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Everything posted by Hazell

  1. Awww, they just shuffle they are so well cute! :D
  2. Thats just my stupid name for the Salamanders XD Because they are 'white laced around the edges, and red body' LOL
  3. Sounds great! I'm looking for fry of white lace reds. :)
  4. They are amazing fish. When you breed them, Consider selling me a male?
  5. Love that yellow CT. :D
  6. May I call for pics? I love Rams' the ones you breed. Welcome to the forum, spread your knowledge and we will too! *lol, I sound optimistic and a little creepy*
  7. Hey Jarrod, I tried to message you but your inbox is full, so could you have a look at the question on my VT post? I'm stuck. D: LOL at ghost fish, By the way down the bottom of the page, does it normally say 'google' is viewing the page? It doesn't actually count on the number of people viewing but it has the name. D; Creepy...
  8. awesome, see my red VT post Jarrod?
  9. Looks great, ~Cheers Hazell
  10. awesome. D: Wish they had 'dwarf koi' lol. I love the gold ones.
  11. Welcome to the forum, what kind of fish do you keep?

  12. Lol Go sarah go! ;D
  13. May I be the first to call for Photos? What fish do you keep? I have 7 tanks, 6 bettas 3 guppies and a tetra.
  14. WOW, Awesome sarah! Wow, your going to need a LOT of power points and adapters- surge protectors etc. Just wow, just..just wow! EMOTICONS WOO!
  15. Yet again, amazing colours. ;)
  16. They are very nice! I love VTs like sid.
  17. Good luck I saw someone advertising but I think there out. D: woah she went too far....
  18. Welcome, good luck with Sid, ever thought of getting into breeding? ;)
  19. Hazell has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello? - Hello me! ;D

  20. Hmm, at least at my local pet store they have their bettas in tanks. Shame about Boo, he was gorgeous! Yes get bettas! breed them then ship them to us! *lol*
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