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Everything posted by kertaz

  1. Indeed. I was informed that they're gonna be slow growers, but they ended up to be faster than my Bettas . Then again, I think they got enough food from the very beginning.
  2. Also, monitor your pH with the CO2. I can't say much as I've never used CO2 gas for my aquarium, but have heard that they can crash your pH, especially at night when the light is out.
  3. The main difference of T5 and T8 would be the size. T5 would have about 1.5-1.6 cm diameter and T8 would have about 2.5 cm diameter. T5 are generally smaller in size (not in length) T5 means its Tubular shape, and diameter of 5/8 of an inch T8 means its Tubular shape, and diameter of 8/8 of an inch (which is 1 inch) The amount of light that they can produce though, depends on each individual globe's specification.
  4. 5 weeks old Bigger than my Betta fry when they were 5 weeks old too...
  5. Seems like you're going to be able to grow a wide range of plants; since you're using 2 light globe. I think most plants will be fine with 7000K. As for wattage, most T8 bulb that goes for 2footer are 32W, if you're using 2 globe, it'd be plenty, I think. And for the plants; it depends on what you are looking for too. If you want some carpet plants; you can use Riccia (I tied it to driftwoods, as it is floating plants, but if you want it to look 'carpetting', you can tie them to everything; or using glass slate as base) Or you can get some swords as main piece, they grow large (this one is pretty stunted because the substrate isn't deep enough. They prefer around 7cm I think, from memory. And some I can only mention names because I have never succeeded in keeping them; so I got no picture of them. So I'd suggest google for the image Hemianthus callitrichoides If you want 'bushy' feel: Blyxa japonica Some Rotala species also make for good stem plants if properly placed. I currently have the rotala but kinda covered in algae a bit. Rotala indica is my personal favourite And, water sprites always good. They can grow really big A book I read recommended Vallisneria, but they always melt under my care :lol:
  6. Not sure what the colour temperature of daylight type is. But most plants would require 6-7,000 K. Can be combined with 10,000 K so that your tank isn't overly brown Also, how big is your tank? And the wattage of the bulb you are going to buy? Plants that require heavy lighting need around 3+ watt per 8-12 L. But most plants are happy with 2 watt per 8-12L.
  7. why are my sbd kids swim just fine when i'm about to cull them and swim funny when i decided not to cull them?

    1. Sarah


      Maybe threaten them with culling... might bring their act up. :)

    2. kertaz


      I've been trying to cull them for the past 3 days, but whenever I put in something to take them out, I can't find the fish to cull because they all swim fine.. lol.

      When I look at them at any other time, a couple of them swim funny. Like jumping around the tank.. GAHHH.

  8. Not sure what the colour is called, but seems like a delta for me. Got pic of him in full flare?
  9. Well... well.. While most of the fry are busy growing up, the parents mated again (not sure when, was too distracted with my Bettas) and now, under one of the driftwoods, there are more wrigglers! The neat thing is, the female let two of the existing fry to help her care for the new wrigglers. So cute. :)
  10. BBS conveniently decide they don't want to hatch today. *sigh*. I knew I shouldn't trust this new light bulb..

    1. DenningA.Rajit


      I just let the sun do its work. Works for me :)

    2. kertaz


      Good advice. Thanks. But the thing with sun is that it doesn't come out at night, so I don't have anything for their breakfast. Lol.

      Actually, I don't have room inside anymore that gives it direct sunlight and I can't put it on the balcony 'cuz people in room above are smoking and the ashes can go everywhere.

  11. For my past shrimp tank, I use the hang-on-back filter. (Similar to your 2nd pic) But I modified the inlet. Instead of using the inlet that came with it, I cut a X on a sponge block (which is used for canister filter) and fit it as the inlet. It'll provide an additional filtration, an additional grounds for beneficial bacteria and prevent the shrimps from getting into the filter. For illumination, I just use a T8 tube, and the plants grow quite well.
  12. Good luck fishies! EDIT: Oh, and you too pyrefly :)
  13. I had my cherry shrimp tank before I started breeding Bettas. When I started breeding, I made it a sorority tank and within a week my cherry shrimp was extinct from the tank.
  14. Nice find on both of them! I like the orangey colour on the left one :)
  15. After 8 weeks of no bubble nest in any of my tanks, my CT blew a nice nest overnight in his barrack... So glad! Here I thought something was wrong with my water that made bubbles unblowable! Seems not the case!

  16. They are cute! Good job with hatching them! Now the fun starts? :lol:
  17. At 2 weeks old, they're already at the same size; if not larger; with my 5 weeks Betta fry.. Can see all their fins - ventral, dorsal, anal, caudal and pectoral (though need to pinch your eyes really hard to see the pectoral) Hmm... Blurry pic this time . They're getting harder to photograph as they start to move around much quicker than when they were smaller (basically they were just jumping around slowly when they were smaller, making it easier..)
  18. Thanks all. It's pretty difficult sometimes to feed them Need to take into calculation the water currents and estimating where to shoot the BBS with the basters so that they land close to the fry location. @Joan: I can't say a lot about Blue rams other than what I've read, as I've never spawn or even kept any. Seems like they're more tricky and it may take them a few spawns to finally take care of their fry (for me, sounds more like an Angelfish rather than Apisto)
  19. Welcome Not Again, to the forum. If you wish to see the breeding setup for most people, usually you can find them on 'The Gene Pool' section, where people put in their spawning logs. At the very least, you will need a sponge filter, and some plants/ornaments/driftwood for the female to hide in, a heater and something floating to help the male build the nest. To keep Bettas, many people use barrack system. Quite a few have posted their barracks on the forum.
  20. Clearly, I lack knowledge of shrimpies world. All I've ever kept are Cherry shrimps. :blink:
  21. Wow, all white. Very nice! Should be named Crystal White Shrimp :lol:
  22. Haha, all of my males in barrack also wiggles their way into moss balls. Looking briefly, you'd think they are already died and stuck in there, but when you get close to them, they'll wiggle out and ask for a treat Good luck with breeding them :D
  23. I spoke too soon.... Fry and their protective mum: Not sure on the numbers yet, but don't think there're too many of them.
  24. Erm, somehow they moved the eggs somewhere else and I think the move didn't go too well. Now the female stopped guarding any cave and just get on with life. I figured she might have eaten the kids. Then again, she's still in her golden yellow breeding colour, so I'd expect another spawn not very long.
  25. Perhaps I might sound stupid, but if the pump is 0.65m max head and you slowed down the flow in order to solve your initial problem, and 0.77m is the height of the barrack, the pump may need to work harder to get the water to the top - causing the excessive delay. As for the overflow - did you try to add the water manually to see if the overflow works well? or did you let the pump fills it? If you let the pump filled the top of the barrack, then the delay may be caused due to the above? Hope it gives you an idea or a trigger to solve the problem As I said, I should've studied more physics :lol:
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