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Everything posted by les

  1. I would say they will start spawning in the tank anyway as that is what they are geneticly wired to do. I would say that as the tank fills in more of the fry will survive. I see you have moss and the fry love that I have Ric as a floating plant and Java Moss as the bottom plant in my Killi grow out Tanks. I hope you get some fry grow on, good luck Cheers Les
  2. Hey MT Great tanks shots and the Killie have coulerd up great. Now you will have to venture in to spawning it realy is the next step and gardneri are realy easy. Serkan has a thred for making the mops and I think I did one as well a while back. Good luck MT Cheers Les
  3. Hey Paul I think you did prity good with the pics. and the pair are a great match. This will be a great pair to watch and you can put me down for a pair Ill pick them up in September I will add that Uncle Jim helps me out as well and I am never disapointed. Good luck Bussy and may your tanks be fruitfull Cheers Les
  4. les

    Feeding Guppy Fry

    Hey Tehengo Yes I use that a lot with my fry Guppie, Killi and Betta. the trick is to make a past out of it but not a liquid and feed in very small amounts. BBs is realy good for its HUFAs, Amino acids that realy aid in the enitial stages of organ development. BBS loose these HUFAs very quickly so the fresher the Betta I only feed my fry live food or liquid food but the bigest factor in fast growth rate is water changes. Cheers Les
  5. les

    Fight Club

    @ Lachie PM me your E-Mail address and I will send you the basic stage, when you have that under control let me know and I will send the advance stage. @ Razzi yes you can seehow they dont differ to much. I am hopping that the giant girl I have in with one of the males will not interfear with they coulering to much. she has copper red body with red fins. Cheers les
  6. les

    F. Striatum

    Hey Razzi I didnt relize they hadnt started on the house yet. You dont realy need a tank set up. Takeaway container for the eggs to hatch in thats the first two weeks of life taken care of. a household bucket with an air stone for the fry to grow out takes care of the fry till they couler up then the tank to display and take pics. easy squeesy. let me know when I should send them. Cheers les
  7. so now we expect pics He He Cheers les
  8. les

    Fight Club

    @ Jarrod Ill E-Mail you a copy of the basic and advanced training that I got from a friend in Indonesia, @ Steph I have and I like it. I couldnt call a fish Sheldone as thats what we call one of my nephews he looks and talks just like him, its freek @ Ness OK is that Blink Blink or Wink Wink ?????? "Love it" @ Lachi I wouldnt realy call it a set up it is just tanks on racks in the garage. I also have the betta males jared and in a bain-marie to keep warm while the wether cools and most of the girl are in a serority. The guppy breeding and grow out tanks arnt heated, the Killi breeding tanks are heated but the Killi grow out tanks arnt. The betta spawn tanks aree all heated and only some of the wild betta tanke are heated. I grew a spawn outside this year in tub and usualy grow the guppies out in the glass house all year round. I will be spawning outside this summer as I think it will work nicely for the experiments made. So as you see its not realy a set up but a mad mans paradise Cheers les
  9. les

    Fight Club

    Hey Lachie What have you got planed for your Fighting Plakats? I have two boys that have started basic training: Carding, Water swirling and chassing. they realy like it I havent had them to long but they already know that an hour after feeding I will be in there to start training with them and they will swim right into my hand to go into the training containers. They realy pick things up fast. Cheers Les
  10. Hey Ness I didnt miss it I just wasnt hear Happy Birthday I hope it was a great day and may the year ahead bring you joy and delight. Cheers Les
  11. Hear are some pics of my Fighting Plakats The first rule of Fight Club is: You dont talk about fight Club He is keeping prity tight liped His name is Leonard Leakey Hofstadter at present he is in the spawn tank with a giant girl named Penny. at present he has built one of the bigest nests I have ever had The second rule of Fight Club is: You dont talk about fight club This is Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappli Leonard calls him Raj The fourth rule of Fight Club is: Only two guys to a fight. Cheers Les
  12. WoW I realy like the look of them, I a didnt know they came in diferent coulers great link Mighty Matt. Cheers Les
  13. Hey Paul I saw him in your scape thread. Very nice red, do you know how big this type will grow or are they just the same as normel rams horn? Cheers les
  14. les

