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Status Updates posted by kertaz

  1. that moment when the test trial of bbs hatching succeeded and the real deal fails....

    1. kertaz


      take two of BBS fail still. No microworm.. Hmm.. egg yolk? XD

      Have. To. Experiment..

  2. tail biter at such a young age -_-

    1. shadoh


      It happens to the best of us... To date, all 3 HM males I have owned have been tail biters...

    2. kertaz


      These 2 were my first tail biters. Lol. Luckily their tails aren't full grown yet, so they can only nip a little bit, which should heal up soon :)

      Then again.. what'd happen when they're full grown -_-

  3. And so the jarring start... really exciting :D

    1. mumofthehoarde


      How do you have it set up?

    2. luv_my_fish
    3. kertaz


      mumofthehorde: I'll post it up sometime in the future. Or when I can get around to taking pictures of it. My current setup is useful for small spawns, at the moment :D

      I'll PM you when I do get around to it. Hopefully by the weekend.

  4. After weeks of flirting and courting, finally the CT pair wrapped..!!

    1. mumofthehoarde
    2. Sarah


      Ooh.. exciting!

      Congrats & good luck with the fry. :)

    3. kertaz


      Thanks MotH and Sarah!

      The funny thing is there are 2 nests, both with eggs, one under IAL, guarded by father, and another under water sprites, guarded by mother...

      The one guarded by the mother seems a dud one though. Most of the eggs there don't seem to be fertilized.

  5. oh yeah! new camera! finally can take pics again!

  6. was trying to take picture of my fish and the whole camera went into the water! I knew I should've got the waterproof one!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kertaz


      I am trying the rice drying method that I found. 12 Hours passed and the camera still not working properly. May not be able to take anymore picture updates of any of my fish for records!

    3. kertaz


      Nope. Camera's died. RIP camera T_T

    4. girlz0r


      Ohhh pooop. I don't trust waterproof cameras! I've had 3 and they have all broken. under water. but to be fair the last one i took into the spa and i think it didn't like the hot water...

  7. why are my sbd kids swim just fine when i'm about to cull them and swim funny when i decided not to cull them?

    1. Sarah


      Maybe threaten them with culling... might bring their act up. :)

    2. kertaz


      I've been trying to cull them for the past 3 days, but whenever I put in something to take them out, I can't find the fish to cull because they all swim fine.. lol.

      When I look at them at any other time, a couple of them swim funny. Like jumping around the tank.. GAHHH.

  8. BBS conveniently decide they don't want to hatch today. *sigh*. I knew I shouldn't trust this new light bulb..

    1. DenningA.Rajit


      I just let the sun do its work. Works for me :)

    2. kertaz


      Good advice. Thanks. But the thing with sun is that it doesn't come out at night, so I don't have anything for their breakfast. Lol.

      Actually, I don't have room inside anymore that gives it direct sunlight and I can't put it on the balcony 'cuz people in room above are smoking and the ashes can go everywhere.

  9. After 8 weeks of no bubble nest in any of my tanks, my CT blew a nice nest overnight in his barrack... So glad! Here I thought something was wrong with my water that made bubbles unblowable! Seems not the case!

  10. My apisto cac spawned ~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Oh congats!!

      Good luck with the fry. :))

      Second for piccies. :)

    3. mandz


      awww I LOVE those fishies :) yes, piccies please

    4. kertaz


      Thanks everyone! Piccies: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12217

      It was a surprise - one moment I thought they were close, next I saw, they already spawned. Not particularly a huge spawn, but still nice, regardless :)

  11. Need... more... buckets..

    1. luv_my_fish


      Need ... more ... fish ... and ... tanks ... lol

    2. shadoh


      Need...more...slaves... to...do...waterchanges...

    3. Sarah


      All of the above, please.

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