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Everything posted by les

  1. Hi Razzi well done that shiny badge is getting closer Gota love those live bearers Cheers Les
  2. Good luck Sarah I hope you get baby My mate Jason has a whole heep in the tank where he works they havnt quite hatched yet I love Axies Cheers Les
  3. Hi Jason The tank looks realy cool when you are ready to get in to it a bit more I have some drift wood which I have only just started moss on so give it a while and I will give you some of them OK Cheers Les PS Like Wayne said it dosnt take much work to keep them going and if they crook the it didnt cost you anything
  4. and to think I was going to give my nephews just some males but man you have given me a great idea Ill get two tanks and while they stay in the school holidays get them to plan and decorate there tanks thanks Paul Ill let them know where I got the idea from as well Cheers Les PS they always spend a week of there holidays with me its so great
  5. les


    I have seen four Ventrals before so do you recone if you can get enough ventrals say about eight you could call the Cravate Dragons LOL how cool would that be and it wouldnt be detramental at all Cheers Les
  6. Hi Razzi No they dont realy grow faster but you can produce a lot more from a small amount. You basicly take a growth bud (epical. auxilery tuber shoot or lilly scale etc)this is trimed back ahd washed thoughrely then placed in a bleach and water soulution then trimed then wash in a alchole solution then placed in a growth Media ( usualy nutrients,aminoacids and hormons suspended in agar) all of this is done in a sterile enviroment (laminer flow hood) tools are steralized at each pointthe growth nutrients are tweecked to couse the growing bud to produce multiple side buds these cultures are then divided again and again under sterile conditions each time in renewed media. I keep my flascked cultures in growth chambers where temprature and light can be regulated after this proces cultures are placed in to media that have difrent composition of hormons amino acids and nutriants to promot root growth once root growth is established depending on what you are culturing a number of divisions can be mad of the plantlets and then they are hardend of in a controled enviroment. a flow sheet can be made of this with control points and critical control points placed in this will help develop protocals to follow. thats it in a nut shell its not rocket sience but it is science all of this can be achived with out the fancy equipment with things avalable in the kitchine and then as you progress add to you equipment IE a laminer flow cabinate can cost $3000.00 and up or you can make one your self using perspex and hep filters and fans so in ansewring you question it is quicker to get a larger quantity of cuttings from a little amount of material espesialy if it is rare I do hope this explains it enough in the small amount of room available Cheers Les
  7. @ Matt I get my supplies from America but there are supliers here in Australia, you best bet is to ask an australian supplier to send you a kit I would take to long to explain hear but ther are a lot of protocals to follow and hygien is first and formost supplies are expensive to start of with and you can start of with an aquarium on its side and gradualy get the more expensive hardware but read up first Matt and talk to Jodie OK @ Pyrefly I dont have a lot of matterial at hand on it except for formulers for different nutrient mixes as I learnt way back when I first left school I did a horticultural apprenticship and after that got into tissue culture and the rest has been a work in progress there are some good sites on the net and a godd understanding of science and chemicals and plant bioligie helps as well but like I said to Matt Hygiene is one of the biggest problems most find with it but it is realy ammazing what you can get from so little I used to sell my plants when I first retierd but the nusery I used to sell to closed down so I only do it if its important and the glass house is big enough for quite a few tanks Cheers Les
  8. Hi Jarrod and Matt Yes I have a tissue culture set up I used to propogate ornamentle Gingers and Cordalyn so I have a lot of different nutrients that I can use so I will net crawl to find out the right ones I have a standerd one for woody periniels but I think the cordy one might be best Thanks Cheers Les
  9. Hi Kristy Welcome to the forum you have a great crowd in Melb so enjoy OH yes Nice pics of your fish Cheers Les
  10. I was wondering if any plant buffs know wether you can tissue culture Anubius? Cheers Les
  11. les

    Hi Zack I was wondering how the Black Dragons where going? and how did you go with the culling did you have to cull a lot and how many are left?



