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Everything posted by les

  1. les

    New fish room

    Well the floor is down ( Thanks Ian ) and now the roof and front will go on over the next week. i only have one problem I dont think every thing will fit And thats not half of it there are more outside
  2. Hey jarrod Good to see you with a few natives. It will be ANGFA next for you LOL. They are a great group to belong to I have a ball at meets. Good luck with the Gudgeons Cheers les
  3. Hi Razzi I will be matting them with Single tail Pheno PK Girls who have DTxPK Geno. The plan will be to get two DT lines up and to get that Symetrical line going that I have been trying to produce. Cheers Les
  4. Hey Jarrod I am with you on that one. I would also add jodie as she has recomended fish to me and I have bought sight unseen and not been dissapointed. I am so tempted to put him in the spawn tank but the girl I have in mind needs just another month to come into her own. Cheers Les
  5. Hey MT I have three of the Normans Lampeye and in tanin water they look a treat. I got them from my mate Ken His have never bred and I dont think these will either. That scape is amazing with the quarts crystal. Cheers Les
  6. Pics are up Jarrod

  7. Thanks Riley. I am so impressed with these boys and have big plans for them. I have to build some more spawn tanks as I am running out of them real fast. LOL Cheers Les
  8. This boy has just come into my possession from Jim Ha ( thanks Jim ) He was a little tierd by the time these pics were taken but a few days carded should fix him up real nice Cheers Les
  9. First off a big THANK YOU to Jim for all the effort he goes to to find the fish I am after. hear is a line up of the boys who arrived on Wednesday This boy is prity close to the old boy who died recently and will carry on the work I have started with the Red Copper DTs This male will go with the daughter of my old Dt male who is a perfect match for him This male will be used with the same girl to produce a variation of the above male the first male is already in the spawn tank with his partner Cheers les
  10. Hey jarrod Thats good to hear. I got some Mini Needle Leaf Java Fern and Mini Bolbitus so I want to work them all into the same scape and if they dont need fert and lowlight is ok, then thats perfect. Cheers les
  11. Hi Jarrod The tanks is looking great and I realy love the drift wood ( Would look great in my tank ) . I just got some Dwarf Chain Sword. Any tips on its up keep?? and are you useing any of the Dino range on the tank?? Cheers Les
  12. Hi Saf My protocal for new plant material is the following: make up a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water ( this is used for tissue culture as well ) place plant material and solution in a container with lid and shake vigerousley leave standing for five minutes then rinse well. I then leave for a week to see if there are any nasties developing. this will help stop any alge or bacteria ( snails as well ) from entering your tanks ) It is always prudent to have a protocaol for quarenteening new plants and fish. it will save you a lot of regret by following a few simple rules. Cheers les
  13. LOL at you two My Daughter was at home with her boyfriend and the dog exploded in the hallway. I wasnt at home ( ANGFA meeting ) and my wife was at work. I got a phone call that was basicly words with sounds of gagging in between. I must admit me and the Boys had a bit of a laugh over it. When I got home Kevin ( My daughters boyfriend ) said he mand up and cleened up the mess ( he did a great job No after smell ) So I recone he must be a keeper. i still havent confessed it was the MW that caused it LOL. I dont have my qouota in the message box and I am still reciving messages from other members. I will PM Razzi tp see if he can figer it out. Cheers les
  14. Christmass has come early, Thanks Jim The fish you sent are the unbelivableI

    1. shadoh


      They don't exist without PHOTOS!!!

