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About jb89

  • Birthday 03/11/1989

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  • Currently Breeding

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sarah


  2. LOL! Entertaining - Yes! Tank looks great, spray paint the angels white?..... Problem solved?
  3. Agree with Les.. Always stocks great fish and is a very nice bloke... but it seems to rain every time I go to buy a fish... <.< and that needs to stop! LOL
  4. I just realised that the inside of the barrel in my tank is peeling the top coat of paint, I purchased it from a fish store and so I am 100% sure its aquarium safe! but why would it be peeling off? what should I do! Sorry for the million questions already <.<
  5. Thanks I have a little floating mirror which I purchased from a LFS, I put it in twice a day for no more then 3-5minutes..
  6. Thanks for the replies! I will try to get some more photos! David I wouldn't mind having a tour one day!
  7. Hi, (not my betta tank) -> I am treating it with "Wardley" drops, its what my LFS recommended for my outbreak.. It seems to be working slowly.. and I have recently purchased a new compact camera which I will learn how to use slowly So I will definitely post some up when I get the chance too. I am only new to having one of these awesome fish and I have not even named him yet! He is a blue / purple / red veiltail I believe and from what I have gathered so far, he doesn't like my finger at all seeing as he flares at it... But when I am feeding him he loves it? its a love hate relationship I think.. Just a quick question Today I saw a small snail in my tank, now I am assuming it came via the live plant I put it.. can this in any way hurt my betta? I dont like them nor do I want them.. (it looked like a normal shaped snail, not a spiral one, brown color).. and I just put in a terracotta pot which I bought from k-mart, is there any issues with that? I have been reading up and all I am being told is that you need to wash it well / soak it for a few days.. Thanks :)
  8. Hi everyone, My name is Jaybee and im 22 years young, I am currently studying in I.T and I have enjoyed this hobby of fish keeping since last year. I have 1 male betta and he lives in a 20L filtered / heated tank which I am still in the process of putting together in regards to decorations, I am already learning a lot from this forum and wish to learn more and share my experiences / problems / tips with all I have another tank with some tropical fish which is in a crisis at the moment (columnaris disease), I am treating it at the moment and it seems to working so fingers crossed! Thanks for reading!
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