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Everything posted by les

  1. Not a problem Razzi I realy like it when its explained in detail as a project dosnt get derailed that way thanks so much Cheers Les
  2. Ok im into ausy made even if it costs more I have a local PS that has Reps so Ill cost from them and then hit the net thanks Razzi Cheers Les
  3. Fantastic Im getting me some it will be so much easyer than a whole heap of heaters are they on the same sit as the thermostat? Cheers Les
  4. Hi Razzi How long are the cables and are they water risistent? Cheers Les
  5. Very Tidy-Ness very tidy love the way it works and looks good in the dark too Cheers Les
  6. WOW Razzi you are amazing you hit DIY guru status with this one I realy do have fishroom envy as mine are all in the garage (Ill have to make a room out the back where the glass house stands at present) love the whole room and the set up looks brilient Cheers Les
  7. that tank is briliant the tree has come on a treet you spent up prity big at the auction did it all go in the one tank? you have insired me to plant up one of my tanks Cheers Les
  8. By the look of them ther CTs it will be worth the wait I like the black orchids in any form. Keep uo the pictures so we can see them progress Cheers Les
  9. les

    Pics Pics Please

  10. thats great Jase I am up in buttler good to have someone else north of the river I have a pair of red platnum dragon halfmoon(HM) plakats(PK) Dads a butterfly(they have two week old fry at the moment) and a pair of Black platnum dragon HM PK, what types of Betta are you into? Cheers Les
  11. You bet ya Razzi, Hi Jase, I hope you injoy this forum as much as I do they are a great group of people. can I asked are you north or south? Cheers Les
  12. Weld On is thicker in consistancy in the higher numbers. If Weld On is applyd and the joint taped as for normal glass tanks then after joint is set tape is placed along the seem weld on can be applied to the joint to fill in the gaps this is what I had to do to one badly cut piece of perspex it took a few goes but it worked in the end and at only six dollars a tube it fills nicly and with out that opaquness that you get from silicone I. You are right though Razzi its function is as a glue not a filler but it works as one if applied like this and yes it can only be used to bond perspex to perspex if the tank is glass then the guide for the partion should be glass so silicone can be used. Cheers Les
  13. Hi Cracka welcom to the site. Dito what Busman said on pics, you should injoy the madness Cheers Les
  14. Hi Harry Hope you injoy the site. yes I have read about a guy in America who conducts 100% water changes and achives amazing results but I only use 50% on my PK Dragons Good to have you onboard Cheers Les
  15. @ Jarrod yes and you dont want your face liked after seeing that do you? No! I say No! @ Mighty Matt DO NOT USE SILICAN it dosnt work on perspex when I made my tanks I used silican and the held together for two day then started to spring leeks and then fell apart my garage was adrift with water and it wasnt funny the hardware guy got me WELD ON #16 this is ok if your joins are tight fiting if not go for a higher number ask your Dad he will understand how it works. after one day to set I filled tanks and emptied every day for three days couse I am over coushus but if you just let it cure for a day or two it should be ok I have had no problems since as for the partisions i used the off cut perspex to make guides so they can be removed ONCE AGAIN GET DAD TO HELP if he helps by showing you how you wont end up with as many problems OK Yes Buddy I got your PM as we had a storm last night there where loads of leafs fallen so I have put them in the dehidrater and will send them when they are dry Ok Cheers Les
  16. Hi Mighty Matt your Redfin Green dragon ROCKS! but I cant understand are you trying to glue perspex to perspex or glass to perspex? cheers Les
  17. les


    I screem you screem we all screem ice cream but master you have an H! No H in tastless prodution line food for the masses only IBS through to much dairy But on bamboo telegram they say Sara Lee have shares in Sorbent Cheers Water Changer
  18. les


    No but DRUNKENESS would and then in the morning you would feel the tenderness :lol:
  19. les


    My humble thanks master Cheers Water changer
  20. les


    OH my lord who plays limbo at parties, Master you must never aim for head only centre of mass (torso) maximum damege to internal organs but I know master knows this HA HA Cheers Rice grinder
  21. les


    @ Nanna JO I know of the danger you husband is in I once made an equine refrance to my wife once and woke during the middle of the night and she had a pillow in her hand . To this day she swears she was only fluffing it up. this grass hopper now sleeps with one eye open LOL
  22. les


    @ Bev Thats it Bev im not buying that investment property down there now god knows who will move in LOL @ Matt atake Hi Matty Dont worry about postage its in the intrests of science and bettadome it is the tree in quetion got the photos blown up and got a goo ID tell me where to send them and they are on ther way ok @ Sarah Please wake up in a gooood mode and forgive this tard this tard not see master in disguise tard will grind rice for master @ Jarrod Yes Dragon Master you have fry from your blacks I on the other hand cant get them to stay in the same tank together at least yours can look at each other and do what comes naturaly, but things are going to change the female has been subjude I think it was raziis sujestion and a spell or two (foul foul langege) that has done it. WOW PKs gota loveum pluky little bas#### cheers Les
  23. les


    @ Sarah grasshoper Im not after Jarrod he Is a Black Platnum Dragon Master (does sound a bit Kungfuish hey)Legends could be formed around it and I promise Sarah never to call you what was it? forgoten allready! @Matt Yes that is what we call then north of the river. Hey if you want some leaves I have been looking around and found a park with heaps of meleluca lucadendren syn (quinquinnovia)so I can send some if you like or I can run part of YOUR EX over hear up to you let me know Cheers Les
  24. les


    @ Sarah whats the biscuit story? (shortcake)I am not quick as you know its the orange bus again for me. Hey Sarah you didnt get Jarrod back @ Matty (The Mighty Mat Attack) yes cause your tall right? I remember you saying. By the way how is the planting going and you melaluca EX? @ Bev Dont realy understand about rockingham I ony use locations as an indicator of who and where glad to know about the BO one although I wouldnt have used that in a pink fit. Cheers lES
  25. Hi all I was just wondering about user names I know Sarahs threed on why u chose your username and was wondering how people felt when some one shortens it or gives you another that relates to maby a topic you have had with them or a place you come from and the likes for example I new a guy his nickname was marcus but i called him Adelaide couse thats where I met him and we had both partied real hard and he kept yelling ADELAIDE didnt realy mean enything just related to a week of partying. So what are your thoughts? do you mind people having ther own names for you or do you take them as people becoming more familier with you? Cheers Les
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