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Everything posted by les

  1. So I wanted to get one more spawn from this boy before he has a long rest and decided to introduce him to his last mates mother, LOL I think they hit it off She went in the photo tank first and loved the camara He went in second and was on to introductions straight away and blow me down before I could take to many more shots he was in to blowing bubbles. Personaly I have never been able to pick up a girl by blowing bubbles, normaly when I get to that stage I am after a porceline bowl not a girl. LOL Cheers Les
  2. les

    Medusa Roundtail...

    Hey Jarrod The Vid was great. I have got to admite a bit of fish envy hear as they are realy eye catching. Congrats on the fry someone has some great guppy fry food but get them onto grindels as soon as you can and you will have them growing realy fast and Mum will pop babies out like a popcorn machine. Good Luck Cheers les
  3. Try PM Davo if he dosnt have it he will know where to get it and he is in Sydney so is closer to you Cheers Les
  4. Great work Beth looks like you have been realy busy. You realy are the queen of resin and acrilic LOL and I mean that in the nicest posible way. Why dose Ross think its a death trap?? i think the industrial garage look is in right now LOL Catch ya beth and Kepp being cool Cheers Les
  5. les

    New fish room

    Hey Razzi I wont show you pics of the bananas then. They are so sweet and make the best banana cake ever. LOL cheers Les PS The mastiff puppy cleans up all the wind fall papaya she cant get enough of them.
  6. les

    New fish room

    Hi Chi Yes I am over the flu and back into the small projects I have going. This room will make things a lot easyer and I will have room to take some breeding to the next level. Cheers Les
  7. les


    Hi Jarrod Yes he is more steel which is realy wierd as he and the Cambo are from that green and Blue giant spawn Rolling in the deep. They must have had some realy mixed up genes in there back ground. I had a red female Giant who has decided she didnt like her sex and has become a male??? egg spots gone and she has a bubble nest. I will put my red shim with the cambo dragon girl and see what comes out of it. Cheers Les
  8. les

    New fish room

    Well this is taking so much longer than I want it to but I now have three walls up and My Dad said he would pay for somone to lay the concreate so I dont have to ( Lucky Me ) And that dog now lives hear Cheers Les
  9. les


    some pics of my giant babies Cheers Les
  10. Hi I have got into this conversation with a few IBC members in the USA and a lot of them wont feed there fish blackworms becouse of unfortunate incidents. I feed my Betta on Blackworms that I get sent to me from Mal @ australian Blackworms I have never had a bad experiance with them. I do however change there water daily and keep an iced container in with them to keep the temp low. In my opinion if you keep your worms in good condition and they are healthy then you shouldnt have a problem with them however if they are realy smelly and dieying off becouse they havent been kept correctly then you will be asking for trouble. Only ever feed your fish the best as you your self woudnt want to eat half rotten food. I find Blacworms the best way to condition my Betta for breeding. I hope this helps in some way but if you are not sure of the quality of the worms or you know they are going off then dont feed them to you fish. Cheers Les
  11. Hey Bubbles I did tell him that when he first told me what he was doing. I am hopping that his lines still cary tha colour mutation so I can get some Cheers Les
  12. les

    New fish room

    Hi Serkan I havnt done much in the way of the fishroom as I have been realy sick. I havnt been out of the house much at all becouse of it. My mate Ian will be comming over tomorow to help put the colour bond sheets on. Then I will poor the concreat inside so that it is out of the weather. I think I will have to find some energy and make a consious effort to have it finish very soon. How is your fish room going?? Cheers Les
  13. les

    Medusa Roundtail...

    Hi Jarrod So this is were it starts LOL. Congrats, all good things come to those that wait. Cheers Les
  14. HI Frank Hey Ness if you put him in a German beer glass you could call him Frank-in- Stien LOL. Good score though he dosnt look like a reject. Can I ask are you working at subscape?? and if so isnt that like letting and ADD kid lose in a loly shop:giggle: Good luck Ness I love the way you name your fish Cheers Les HI Frank Hey Ness if you put him in a German beer glass you could call him Frank-in- Stien LOL. Good score though he dosnt look like a reject. Can I ask are you working at subscape?? and if so isnt that like letting and ADD kid lose in a loly shop:giggle: Good luck Ness I love the way you name your fish Cheers Les
  15. Hi Redsnaow You did realy well with the cabinet. it would look very nice in any lounge room. I also like your $15 score, he looks like a very nice PK. Good luck Cheers Les
  16. les

    New fish room

    Hi Bev yes I will be insulating the shed with thick polystyrene sheets. becouse of the constant breeze up hear I am instaling a pipe that will extend up out of the roof as the breeze passes over the top of the pipe it will drag hot air out of the fishroom helping to cool it during summer ( basic priciple of high presure flow to low presure). The shed will have assisted heating by a solar heat collectore for winter that will keep the rome at 10 to 15 deg warmer than the outside temp. Yes I have seen the advertisment on gumtree and he is nearer to you than me. I will make most of the smaller tanks myself as it will be cheeper and I have got prity good at it now. I would give you a word of warning about a garden shed as the roof is not very high, so if it gets to hot it will force the heat down onto the tanks and could have fatal consequences. If you are going to use a shed try and raise it off the ground on bricks. this will give you the hight you will need and then you can just extend the door by using sheet of tin from bunnings which can be attached through pop rivits. Cheers Les
  17. les

    New fish room

    Hey Aquaman I have to build a shed out the back as I cant fit my car in the garage any more and it is to dangerouse with all the tanks now taking up floor space as well as on racks. There comes a time when you just have to bit the bullet and build a purpose built fishroom ( Man Cave ) it will make water changes more easy and heating will be less costly. I still have tanks in the house and will still have some in the garage but bulk will be in the fish room. Cheers Les
  18. les

    New fish room

    Hey Riely She isnt mine I was just baby sitting her for one of Alex;s friends. She was a sweet thing. My sister inlaw just got an Italian mastiff and called it Stella. she is huge. cheers Les
  19. les

    New fish room

    The steel cutting went ahead crazily easy And then put it together like MECANO And then I got sick so nothing els has happend since then except that the Codine they gave me made me have dreams of puppies ( bullmastif puppies actualy) ( Nothing to do with thread but hey I am on codine ) Cheers Les
  20. Well I was planning to have this baby finished by now but I have got sick again ( wife brought the flue back for me from Melbourne) I thought I would put up some pics of what has happend so far. This is where it is going Glass house down and area cleared So then came getting the steel and cutting it Cheers Les
  21. Hi Jarrod Sorry to hear about the fish. Your not a bad fish keeper, it was just an unfortunate sequence of events. If I know I am going to have to leave water changes for more than three days I dont scub the jares for the last two water changes, this gives the surface of the jars a bit of build up and I dont get as many Unfortunate events. Dont get me wrong I still get them but not as many. I think that some fish get used to the water changes / water qualiry and have a bit of a hard time changing back. The best of luck with the rest of them Cheers Les
  22. Hey Paul If you use the Dino stuff still I recon they will shoot realy quick. My crested java fern grows like a weed but my normal wide leaf seems to falter got any tips for it?? Cheers Les
  23. Looks great Paul. I like being able to see whats in the tank. How long did that Java fern take to get that big?? Cheers Les
  24. Brave infant fish beware of Evil Ness LOL Cheers The Well Ness Cheer Squad
  25. les

    My guppy update

    It would be if I could do somthing about the weather. I still havent picked up the colourbond as it will be to dangerouse at the moment with the wind as I will have to transport it on a car trailer. The footings are there but still no concreat as its to wet. the frame is cut and ready to erect. Its all going way to slow. Cheers Les
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