    2. les


      Ill try for later this arvo



  15. LOL Hi Gaby My new pup just got into the MW cultures that I left in the tresle in the shed. ( It gave her the runs realy bad but serves her right) I will pick up new ones from a friend on Tuesday so they will be ready for you by the end of the week the same as the grindels. Cheers Les
  16. Hey Paws To empty you notification: On the right of the screen you will see your name and an arrow, next to this is a number and an arrow click on the arrow. you will then have a list of notifications at the bottom of the list it will say view all natifications, click on it you will now have a screen that says saved notifications, On the right hand side of the screen there will be boxes for you to select which notifications you wish to delete select and delete I think that is the easyist way to explain. I will try and PM you my Number tonight. I will order the IAL it does take a while for them to come surface male but will let you know when they arrive. May I ask what your first name is?? as I feel a little wierd calling you Paws all the time. Cheers Les
  17. Hey paws I am willing to meet up with your son and give him the cultures if you like I will PM my mobile so you can give me a text and we can organise a time and day. I have fact sheets already made up for people I send cultures to in the eastern states so I will put some in with them OK my spawning tanks have a set of thin strips of glass in the midle of each side of the tank so thaat a pain of glass can be slid down them and stay in place whilst the male is on one side and the female is on the other. Then when they are ready to mate I remove the glass and let them get on with it. After matting I intice the female to the oposite side of the tank with food and slid the glass back into position, This makes her capture easyer and dosnt disturd the nest. When the male is ready to remove I do the same with him and this stops damaging to many fry in the chase. I make my own spawning tanks so I will try to put up some pictures in a thread to explain it better. Cheers Les PS I think your mail draw is full so I cant PM
  18. ROFL thats just so me after a couple of rums. Sorry I dont think I ever look at the date unless it says yesterday cheers les
  19. Hey Paws I can fix you up with a MW culture and a grindel worm culture that should get you going in the right direction if you live out near Aquarium City i will be going out that way to deliver some fish next week so let me know and I will PM my phone number to set up time and day . As far as size of container goes. What you have to remember is most fish die from water quality related problems. Betta can be kept in small volumes of water but you must remember to change the water more frequently than if they are kept in a larger volumes of water. If you cant get indian almond leaf I am makeing another order next week so will just up the qty if your intrested I can give you banana leaf with directions to make up a tea that works just as well. I order Blackworms from Vic often and find this the cheepest way to feed my betta as they only need the adition of IAL or Bananaleaf and temp to spawn. ordering them in bulk is way cheeper that buying from a shop. A friend and I go halfs in what I order to share fraight but I can get up to 2Kg for the same frieght if your intrested. As for the plumbing of a barracks I have built one before and it is good for people short on time. I keep my betta the old way that way I feel more in touch. more than willing to help Cheers les
  20. I use a similer method to Jarrod I putt the bottles in realy hot water and then when they have taken up the heat I use eucalipt or tea tree oil. store jars upside down so they dont collect debrie ( but you already thought of that didnt you MOTH) LOL Another word of advice for anal retentive dont drink coffe whilst doing this as you will just be more iratated LOL Cheers Les
  21. les

    New fish room

    Hey Alcard I am always looking for new recipes how do Laos style differ from Vietnamese style?? as I have a recipe for Vietnamese style from this wonderfull elderly lady who used to call me The General ( a ref to Army and her love for a man in uniform ) and feed me that with pork spring rolls, YUMMY i realy misss her. Cheers Les
  22. Hey Serkan They are very nice looking Killi and well worth the asking price. Cheers Les
  23. Ok Nature took over and I have eggs in the nest. I removed the partition last night so they must have been quick about it. This is the therd spawn for this guy so far so he will have a rest untill I see how his first spawn turns out as they are jared now and begining to show colour. Cheers Les
  24. Hey Jarrod Try out the ANGFA sites you will get most of the info there there is also a national body beside the state clubs. You can normaly pick up rainbows for a lot less from club members and if you go to meets there will normaly be some on the raffle table. At ANGFA WA meets we have a library that is just brimming with info but best of all are the members with real experiance. There are a lot of types I have gordon River but am mainly in ANGFA for the conservation side Plus we all keep other fish beside natives. Cheers Les
  25. I lost My Red Copper Dragon DT PK boy today but he has left me with some very nice offspring. I will miss the little bugger thats for sure

    1. Sarah


      Sorry to hear you lost him, Les. Hopefully you'll get some nice fry like him.

    2. forever_and_a_day


      he was gorgeous :( I'm sorry you lost him

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