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Everything posted by les

  1. les

    My guppy update

    The glass house is dismantled. The area is totaly cleard and cleen. I have the steel framwork that will be cut this weekend. I have just found all the colourbond sheets I need to cover the shed each sheet is 4mtrs @ $10 each ( I just have to figer out how I will transport it as it is to long for my trailer so I might have to hire a longer one. I have to get the sand , cement and blue stone on friday. so next week will be realy busy. Cheers les
  2. Hey Chi How did you get that picture of me????? Cheers Les
  3. Eggs picked on the 16-17 Aug have started to hatch and there are more tails wrigling out of eggs. They are very dark looking fry and wider than I had expected. I am so excited it is better than the Bullmastiffe I am baby sitting at the moment. I am getting some Bundy and celebrating for this.( is there not a more masculine cheer leader we could use) " we are cheering, we we are cheering" Cheers Les
  4. les


    Hi Chi what part of the spawning process is giving you dificulty?? I use banana leaf on my giants to condition them. I also only feed black worm and grindel worms. I turn the temp up to 30 and Hey Presto I have bubbles. I only use young boys on older girls this has worked for me so far. If the male isnt intrested I put another male in the tank with the girl in the chimeny but take the male out after one or two nips this can get the boy intrested. But I find age and temp to be the big factor and Banana leafs it brings out the agresion in them. I hope this helps, It took me a while of sorting through things to hit it right in the end. Cheers Les
  5. Hi Chi There are five pairs in this tank. This is why I get so many eggs and this is why I have to get them early or they poach them. They do lay a large egg about the same size as the Blue gularis but they are a robust fish so they can cope with that. They eat like it is going out of fasion they get Blackworm three times a day pluse any left over grindels and BBS. They seem to work well for me in large numbers like this as the agresion is spread out more evenly and they look great in larger groups. If I had my way I would have about twenty pairs breeding in outside ponds as the larger the numbers the better the genetic stability. but I will try that once I have reard enough fry Cheers Les
  6. les

    My guppy update

    The moscow blues have droped a second lot of fry and the first lot are starting to show colour. I know have managed to breed the snake skin patern on to my half black reds so now they have snake skin bodies and red tails The half black yellows have now droped fry so hears hopping for more half black yellows and I have my second gen metal yellow tails Pingu still havnt droped but I will heat up there tank to give them a prod Blond endlers have had a second drop so the numbers are comming back up after the big die off I had I have two albino red girls who are pregnat to a fullred lace boy tail boy outside tubs have started to shimmer with active guppies who have matured slowly over winter. will gender seperate next week Cheers Les
  7. These guys are producing well now I get lots of eggs 20+ a day if I get the mops out early. Cheers Les
  8. les


    ROFL I am so going to miss not comming over. I made some small tanks for them I think they hold about 8 Ltr. I am taking down the glass house at the moment to make room for a fishroom so all daylight hours are spent doing that but I will try for the pics on wed when I have the next big water change I want to take pics of the giant spawn I have as I did some culling and only saved the bigest. Cheers LesPS I am not good with cameras as you already know LOL
  9. les


    This boy is a little more layed back but still will front up to Mr MG when uncarded I have a blue MG girl I breed myself that will he satisfy his need to breed and they can then be crossed with my other Blue giant spawn None of these boys stay still long enough but thats good as it realy shows there staminar I have one more boy who is a little on the shy side. I have a very light green girl lined up for him so it will be intresting what they produce Cheers Les Hey Jarrod Fingers crossed today was there first release. If you are intrested in MGs then I have a few MG girls That I will try and get pics of if you are intrested. Cheers Les
  10. les


    I have been meaning to post pics of my new Giants but have had problems with P/B All the fish come from Jim so once again thank you jim. I have the MG in a spawning tank at the moment and will post pics of him and his consort when they do somthing worthy of mentioning This is the MG, he shows green on the body and his fins are all margind in black the rest of the fin is yellow. he has a great HM spread He is a real agro bugger and will even atack the glass I hope the girl he is in with at the moment can cope with that. the next giant boy is blue and he already has a blue MG girl that he is eyeing off through the divider.
  11. Hey Davo That would be great. I will do the same as eggs become available Cheers Les
  12. les


