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Everything posted by kertaz

  1. Java ferns, some crypts and amazon frogbits are all easy to grow plants. I don't think they need high light requirements too. I don't usually give them high lighting and they thrive. Could also try out Fissidens. My LFS told me that it's pretty easy to grow without strong light.
  2. Was quite excited that they finally spawned. I feel like I'm doing a spawn log... Father: Mother: Setup: Loving the attention that they give to their spawn The below pics are basically just the mother guarding the eggs Hoping I can properly raise these ones as well :)
  3. My apisto cac spawned ~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Oh congats!!

      Good luck with the fry. :))

      Second for piccies. :)

    3. mandz


      awww I LOVE those fishies :) yes, piccies please

    4. kertaz


      Thanks everyone! Piccies: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12217

      It was a surprise - one moment I thought they were close, next I saw, they already spawned. Not particularly a huge spawn, but still nice, regardless :)

  4. Looks really nice, Rhys. I should've done more study on physics when I was in school :lol:
  5. Nice I've always wanted an oscar. Never had enough room for it though :(
  6. kertaz


    Welcome to the forum, Katy, hope you enjoy your stay here in the forum :)
  7. Initially, I thought that they were quite large (y'know, after seeing close up photos and all), but when I saw them IRL. I was like.. wth.. :lol:
  8. Well, thats personal preference Corydoras attracted me, but pleco and bristlenoses are.. not really. I'd be picky when it's come to fish too (especially since space is limited..) It's just like Betta. Some people like a tail type more than other tail types.
  9. Hey, that's pretty cool. I suppose the big gap on the last picture because you haven't put the glasses divier? (or maybe because you're planning a spawn in the middle of the barracks? ) Seems to come along smoothly :)
  10. What about some corydoras, Ness? Most corys are large enough not to be eaten and they school provided if you give them enough numbers.. They always look busy and they blink. like that :lol:
  11. 7-10 litres per fish would work only when they are still young. If you're aiming for adults, you'd need around 40 litres as bare minimum. Note that if you are keeping heavily planted tanks, then the volume of water will be reduced (due to substrates and plants) Rather than upgrading the tanks (which -may- cause more trouble and cost you more money in the long run), it may be better to have the bigger tank up running straight away If you do keep six to eight, your chances of getting a pair would be almost 100%. Maybe 99.9%? Unless you're really unlucky that all of them are male or all of them are female Are you eventually planning to breed them as well, Ness? :lol:
  12. Can anyone tell me what they're like- temperamentally? They're most of the time peaceful, especially towards the other species. When they start breeding though, they're like 2 male bettas, that is friendly to each other; guarding the same nest, they'll chase out any other fish and sometimes even try to attack you, or at least showing aggression from inside the tank if you're getting too close. If there's an ideal gender ratio? Not really, but they do best with a group of 4-5 or more. Unless they're a proven breeding pair. Not to mention, it's really hard to sex them if they are not in 'breeding-mode' or if they are not fully grown. If they prefer company or if they're more independent... will they "school"? Yes, they will school. However with too few of them, the dominant one will bully each other. Is there a little tetra/schooling smaller fish that they might be able to live with? I've used cardinal and neon black tetras. They're alright when the angels are still small. However, when the angels are fully grown, they might snack on the tetras. Emperor tetras would be large enough not to fit their mouth, but due to the size, the school may need a bigger tank. Cardinal tetras -may- be alright though. Is there anyone with contacts with breeders? (I'm a snob and want fancy pants show ponies in my tank) Can't help you on this one here. Sorry :(
  13. kertaz

    Hiyas :)

    Heya Xandi, welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your time here! What's the rescued betta look like?
  14. Yes. When they are swimming horizontally. Usually around 2 days after hatch, some may be faster or slower. Feed them microworms or vinegar eel. Baby brine shrimp -may- be too big for some fry.
  15. Need... more... buckets..

    1. luv_my_fish


      Need ... more ... fish ... and ... tanks ... lol

    2. shadoh


      Need...more...slaves... to...do...waterchanges...

    3. Sarah


      All of the above, please.

  16. Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your time here. As for the fish that you have.. Pretty sure all of them are Betta splendens Was typing the response for colouration, but got distracted and when returned shadoh already posted them for you. Then again, I was only right for half of them; the other 4, I didn't have a clue. Lucky shadoh saved the day
  17. I thought mollies would be as easy as well? Or maybe I'm wrong :lol:
  18. Sorry to hear about the dad. Many cichlids species are usually paired up by themselves. If you're afraid that the mother would eat the fry, maybe you can remove her and rear the fry on your own.
  19. I suppose if you are confident in rearing the fry on your own, you can remove the parents. Commercial breeders would need to be able to artificially rear the fry while they rest and mate the parents again. So, I think rearing the fry without the parents are always possible. A cichlid species that spawned while they were in my care were very likely eat their first few spawns. Another cichlid species that I took care of would take care their fry very lovingly (Apistogramma cacatuoides). They would sometimes get the pellet or anything edible; munch them to smaller pieces and spray them on the batch of fry. It was a really pretty and amazing sight. The mother would defend her eggs and fry ferociously, even from something bigger than themselves (i.e: me) Who says fish got 3 seconds memory? :)
  20. DISCLAIMER: This is just what a book that I own says. I never had a blue ram in my life. So credit goes to author (Derek Lambert) Funny that this book mentions that the fry are not going to be free swimming until the 7th day after hatch. You must've got some pretty fast-growing fry But according to the book, rams won't eat their fry; instead both parents will defend their fry. Microworms are good starter food until 3-4 days. Then they can handle baby brine shrimp from then on..
  21. It -may- go out of hand. Not necessarily though Congrats on the new members of the family!
  22. Wow, it looks awesome Nice job. A TV with 24/7 channel of live fish.. Hmmm... sounds appealing :lol:
  23. Welcome to the forum, Jossie. I'm pretty sure the forum members are glad to answer any questions you might have regarding fishkeeping. Enjoy your stay!
  24. Is Betta Australis a group for Betta-minded people for the whole Australia? I might be willing to join. I just joined the IBC too.
  25. kertaz

    Hi :)

    Welcome to the forum, Sarah (although a bit late) Unfortunate, but quite a few pet shop are actually not very knowledgeable on their livestocks. Hope you can convince people in your pet shops to actually care Good luck!
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