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Posts posted by Hazell

  1. I have heard a lot about these plants,

    Could someone post some pictures of it for me?

    Also what are the price ranges of these plants?

    Are they effective in little to no light?

    What bonuses are there to having them with Bettas?


  2. Right,first off sorry if this is on the wrong board I am in a hurry to change tanks around. I had my crowntail betta in with 3 Guppies (Placid) And a single Bumblebee Goby (i'll just call him the BG) They were fine in the 40 litre until one-day the BG started to attack Echo (my betta).

    I am not sure why, the pet store said he would be fine with my CT. D:

    How can a 3 CM fish be so aggressive all of a sudden?

    GB lives on his own at the moment now but he will have more of his kind soon.

    Is he jealous of they guppies?

    ~Hazell (very confused)

  3. Hi! I am Hazell, I have had fish for a few years though I am still quite new to bettas, I own two bettas: Senjii a male Veiltail betta, and Echo a male Crowntail betta, Echo lives in a 38 Litre tank with two male guppies and a single rummy nosed tetra along with a pesky bumblebee goby who nibbles at all their tails. They have a standard medium sized hang on filter and a bubble pump hose for oxygen and a heater for warmth, they have a few ornaments but not so many that it limits space. They have a small plant in the tank that Echo enjoys hiding in.

    Senjii lives alone (at this stage)in a 40 Litre tank with an internal filter, a heater and a single Purple Waffle plant, he has a small log to stay in too. We are most likely going to move the Tetra in with Senjii because Senjii looks a bit bored in his tank with the hang in light.

    So yes my fishies live with me in the Lismore district area. :)

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