy, I only just put my fish in the tank this morning & they didn't really now what to do but that only lasted a few minutes & now they're all having fun exploring their new home. Cheers
  13. I think you might be onto something there les with the flame moss & attaching it at different levels of the mangrove root, I think it would look really impressive. So I guess now Ill have to try & track some down. Cheers.
  14. Ok time for another update, I now have some lava rock & plants in the 6fter. Here's some pics Cheers.
  15. I was kind of leaning towards a moss myself Matt but christmas moss i think would look pretty good on it. Cheers.
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