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Everything posted by kertaz

  1. Hopefully you can find what you want for your collection, drajit82! Are you looking for the same coloured one? Hahah, thats why they wish me to come back! So more food for them But they ain't getting more than 1 feeding a day unless they're in spawn tank. (Then again, only 2 feedings a day)
  2. I've read several sources that Java ferns are almost impossible to kill.. Well.. I killed plenty. My plant-keeping ain't as good as fish-keeping apparently.. Up till today I don't know if its the lighting, the water chemistry or something else completely different, because when it died, only java fern that died. Other plants were healthy. Java moss is a good bet though. Though after some time, it -may- become annoying as they are very difficult to completely get rid off from a tank (Unless that tank got no substrate, wood or other decorations.) And that rock decoration in the middle... kind of remind me of something... but what..? :blink:
  3. Do you have a LFS that is willing to make a custom tank? Sometimes LFS also sells no-brand tank, which can come up cheaper.
  4. You got a good find there! I've never got any nice ones from Upmarket Sorry to hear about your loss though. The only thing my Betta do when I came to say hello is either ignore me or 'where's my food?' LOL Or at least thats what it seemed like to me.
  5. Thanks Razzi! It works fine now. I guess the automatic feature is not perfect yet?
  6. I wonder why the time on the board, whenever I post is always 1 hour ahead of the actual time. (At least on my screen) The actual time I posted this is 8:55 AM, but on my screen, the board showed the posting time as 9:55 AM (Sometimes it confused me and made me go like "whoah, its this late already?!") The setting that I put for time zone is GMT + 10:00 Melbourne, Papua New Guinea, Sydney and I have the DST Correction box ticked. What should I do to make it display properly? Not a major problem, but it'd be nice seeing the right time and all :)
  7. Ness' pic reminded me of Ambulia somehow. Great work on transforming the tank, Neff. Maybe you could consider carpet plants that'd look nice? Like.. HC or Riccia? Even if you don't fill up the area, if the conditions are perfect for the plants, they can easily overgrow your tank in a few months time
  8. Is this something like what you're looking for? Scuba Diver Ornament The bubble seems to be blowed periodically from the treasure chest. Not sure if its gonna move around though.
  9. Is that why the music in the video is so.. 'horror/thriller' type? :blink:
  10. Since I'm not sure what BiOrbs looks like, I did a google search. Is it the 'ball' shaped tank? If so, there -may- be a problem when you're taking a picture of them. ..... Okay, besides the picture concern, I agree with Neffy regarding the surface movement. Also, space - wise, I think it's less efficient than the classic square aquarium (though, you will need to put in extra filter with the usual one) On the plus side though, I think the BiOrb provides more 'fancy' looks to it than the good-old square glass box EDIT: I suppose you can put the control valve to control the air flow, and as long as it has water circulation, I suppose it'd work :)
  11. Hi Ricepaddy, welcome to the forum. At the fish fair, I actually went and talked a bit at the Vic Cichlid society. Maybe we talked for a bit.. who knows. Enjoy the community! What lines are you looking to breed/produce?
  12. Oh hi there! Welcome to the forum! Heheh, you'll enjoy your stay here. Lots of infos and all exciting and fun stuffs here :)
  13. Wah, what a nice write up, Ness! It was really exciting just to see the pics, vids and the write-ups. Can't imagine if I go there myself. Probably fainted due to all the excitement. Thanks for sharing! Hope everything goes well and you'd have great success on breeding the ones you got! (Then we all can have a share of it.. )
  14. Leave your cash and credit cards and any financial institution cards at home if you want to go to LFS just to look around Just bring your home key and yeah.. that's it..
  15. The altums weren't hard to keep. They were fine in community tank together. Probably because mine weren't true altum. They last quite a long time. According to their new owner, they're still alive now. One of the altum though, went suicide and jumped out of tank. I didn't know they'd be able to jump out. But the other 2 were still fine. The biggest one I got (that went on suicide) was about 25 cm from the top of dorsal fin to the bottom of anal fin. I also forgot to put the pic of my first spawn ever with fish - apistogramma cacatuoides - 1st and last pic showing the dad a little. Unfortunately that was a failed spawn because it was unplanned, and so I didn't have any fry food in hand AND it was in the community tank... I think only 1-2 fry survived from the spawn.
  16. Looking pretty good. Maybe it's just me, or the water is a bit cloudy? :confused:
  17. kertaz

    Hey hey!

    Welcome to the forum, migaloo. Hope you enjoy your stay here. :)
  18. Lol, the proportion of the bubble nest follows the body size! It's awesome that they grow so fast and cute! Good job taking care of them :D
  19. Welcome to the forum! Nice collection of Bettas there. I don't think you should phase out of splendens completely. Maybe in the end, keeps one or a pair for the complete collection of Bettas! B-)
  20. I like the new growout tanks. How big is that tank? The fish has certainly changed quite a bit. Maybe one of the fry will look like him when you bought him home.
  21. Okay, I was wandering around my photobucket account and found that I still have several fishes from the past. They are not with me anymore though. My tank now is so bare and I'm not sure why it couldn't be as green as my previous one Overall Tank: Peruvian Altum: Riccia + My 2nd female Betta I've ever kept Tetras and 2 Corydoras pygmaeus sitting lazily on top of anubias: Most of the plants in the tank died after I left the tank in the care of my friend for a while (I was having a holiday overseas)
  22. kertaz

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome to the forum, catfish! Seems like you've had exciting experiences with fishkeeping! Several pics wouldn't hurt! :)
  23. A green house.. literally? Awesome pics. Can't wait to see the pics of your fish room!
  24. Oh, bettarazzi, about dwarf gouramis, I saw a couple of them in Upmarket Aquariums today, 6.95 for female, 8.95 for male. But I have no idea if they are 'quality' fish or not as I am not familiar on what to look for the 'quality' gouramis.
  25. Aww, pity. I had a female cacatuoides until yesterday until someone picked her up because I need the tank to breed Bettas The most common Apisto I have seen in Australia are agassizi, borelli and cacatuoides though. Maybe you can try something like: Harlequin rasbora, Emperor tetra, Neon tetra, Congo tetra. Or maybe since you're familiar with Betta, how about other labyrinth fish? Gouramis maybe? Apart from their difficulty to sex, their spawning setup is quite simple.
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