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Everything posted by les

  1. havent touched them yet as I have Japaness exchange students at the moment and also gashed my hand so that will have to heal first oh and a tank from the tip 4Ft for $10 I just have to replace the end glass panel and its in action for the TC as my other tanks now are full of fish but I promise I wil start as soon as the students leave in two weeks Cheers Les
  2. Hi Joan That looks like a great idea dose the propagater have a heat pad under it and is it therm control I might try it in mine once the Katapang seeds come out of there Cheers Les
  3. Hi Ness do you think he wont mind me E-Mailing him I mean he sounds like a prity busy man with all that transshipping and breeding showing and judging my god I am flat out with the house work at the moment but I have made my first AB purchase today Cheers Les
  4. Hi Ness AMAZZZING just absalutly AMAZZZINg as I new it would be that was a world class artical you put together ther Ness thank you so much for sharing your experiance I feel a lot beter now about purchasing from AB. You said that each had there own speciality so who in your mind was the dragon guru over there? Once again thanks AmazzzingNess Cheers Les
  5. les

    the start of somthing

    When I find the camera i will take some but the daughter had it at a party recently and I dont know where she has put it
  6. Hi all didnt think I would end up hear. I got given a trio of orange guppyies four weeks ago and then two weeks later a trio of yellow guppies and a trio of blue guppies followed me home and now the orange ones have droped babies and and and is it mgoing to get out of hand?
  7. Its a minimum of ten percent
  8. Hi Jarrod With the Java fern I cut off a frond and make about five fine slits with a scalple along the main vein on the upper side (Not from behind) but not compleatly through this shocks it into producing small leaflet and then roots apear about four weeks later leave the its a slow process but dont be tempted to make too many slits as it will just die and leave the frond with the fernlets on untill they are well established It has worked so far Cheers Les
  9. and what did you get yourself? Cheers les
  10. Sorry Matt My Dad has been sick so havnt been checking the forum LOL you dont have to worry about spelling Sleepy Matt I will look them up Cheers les
  11. I dont realy know Matt as I have only realy done terestrials Aqua is a Brave New World with new hiden pitfalls so I am willing to experiment as it will keep me ocupied, do you mean ferns like Java moss or Java fern as ther are some sneaky ways to shock java fern in to producing plantlets But if its other furns I will need a botanical name and the do a bit of resurch on then first OK send me a list Cheers Les
  12. I was reading that some people were using a layer of coconut peat under the substraight and that helped to produce CO2 in the tank by its slow decomp I was going to arc up the yeast reactor as that gave me good results with the crypts before what do you recon? Cheers Les
  13. Id say Hanable Have a nice ciantie and lima beens TST TST TST Great shot ther Jarrod did you race for the cam or where you going to take pics anyway (right time right place)a sit is awsum Cheers Les
  14. Is she the only platy in the tank? and is she pregnent? what other fish are in the tank? and what sizes are they? If your LFS is frendly the they normaly will swap for a smaller fish its worth a go Cheers Les
  15. I was going to chop them as soon as I got them so wasnt planing on planting them at all straight in to TC so I can get started but I will take that advise on board for when I do plant them out . thank Mighty Matt Cheers Les
  16. Hi Matt I am still not the full BOB on aquatic plants so yes to the submersed you are righ about the ambulia. I am not sure what I was sold as micro sword is actualy micro sword as I have looked it up and it looks different to what I have Cheers Les
  17. Hi Sarah I realy like that veriation on wild it dose look a bit like lepard print.Ok you have just given me insperation I am buying my niece one Cheers Les
  18. Do any members keep tubs of submersed plants for future planting prospects? If yes what types are you keeping? I just put three tubs 2Ftx1Ft one of Hair Grass one of Micro Sword and one of Ambulia cuttings in the glass house, they are restting on about 30cm of a mixture of aged sawdust and cow poo this reaches halfway up the sides and I am hoping this insulates a little but the glass house stays prity constant bromalaids and gingers grow in ther all year round Cheers Les
  19. Hi All I got the Crypt Parva and broadleaf Anubis on order so when they arive I will Give it a go Cheers Les PS go and give it a go Neffy its good fun I think
  20. I wish you luck with the fair ( your a good sister )and dont forget to treet yourself while your at the fair as well Neffy Cheers Les
  21. Hi All So after a little reserch if you go to this address ( http://www.oup.com/uk/orc/bin/9780199282616/ch02.pdf ) it has the compositions for the madia and tech needed for Anubis TC I hope this helps Cheers Les
  22. Hi Neffy how is the serch going? did you get what you wanted? and where did you get it from? Nosy Bugger arnt I Cheers Les
  23. Hi All That looks similer to what I first started of with so go for it guys. Hey Razzi TC is amazzing and dosnt take a lot of time and is great when you just wont to relax Matt why cripts? I know more about terestreals than aquatics so I am only submizing semi aquatics would be like terestrial and Aqua is a whole new game park but I will try and find some hear and start a project on it Cheers Les
  24. Thanks Jungles I was going to use a hosta mix as I have used it on Aroids with some success but I can get an Aroid mix and tweek it are you in to TC at all Jungles? @ Matt Hi Matt I would love to BUT we have HUGE quarentine rules for the inport of plant material to this state I think we follow a close second to TAS but If you look on line for Kitchine Kit Tissue Culture it will show yo how to do it yourself give it a try or ask jodie if she can teach you Sorry I am not able to help but I will try look up the plant you are discribing and find out if the plant material is allready hear OK Cheers Les Ps What is the C for ( C. Parva) full botanical name please
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