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Posts posted by Hazell

  1. As Yan has said, it is all about the fish's personality.

    I got my angels warned they'd kill my each other because of such size difference, they are best of buddies and inseparable now. In near future, I was told I most likely own a male and female and will become mates.

    I can't compare to discus and angels though. Same with Jarrod on the Discus situation, are a tad expensive for me, seeing as I have a habit of killing all expensive fish I touch (The angels have proved me wrong so far). Sorry to drag on this one Sarah. XD

  2. Right first off. I know, I'll post photos as soon as I have finished my millions of chores set to me on a sunday.XD


    I got a new 2 ft tank for my angels. It had a stand,immersable pump, filter and a metal halliode light.

    But, of course I don't now how to set up a Sump filter!

    It has the pipes that lead to the tank etc.

    Underneath the actual tank is the split one for the filter.

    I haven't a clue were to set up he pump, wether it goes inside or outside the water.

    I know where to put the heater, filer medium and wool. But to get the cycle started I'm clueless. I'm doing a search now but I wanted your expertise aswell.

    Cheers Hazell

    Photos Here:

    photo4.jpg?t=1335063271 Sorry for Glare.

    photo3.jpg?t=1335063211 PUMP (Immersable)

    photo.jpg?t=1335063283 Random pipe.

    photo5-1.jpg?t=1335063254 Filter Tank

    photo2.jpg?t=1335063219The guy did this for us.

  3. Right some of you may know my turquoise boy from Jim {Jha) that I endured 3 days to get him safely home from Sydney,I preparation to spawn him- well 2 months later, Power-out tank cooled off from 26 to 13, dead by morning! Same with my royal blue CT female. Sometimes I am really had it with these fish, then I buy more. *lol* Real shame about him, He was my little favourite man. D: And my only CT female, Now I'm left with a blue red wash VT girl.Well, Rant over, back to plotting more to buy. Two spare tanks now.

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