    All the eggs in the Rooisbos have fungused so I wont be using it again. Well maby just for a cupa LOL Cheers Les
  13. LOL. This is a bit of a slow process. I only alow the girls in with one male when they have swelled up a bit which takes about three to four days. They are thin by the second day in and have no eggs left so I seperate them again and go through the whole process again. The males seem to be prity hard on the girls and they look so thin after laying just a few eggs but the eggs are big so I gues thats why. All the eggs I put into the Rooisbos fungused so I will only be placing in M/B from hear on in. IF I am succesfull enough to get a few more pairs breeding then I will more than gladly send them out to the other Killi groups Cheers Les
  14. Out of the first seventeen eggs that I picked eleven have eyed up. They are in methylene blue. The eggs in the rooisbos havent eyed yet but they havent fungused ether. Cheers Les
  15. les


    Hi Jarrod / Chi It took me a bit to find it as I tend to avoid the larger supermarkets and shop at the IGA. The Methylen blue is mixed with water and put into containers. When the Killi eggs are picked from the mops they are put into the containers containing the Methylen blue solution. This process helps stop some of the eggs from fungusing (I dont know if that is a word but you know what I mean). The Rooibos is ment to act as an anti fungle agent and so that is why I am seeing if I can get as good results from it as I do from M/B. It would be great to have a natural product to use instead of chemicals. Cheers Les
  16. Hey Red Snow The first thing I would look at is what wood it is made from and how will it react to humidity or if it gets wet, Pine , partical board MDF. will it need to be treated with product to make it usable. The second thing would be if the wood is ok then take the lid off cut it in half length ways and rejoin with piano hindge. It can be bought from Bunnings and is inexpencive. the piano hindge will not effect the flat surface of the top but will allow you easy access to the barracks below. Happy carpentry Cheers Les
  17. les


    On the Aust Killi site Keith had sudjested the use of Rooibos tea as an alternative to methylene. As he is extreemly knowledgable about Killiand I thought I would give it a go. I did find it hard to get the tea at first but I managed to get some of the tea bags from the South African shop. I have put Gold Gularis, P82 and Sjoistedti in the tea and the same in methylene. All the containers are kept under the same conditions so I can compare the difference if there is any. I will update when I have my findings. Cheers Les
  18. Hi Joan Try this site for a product that may help you www.prodibio.com/nutrients-bacteria-fresh-water-aquarium-tank-bio... looks like it could be what you are looking for . Cheers Les
  19. Hey Davo That sounds realy good. I am always willing to swap. Cheers Les
  20. Ill endorse what riff said and add more cover as that will lesson the stress, if you cant add more plants then try driftwood it just makes it harder to swim in a staight line and attack another fish. Cheers les
  21. P82s are back on line and laying well, there eggs are eyeing up so I should have them in the grow out tanks soon. Cheers Les
  22. Ok so today I collected five eggs from these guys. this is the first time and I am so excited as i realy like them for there hunter attitude. The only heat for there tank is a heat mat that keeps the temp a couple of degrees ubove what it is ( used for plant prop trays). I would like to have enough for tub spawning this summer. Cheers Les
  23. les

    F. Striatum

    Ok so these guys had gone off lay for a while I think it was light exposure that was the problem as they are back on track and that is the only thing that has changed. I have given some fry to a friend of mine and have kept a few to increase my own production. They truly are a sweet gentle fish. cheers les
  24. I have seperated the first female from the male as she only produced two eggs today and is looking tired. I have put the new girl in that side of the tank with her and I am feeding them as many black and grindel worms as they can eat, There colour has changed from pale to dark so that is a good sign and they are both swelling a bit. I still havent found the Rooibos tea but will resume looking for it tomorow. as I think it will be worth it as Keith has recomended it. Cheers Les
  25. Hey Jarrod Try out some of the aphyosemiom first before you get into anything rare. its just that killies are a diferent kettle of fish (excuse the pun) than Betta there is nothing more rewarding than picking eggs off a mop and the watching them hatch and grow. Peat a bit different thats take a bit of organising but if you work it out first with some of the Aphyosemion peat spawners then you will find it a breez when you get to some of the more rare types of Killi that some people have. There are some stunning Aphys around that still present a chalange and are stunning looking. I think Killies would be a great venture for you to enter I love them but they are just as adictive as Betta and guppie:giggle: I know, I have to build a purpose built fish room know as the garage wont hold any more tanks:dance: cheers Les
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