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Everything posted by les

  1. Good luck with the spawns Jarrod If my Red Copper DTPK boy does the right thing by the end of the week I will send you some of his offspring Cheers Les
  2. les


    I got two pairs of Filamentosum yesterday and am a very happy chappy. I am not going to try and spawn them till they are bigger. It was a realy good buy at four fish for $50.00. No picks at the moment as they are in a large tank with Guppies so they are tending to stay hidden, once they are big enough to spawn Ill take picks. Cheers Les
  3. LOL, Amazeballs it is so cold in the garage tonight I felt like a brass monkey. I am leaving the lights on and even had to turn the heaters up. I will try and get good picks tomorow Cheers Les
  4. Thanks Lilly sorry about the quality but is was so bloody cold in the garage I didnt want the fish out of the Bain-mari for to long. The devine miss blue I like her she is sasy and has an attitude Best I could do with this guy. I think he is ADD, I will slip him some ritenale later on LOL Then there is the black matalic pair, I will explain that the matalic they are showing is copper and the sheen is most ammazing ther form when he and she flare properly even made my wife want to keep them Mustaffa if a man who wont take it likely if you look sideways at him Nubia, This exotic princess shimmers with excitement when Mustaffa looks her way Not great pics but the black pair I think I will keep and the blue pair are going as a raffel prize at the next Aquarium societey of western australia meeting. Ill be giving a presentation on Splendens. Hope I dont stuff up to badly but I supose the door prize might make up for it:lol: Cheers Les
  5. OK just for you Ness I braved the cold and took these poor defencless fish out of the warm Baim-Mari LOL, but we will be down to 1 deg again tonight The male fighters there are SEVEN ( good number) My most favourite fish as I didnt have one and needed one to do what I realy wanted to do with the DT line ( Thank you Jim) I have more of the HM pairs that I got Cheers Les
  6. LOL As I may do at the Betta Australis show Hey Jarrod all I got was a girl dancing when I cliked on the vid ( I think he was a girl???) Cheers Les
  7. I got some of these guys of a friend of mine and they look great in the tank. He said that he somtimes getts Bluish coulerd ones occurring with them but he squishes enything that isnt a desent red. Cheers Les
  8. LOL That reminds me of a dish I like "Honey rollover and Lettuce" cant wait to see the winner Cheers Les
  9. Hey Sarah Good idea with the labeling of the leads, it makes things a lot more easyer to figer out. I use one of those cable tidiers as well, you can get from the $2 shop and it realy keeps thing tidy as far as leads go. I realy like the way your fish room is evolving so keep the pics rolling Cheers Les
  10. I must agree with the Balck worms. Just got a kilo myself today shipped over from Mal in Victoria. I find that they condition better and grow better on black worms after I have finished with the grindels. Cheers Les
  11. Congradulations Jodie on first ,second and therd and to Paul for Most Unusual???? its great to hear that there was a great variation in them all. Great job Jarrod on organising it all Cheers Les
  12. les

    Hey jim I have been trying to send you a PM but I think your in box is full. Is there any chance of getting seven more Normal Fighter Plakats? the $5.00 ones that yousent over before.



  13. les

    What to call it

    Hey Lachie What type of uncles do you have? My nephews come to stay with me and have fun not slave work. If they offer to thats ok but we have a whole heap of things to do like lazer tag, Sci-Tech, The movies plus the skate park so I realy dont think after all that any of us will want to do water changes we will be stuffed Ohh yes and lots and lots of junk food. Cheers Les
  14. les

    What to call it

    I will try and post a better pic next week after my Nephews leave (school holidays) so I am way to busy even for water changes. Cheers Les
  15. Hey Razzi Sound like a great idea water proof membrain we used a two part sealer made by Bostic under our Jarrah floor boards that are directly on top of the slab and have had no probs with damp, my Nephew didnt and he has had a hell of a time with them . If the walls are external and have a cavity it souldnt be a problem at a later date to put in power points If the floor is tiled remember to use a realy good grout sealer, I sealed mine and it has definatly given me a longer life of the grout. Good luck and I hope it all goes well Cheers Les
  16. les

    What to call it

    Whilst sorting through the half Black Red spawns I came across three males like this One male has just straight red fins with this ammazing snake skin and the other two have the snake skin body but with black marks in the tail, there is no real patern to it just like smudges This guy was the only one I could get to stay still enough to get a hint of what it looks like I was thinking of putting the male with the pure red tail and snake skin body in with two Red Albino girls. What do you think? and does anyone have an idea what I will get from it. Cheers Les
  17. les

    Half Black

    So I have been sorting through the Full Black x Half Black and got to guys like this out of the tank yesterday. This pick dosnt seem to capture that the black is all the way to the end of his tail. I have put them in with there virgin sisters to see what they will produce. They have been prity late in sprouting but I am hoping that there tails and dorsels come up to scratch. Cheers Les
  18. Hey Jarrod Even with out the ventricels he is still not a bad looking VT I love the dark line on his caudel. Good luck guys, I cant wait to see the pics of entrents. Cheers les
  19. Hey Jarrod Thats not a bad idea. The only prob would be finding a vacant power outlet that has easy access with all the tanks in the way but i will give it a go Cheers les
  20. Good pairing of the DR CTs you have made there afr. The Nr gene could still be fixed depending on what you select from the pairing. his top line can be corrected by that awsome lookin girl who I think is the pick of the pair. Cheers Les
  21. Hi Razzi If the room has an external wall then could you not plumb to an ageing tank on th out side maby one that has captured filterd rain water from the roof? The same could be applied to the waist water leaving the room plumbed out to a veg garden. these could be adapeted after the house is built quite easerly. I like the idea of a sink for the fish room I am so sick of carrying boiling water to the garage and it is such a great idea it will save you so much time. how have you planed the electric for the room? and what is the floor surface and drainage like. Good luck and I hope the builders get the hurry on LOL Cheers Les
  22. les

    F. Striatum

    Hey MT Only on the left is the one fry in both pics. Havnt been out there yet today but thats where I am headed for water changing day YAY Cheers Les
  23. les

    F. Striatum

    So the first lot i got three fry from but the last colection has just started to hatch. see whats happening one so far but the rest will follow When they where colected There are so many eyed up and one hatched Yes it is small but it does matter LOL (That sounds so lame) but I am senciere Well if you are after them you know where to get them Cheers Les
  24. Hey MT I started my blyxa of in tubes with crushed pea gravel till they got roots then transferd them to the tank after that I bury them prity deep and they grow realy wellI am using ADA amazon as the substraight If I have trouble with fish disturbing plants in the past I have tied them with cotton to a skewer and then poked it into the substraight that just gives it an extra bit of ancorage till the roots take off. Good luck Cheers Les
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