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About ThiefInDaNite

  • Birthday 12/29/1976

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  • Currently Breeding

ThiefInDaNite's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi All, I'm Seb here, I joined this forum few weeks ago and this will be my first post here, and hopefully i can contribute all of you in someway. I'm a newbie to fish world and currently running a 3 footer and a 2footer. At this stage i have few imported guppies like Blue Grass and some other coloured ones as well as Neons. I've started thinking just to have a one show tank but things started to change, having fish is like a diseases, never get enough of fish/tanks/filters and heaters lol... it's crazy and my wife not happy - Oops. I have learnt a lot from this forum and some of the setup's i have seen is really inspiring - Thank you. Good luck to all and see you around :-)
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