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Everything posted by les

  1. Hi Serkan I went out today looking for Rooibos but couldnt find any at the IGA. I will have another look tomorow at Coles and Woolies as they might have it. I picked 17 eggs of the mop last night and they are in the methylene blue so the next lot of eggs I pick I would like to go into the Rooibos tea. and then see the difference. I think my plan of a week before seperation might be to long for the girl as she is looking decidedly thiner this afternoon so playing it by ear I will drop the partition tomorow morning and check the mops for more eggs then let her plump up and release again. The mature male in the first pick has claimed his teretory in the Betta serority tank. The other youg male just follows a female giant around. I think he likes his girls Betta proportiond I have never had cross species admiration in my tanks before. Cheers Les
  2. Ok so I have another girl to pick up from my mate ken. I have looked at the mops and found two eggs already but havent harvested I will wait till tomorow for that. The tank that these fish are in are my Betta spawning tanks. They can be devided with a glass partition that goes all the way to the top. My plan is to alow them to breed for a week then give them a rest with the partition in place then release again after a weeks rest. My reason for doing this is that My mate Ken had two girls and the boys where so rough that the girls died. I have scoured the internet for diferent matting methods and one was to put one male with two females (That was my first plan) but on further resurch i found another method where limited time is given then the female rested then back into it. So the second method is what I will try first one pair will be mop and the other pair will be peat. This should increas my chancess of building the population to get more breeding stock. Cheers Les
  3. Hey Serkan I got the Sjoet sorted Ken has another girl for me. I realy like the Amieti but didnt have any luck with the last lot of eggs I tried of them.
  4. Hey Rod and Serkan When I first looked at them the two young males didnt have any colour at all only the older boy in the first pick. I was so excited and it was late I didnt realy look at the pic but thanks for pointing it out to me. I got onto Ken today and he is checking out where my other girl is I think Jilani has got him but thats ok as it will be easy to recover. I jave put the girl in with the least mature male so she dosnt get to bashed up. I did want to put one male with two females as I read on the net that that was the best ratio, It was a very old artical but I do trust the old ones for some reason. LOL Cheers Les Thanks guys
  5. Well I have loved the look of these fish even before I got my first Killis but never thought I would have a chance in hell of getting any but after tonight I am the proud owner of two pairs. The blue is so intense but is not showing up in the pics hear is the only male who like the camera I think he could stand the flash for hours And one of the girls she isnt to shy ether The first thing the boys did on release was check out the tank and the girls went straight to the bottom after the blackworms. Both pairs have a bit of filling out to do but Blackworms, Grindels and newly born guppies are on the menu in an all you can eat buffet. These guys are even more up front than my Deltaense. there tank is right next to my extraverted brownorium and they are all checking each other out rather funny to watch till the wife said I had been out there long enough LOL ( Allways in the poo its only the depth that varies ) Cheers Les
  6. A Sjoestedti USA Blue I cant quite get the intense blue to show up in the pics they look quite diferent from normale Sjoetedti. Cheers Les PS Thanks Serkan for starting an ID thred and to everyone contributing
  7. I must say I would purchase a pair of long fin if I got the choice. and I realy like Chocolate Australi. But like you say if the wild types are looked after then thats the main thing. Maby Serkan and Davo, you could add pics of the varieties of killis you both keep and Ill put up some that I keep and that way we could start an ID thread on the Killi section of Aus Aqua???? Cheers Les
  8. hey zui In the quickness of betta there is the slowness of genetics this isnt at play with killi unless you decide to play with there genetics, most Killi enthusiasts seem to frown on this act. I supose it is like looking for the stillness and finding movment or you could listen to the sound of one hand clapping. Cheers les
  9. Hey Ness He is a Keeper. Just for the nr gene maby try him with a cambo girl so it is easyer to recover the nr in the second generation with nothing masking it. you say white so maby opaque is in play hear and that can be put to good use with any for of matalic giveing some nice dragons later down the track. cant wait for the photo shoot and what you decide for his mate. Jim would be able to line somthing up for him I am sure. Cheers Les
  10. Hey Ness You will have to do a second matting to see the tru results of this pair. Read Phill Shaddocks Genetis primer it will explain what I mean as traits can be masked till the sibs are matted then you see the real Geno in the pheno. but that aside did you not get any snake skin in this drop?? I think male number one has a better repprasentation of lace on the tail and as he matures it may improve more the other male has a big black mark wich is a step backwards IMHA. Cheers Les PS the primer can be downloaded PDF
  11. Hey Serkan I have seen the clip and dont realy mind the idea of selective breeding. we do it anyway by picking the pairs we will mate for next season so why not for other ornamentle purposses. Heydavo I dont realy know about Killi fry being easyer than Betta fry. I mean waiting eighty odd days for eggs to be ready to hatch is a long wait Mate but betta are three days and you are there. They are like two diferent diciplines that I couldnt chose between Cheers les
  12. les