    F. Striatum

    Hi Razzi when I first got them Ididnt have the heat on and was collecting every two or three days, now I have put the heat on it is every day they are as good a layer as my P82 s. When I got the fish they where very small and so where there eggs but now the two pairs are bigger and so are there eggs and production. They are being feed only live food, BBS, BW and GW they like the BW the best. How is the new house going and when will your fish room be compleate? ill send you eggs when you want them OK Cheers Les
  15. Hey Ashlea I allways love the pics you post of your tanks and thats a great collection you have there. Parranormal fish room that could make it with a cult following (The Necromatic Fish Raiser) any chance of a preview but it must contain icy breath LOL Good luck Cheers Les
  16. Hey Sarah Long time no hear, That orange girl reminds me of a Tequila sunrise I realy love the look of her and there is so much you could do with her. What are her matting choices? . it seems your fish room is filling up with some nice stock. Good luck in the spawn tanks Cheers Les
  17. les

    F. Striatum

    My first three Striatum fry hatched out today, still about ten eggs left in that container to hatch, so prity happy with the Killi side of the shed at the moment. Cheers Les
  18. The stripes turned into spots so all the males went to the shop. The girls I will save for an Oscar I have my eye on. next lot of fry are in the grow out, about sixty but they wont have the heat on so that should slow growth down a little. Cheers Les
  19. Today was a first for me I have taken the peat tub out of the tank and vac the floor (these guys are messy in the bedroom) Wrung peat out and air dry for the day I spoted at least six eggs but wasnt looking hard, just put peat in a bag and marked with date they will take about 84 days for incubation and then they will be my first atempt at peat spawners. Cheers Les
  20. HI Joan Yes they work great. I use them on my moss and they dont make a mess of it the way Cherries can. They are a bit slow but still do a terific job with the hair alge. Cheers Les
  21. Do you have to be artistic or can us autistic dislexic folk join in ass well Cheers Les
  22. Hey RR As Ness said. I would also add you caould also go DR CT ( Double Ray Crown Tail) with her as her tail seems to show this trait even if slight. With her NR (Non-Red) gene I would stay away from red fins as you will lose this traight as it is recessive to Red. I can vouch that if you put her to a light green male some of the fry will be a much deeper green ( I am working with that myself at the moment) I hope this helps in some way. Cheers Les PS I realy love your DTs I have a few myself and am trying for a line of my ow. What are your plans for these girls
  23. Hey Razzi They have now had two big feeds of blackworms and his couler is a lot more intence. I will put a heater in with them to spedd up there matabalism. I stuffed up my first atempt at putting the peat container in and ended up with it all over the floor of the tank, so a quick water change and I got it right the second time. I will be happy with three or four pairs of these guys to play with they are realy interactive. as seen in the pic I left my finger in there and he came right up to it just to check it out, granted I had been playing with the blackworms so that may have had somthing to do with it. Cheers Les
  24. I went over to see a killi Guru friend mine yesterday to drop of some fish and grindel worms and came back with this pair of A. Deltaense A. Deltaense grows to about 10cm in length, It is a semi-annnual comming from swamps in a river delta that have a tendency to dry up. This species is a bottom spawner that uses peat and the incubation period for the eggs is around 84 days. The fry when hatched are large enough to be feed BBS and have a moderate growth rate. In the grow out tanks these fish can be pron to agresion if over crowding occures. Personaly I think this Killi is on a par with Sjoestedti in the eye candy catagory. Cheers Les
  25. I will contact Syd and ask him where he got that referance from He has been in the society since he was 14 and is now 70 +. Cheers Les
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