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Everything posted by kertaz

  1. Speaking of snails, I like assassin snails.
  2. that moment when the test trial of bbs hatching succeeded and the real deal fails....

    1. kertaz


      take two of BBS fail still. No microworm.. Hmm.. egg yolk? XD

      Have. To. Experiment..

  3. 10L with a heater sounds like a perfect place for Betta ;p You can probably put a sponge filter and keep some of shrimps in it though.
  4. Welcome to the forum, Calico! Ask anything you want! Lots of us are happy to help :)
  5. Welcome Louizor, we're very friendly here. Steep learning curve when you're trying to breed fish successfully but keep at it! :)
  6. I've tried mixing both of them. Though both parties were healthy, from my experience, discus are far more passive than the angels. Angels were really greedy that they ate most; if not all; the food before the discus get them. If I remember correctly, I think there were 4 discus to 4 (or 5) angels. Since mixing, the discus were gradually getting thinner, so they got separated again.
  7. Thanks for the insight, all! Razzi, i'm located in Jakarta. Would be good if you can hook me up with a breeder around :D
  8. CTPK! That's an awesome suggestion. The thought didn't come to my mind! I was thinking maybe crossing the CT girl with the slightly combtail SD/D Butterfly Yellow boy and uh.. what would I end up with? That reminds me too, how did your attempt to create CTPK with Busman go? The plakad above the orchidy looking PK seems like a yellow orchid? lol (I think patterns look similar to the orchidy plakad but spread on yellow instead of black) What would yellow orchid plakad X black orchid CT produce?
  9. So I was window shopping yesterday and found these kids. Bought 5 of them, and 3 of them are plakads! They're not big enough for spawning (or at least 3 of them aren't), but here's hoping sometimes in the future! Problem is, they didn't sell any girls. So well.. I'm still kinda stuck with 1 CT black orchid girl which is now beaten up by the CT male. HM Yellow Delta/SD Yellow (I think this one has slight combtail - but has butterfly pattern. The hardest to take pic, so the head isn't included in the pic..) The Plakads!! This one was sold as MG, but I'm not sure. Could be female. He/She wasn't interested in flaring when I took picture of him/her. What kind of girl should I look for the boys above? (especially to improve those boys' forms) Colour wise, would a copper girl match with any of them? What about opaque? Thanks for looking! :D
  10. 10 cherry shrimp for $45 seems a bit overpriced for me.
  11. Plenty of tetras other than neon make good schooling fish: Cardinal tetras ( for the bluish colour ) Glowlight tetras (for the orangish colour) Ember tetras Rummynose tetras They'll fit depending on your scape, I suppose.
  12. Might be just me, but I think all you need is water movement which can be achieved by an airstone and airpump. The wool provides surface area for the bacteria to grow and to cycle the tank. Hang on back filter can also be used though. But with that barracks, I think that 1 end of the barrack may have cleaner water compared to the other end.
  13. Looks more like blyxa japonica than hairgrass for me.. I may be wrong though.
  14. As of today, they got full house for their barracks No empty bays left I love their barrack system as well.
  15. tail biter at such a young age -_-

    1. shadoh


      It happens to the best of us... To date, all 3 HM males I have owned have been tail biters...

    2. kertaz


      These 2 were my first tail biters. Lol. Luckily their tails aren't full grown yet, so they can only nip a little bit, which should heal up soon :)

      Then again.. what'd happen when they're full grown -_-

  16. Welcome Fred. Was nice to meet you the other day. Hope you have plenty of success breeding them. 4 spawn tanks! If they all work out at the same time, your hands will be pretty full. :)
  17. what about those magnetic algae scrappers? Or maybe you could just use algae fix chemical? Might be fish-friendly but not shrimp friendly though. if you're using bleach, make sure you rinse it really really really well. I tend to overkill when un-bleaching my equipments. I rinse the bleached equipments well, then soak it in the water for 1-2 night and put 5-10x dechlorinator dose and then rinse them again. Also, make sure you use the unscented bleach.
  18. Thanks paulman. I've decided to raise this kid up in floating container until it get slightly bigger, then hopefully it can go along well with other cory. I can't give it BBS until saturday though. So it has to do with MW 'til then. Will update this topic in the future :cheer:
  19. No. Please not that. Lol. It doesn't have legs! (or not yet) But it got fishy fins, and body not as long as dragonfly nymph. Hopefully not that, at least It's the size where it's big enough to eat BBS and I haven't got any BBS hatchery at the moment, so MW gonna have to volunteer themselves. Could it be a loach of any kind? I don't mind raising it as long as I don't need a dedicated tank for it. At the moment, it's still floating in cory tank in the small chinese container. If I do raise it, what do you all suggest the water condition be? I didn't do anything for the black worm tanks except dechlorinate the water and occasionally put some random things in it for their food, so pretty much at a loss.. Thanks all for the input. Really appreciated :)
  20. The patterns do look similar to the oto in SFF's link. One thing is that if it's tropical fish, how could it survive in such freezing temperature in the worm tank (it's unheated, and when water changes come, I didn't heat the water and just drop in fresh cold water from tap with dechlorinator). Even my hand felt very cold when I need to harvest the worms. Joan, when your cory was a fry, did they have long barbels? (more like a whisker on this one) Somehow, this one got a long barbel to body ratio compared to other cories that I've had.. (bottom view) Hoplo catfish also seems a candidate.. especially since the patterns can still develop. But I think the pattern would be too different from cory pygmy.. I don't know where I should keep it? It survived thru weeks (I think) of water changes at blackworm tank's harsh temperature, should I just put it back in blackworm tank? As Busman said.. How did it even get there? The blackworms carry fish egg and raise it themselves? Because I never put any fry food inside the worm's tank..
  21. I was looking at my black worm tank at a glance and something caught my eye. Something small and swam fairly fast. I thought I was imagining things, so I inspected further and found it. At first I thought it was some insect or something, but after further inspection, it seems like a fish fry... It resembles corydoras fish VERY greatly; both in the way it swims and in its body anatomy. But I thought it's pretty slender for a cory. For now, I put it in small chinese container and gave some MW in case its actually cory. And float it in my cory tank. Before I put black worm in this tank, I did put 3 corydoras pygmaeus for about a week or so while waiting for the bigger one to house them. When they moved, I cleaned the tank and put in black worms. Also, the pattern doesn't seem like corydoras pygmaeus' pattern, so.. uh.. what is this thing? :confused:
  22. Welcome to the forum, Foscent. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Plenty of infos too here. :)
  23. It's 27L. I'd say a giant or normal Betta or shrimps. or maybe some guppies? I think a small colony of cory pygmaeus/hastatus would be viable as well. Shrimp is also a great idea; as Matt has suggested.
  24. They're looking real good, shadoh. Though, I can't say much about the cello (not a fan of cello), but the dark coloured one has a very nice colour. I like his colour, from the photo, the colour looks like a holographic foil :lol:
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