    My first Killies

    Hey Zui Welcome to the wonderfull world of Killi. Remember this experiance and when you start checking mops, remember mop out lid on or you will lose a few. but apart from that they are a very nice Killi to start of with, I hope Davo feeds your addiction LOL Cheers Les
  13. Hey Jarrod Good score and even better seeing as you already have a girl to go with him. I look forward to a spawn log Cheers Les
  14. Hey Ness If you Mum wants a happy tank give her a tank of laughing gas and keep the guppies for you. How cold is your apartment??? as My guppies get as low as 14 deg so if you apartment keeps above that you shouldnt have to heat. Cheeers Les
  15. Hey davo I think thats a great idea keeping a divers gene pool. One of the origenal members of the aquarium society of Perth said to me recently that river fish like Killi didnt need genetical diversity as they could breed from small populations. I just noded and acted polite but I havent found any info on the net to back up his statement so I will keep with adding genetic diversity so the strains stay strong. Cheers Les
  16. Hey Davo My P82 have stoped laying since I have been laid up. maby they stoped becouse they havent had live food for the last couple of days. Anyway as soon as they start up laying again I will send you some eggs and if the fillamentosa start the same applys to them Cheers Les
  17. Hey Jarrod I agree it would be great to have them HM PK that girl is stunning and I am not usualy a fan of Marbles but with that balance of couler she stands out a mile. Good luck with the comming spawn Cheers Les
  18. Hey Davo Nice I hope you get them spawning soon then the fry should be ready to sell by spring. Dont forget to let us know in the west what you have for sale when they are ready CGood luck Cheers Les
  19. Hey Paul You do have a thing for Red betta dont you I was thinking of your rockets. They are a great looking pair so I hope they spawn well for you. I will be looking forward to the Log Cheers Les
  20. les


    Hey Davo The shop I get my Killies from had only Bivatiatum males no females so I didnt get them as I didnt think it worth it if I cant breed it. If I am successfull with the Deltaenses I will send you a pair or two depending on how many hatch. Cheers Les
  21. les


    Hi Davo I have the following killi fish Aphyosemion Deltaense X 1 Pair A. Filamentosum X 2 Pairs A. Gardneri P82 X 5 Pairs A Striatum X 2 Pairs Aplocheilus lineatus X 5 Pairs Aplocheilichthys Norani X 3 individuals I am hoping to get hold of som Sjestedti Blyue USA in the near future but I am waiting for a relpy on them. It is realy hard to get hold of both sex hear as they seem to come through as only males. I was taken through one of the importers quaretine areas hear in Perth and it was a great experiance and the bigest thing is they get what they are sent. If you have any killi that Ken or I dont have I would be intrested I buying some. Cheers Les
  22. Nice to see Ness You have a few yellows which is good to see I get a few from my reds as well. What are you feeding the little ruggers at the moment??? I use BBS and then onto grindels as soon as they can fit them in there mouths. Cheers Les
  23. les


    Thats it Nice Ness They look like Gardneri when they are small but will eventualy look very much like him. When will you venture into Killis Ness????? Cheers Les
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