  12. Hi Harry A Bain Marie system (hot water bath) What you will need Tank Heater Pump flat sheet of mesh the sam size as the base of the tank Small piecese of wood about 10 cm long (to support the meshh off the bottom of the tank) Place heater and pump in tank Place wood in strategick locations to suport mesh Pour in water to just above mesh Place containers that fish are to be housed in in the tank and fill them with water Top up tank water to half way up the out side of the individuale containers now turn on the pump and heater Good points you will be able to seperate individuale fish and keep them warm with the use of only one filter draw back you will need to water change each single container this system can be as big or as small as you like and is a good first system fto start off with I do hope this has helped you in some way Harry and not added to yuor confusion if you look on U Tube you will find som betta Barrack systems where they tack you through the set up a step at a time After saying all this it is a great project to get in to with another family member as two pair of hands are BETTA than one or maby even a friend will help and get intrested in the hobbie as well Happy Building Harry Cheers Les OH I see You did say how it works but if you meen how its set up its on a shelving unit that simple Cheers Les
  13. Hey Harry Dont worry its a bit dounting at first but once explained its logical. 1. Reason The reason a barrack system is used is to seperate male fish and some female fish that are agresive to others 2. How it works It is a flow sytem where the SUMP which is usually situated at the base of the barracks carries out a number of functions 2A. Filtration The sump is usually devided in to three or four sections The first section is where solid matter is filterd out by ether sponge or some other filter medium The second section contains large surface area Ie BIO Balls so the the bacteria for the conversion of ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate caousing a more stable system The thierd section optional UV filter to futher steralize the water The fourth section is where the water that has been filterd and subjected to bacteria waits to be pumped back up in to the barracks 2B. A central place to heat the water You only need one heater with this method ensure that it is powerfull enough 2C. A cedntral place to change the water It will save time by allowing you to take the water from one location a tape can be installed to make the job even easyer the water that is pumped from the sump is tubed in to the individual containers and is drained through an over flow system witch returns the water to the sump Note debry will still have to be removed from individuale containers the system can be as complex or as basic as you want to make it if this system is to complicated for you to achieve then maby you might consider a Bain Marie system Ill write on another reply
  14. les


    great looking guy Abby and a fantastic pic Cheers les
  15. les

    Hello all

    Hi Dean Welcome to the forum good to see you back with a Betta vengance I live NOR but if you after pks Yatzy and myself have them as far as HMs go I think if you dont like what you see at your LFS which dose stock HMs then someone is your best bet she is away at the moment in Jakata but Im sertain that if you E-Mail her at someone she will get back to you LMF (love my fish) another Perth member was looking to place an order but her computer is on the blink when she comes up to pick up her pair of PKs Ill let her know your on the look out OK Cheers Les PS Perth Members are there enough of us yet for a meet? Anyone? I have six brand new sponge filters I was given so if any one is intrested we can have a meet and swap some stuff or help new members out with things they may need. Maby?
  16. Hi Jarrod I would think some copper as the are diferent pheno and geno, some Platnum as the opaque is a granular layer of guanine and not crystal and then a miriad of other options it would be realy intresting and if anything realy out standing comes of it its just a matter of fixing the trait God I love you fish collection Cheers Les
  17. Hi Jarrod Thanks for the link like you said its the cleaness of the white that is hard to get are they opaque? as in the pic it looks mat but that could just be my eye sight the girl is a killer she will complement any male I Love the green dragons wether they are the orig or not ther is so much you can do with that couler bandwidth as for the DT hay he is for breeding so if they dont grow back dock them and you wont have any probs in future and you know his pheno just got to waite to prove his geno You Luky Barstool its not only chrismass its ya B day too Good luck and I hope the breeding plans all work out for you Cheers Les
  18. Hey Razzi isnt that from High society?
  19. ok stop it Matt you are getting me hooked on endlers NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cheers Les
  20. Ok thats what I thought you ment by crossing A friend of mine has some but I dont know what types he has I am going to ask him to set me up with some so i will let you know what i get Cheers les
  21. les

    Thanks Zack they have setled in nicely and I got some large jars almost 4ltr they will be great in the barracks



  22. Hi Matt How many types of Endler are ther? and what do you mean by crossing them? Cheers Les
  23. Hi Ya Mighty Matt I Might get me some Endlers they look realy nice and would go well in my cherry shrimp tank what do you think? Cheers Les
  24. Hi mighty Mat Do you feed your baby cheery shrimp to your Betta. I am thinking of setting up a tank and having a colony of them ther is a guy hear in Perth selling them for a doller les if you buy more than ten. Have you got any tips on how to get them going maby a thread or somthing Cheers Les
  25. I Like the way he is now Jarrod it gives the impresion of fethers I had to look a couple of times to figer it out thet he was your Avatar I would use his pic now as an Avatar if he where mine he is ammazing cant wait to see what they produce as the most esteemd Betta suplyer has said they are a jurney to watch and they wernt rong Cheers Les
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