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Everything posted by les

  1. Hey Sarah Why dont you try composting worms you dont have to dig only sift and you know exactly where they are, In the tub and the little red ones sre ok size for Betta Ceers les
  2. les

    Katapang Trees

    LOL I love the pic like that only longer almost celindrical but yumy
  3. les

    Katapang Trees

    a bit like an almond kernal but longer and they have a realy nice almond tast the fruit its self is green and sort of like dull looking I have only seen pictures of the trees. The first set of leaves are just unfolding so as I have to takke Alex to scholl tomerow Ill ask her for her camera a get a pic I need to do a few pics of whats in the spawn tanks anyway Cheers les
  4. les

    Katapang Trees

    Hi Mighty Matt I think that could be a good reason ther are trees from south america like the jacaranda they are originall from jungels ther are a number of other trees that come from similer climates that do the same some gingers are deciduase so this kind of behavier in botanical speicies is not just restricted to temprate zones you can also find evergreens in extreamly cold conditions (Aint nature grand) Hey Ness do you meen pictures or me feeding the two darlings LOL Cheers Les
  5. I have bookmarked those sites and they are realy great all the info anyone could want I will let Phoenix join the cordate forum when she arives as I will be minding them both I know she will have a million questions and it will be easyer if she asks them her self once again thank you Cheers Les
  6. les

    Katapang Trees

    I not aware in any of the articals I have read the it actualy sheds it bark but I have heard conflicting stories that it is poisness and that it isnt so I thought id put it to rest by running an experiment I cant say that no animals will be hert but but it will be run humainly like all the others and documented so results can be posted with every experiment ther is allways risk Cheers les
  7. les

    Katapang Trees

    Thus with the two conflicting theories it calls for an EXPERIMENT and time to pull out the VT sisters if they still live by the time the trees are big enough but I am sure there will be other VT girls thowing there fins up to volenteer LOL Cheers Les
  8. Hi Ness Thats a very impressive list you have going on there not long now till they are out of Q so I cant wait to see the Pics of them oh and no I will not stand on Bottles its ok for you light waights but for some of us more heavier boned people well Ill just say I dont like stichess LOL cheers Les
  9. Nice tank Neffy why do you think the raibows are ugly? Cheers Les
  10. les

    Katapang Trees

    Thats correct Princess Botanica When trees get ready to lose there leave a certain amout of nutrients and elements are taken back in to the tree thus the leaves turn brown and drop of but in this process certain elements are left in the leaf and this is what every one is after in the tanins that are produced by the leafs I have a break down of an analasis some where of what it is for catapang I would like to try the bark as that should be a consentrait of the leaf but first and formost you where right the leaves have to brown and drop to reach ther full potential Cheers Les
  11. am I realy that transparent LOL but I allso was intrested in the set up Cheers Les
  12. Yhanks Master You are the font of all knoledge a true savont Cheers water changer
  13. les

    Katapang Trees

    LOL at you two It should be about twelve months befor the first drop The size of the tree isnt realy a problem as I will polard them at ten foot then keep the auxilery branchess not to long and prune back each year. This method is used to keep tall trees under control as street trees and should work on the Katapang if not my brother inlaw has a huge property and he wont mind growing some or I could secretly at night plant them all over Perth and call myself The Katapang Ninja cheers Les
  14. Hi Sarah I have a chance to buy some Axoloti like the pic of Bastante and about his size they are ten bucks each is that a good price do you think I want the as a suprise for my nephew and niece when they come to live hear so do you think a very responsible 10 year old could look after one she has a python if that helps Cheers Les
  15. what kind of a set up do you have for them Razzi
  16. Hi all Affter writing to I dont know how many people trying to find some one who sells Katapang seed I eventualy asked at the shire in Cairns and the guy ther was from Perth so he sent me about ten seed which was so good of him to prep the seed and plant I did as follows Prepare seeds 1. Dehusked the seed (take all vegtable matter away from around the seed kernal) 2. Two seeds left as is 3. Two seeds the kernal slightly opened (use secaters to remove part of the kernal untill the seed shows set to one side Prepare the potting mix 1. place potting mix in small pots and pour boilling water over the potting mix and allow to cool After potting mix cooled I placed the seeds just below the surface of the soil and put the pots into a propagater with bottom heat I labled the seeds so I knew which ones where which and low and behold two weeks later I have two Katapang seeds germinate they wher the ones that had part of the kernal removed (I Use this method when germinating Mangoes) It was an easy job so they have now been placed in the glass house and will be potted on when I have a few more leafs on them cant wait for them to be big enough to plant in the garden Cheers Les
  17. Thanks Ness The bottles I can get are 750Ml so thats perfect and I can make a jig up for making the cut in the bottles its just I am using opaque plastic at the moment and glass is easier on the higene thanks Ness thats a big help Cheers les
  18. sorry I dont have a comunity tank and thats out of ten tanks maby if I get inspierdsome day
  19. Hi Ness I ment to ask you what is the volume of the bottle you are holding up and at what age (stage) are they placed in them and then at what age are they moved on I know I have a lot of questions but I have a chanc at placing an order for flint glass bottles (like the ones you are holding) and they would take up less room than what I am using at the moment Cheers Les
  20. Hi Sarah sorry to see you fella looking that way I hope he recovers do you think the SBD is coused by what he has eaten or from an infection? Cheers Les
  21. les

    Guppy Pics

    I love the pics Fishtails, especially number four he is realy nice looking Cheers Les
  22. Hi Ness So glad you put up a pic of the giant guppies I went looking for them after I read your Thia artical but the Internet started playing up.I have two Black girls that are about five and a half to six cm but no way have I ever seen a boy that big, where the boys and girls diffrent sizes like normal guppies/ the pic was great as well will have to see who has them. Cheers Les
  23. Marble Mollies I love the little blighters Well good to see Razzi half way is getting closer I wish we had somthing like that hear but alass not Cheers Les
  24. Ok Razzi how much closer to this badge are you Cheers Les
  25. Wow Sarah He is realy nice I have just plane yellows but wouldnt mind one like him. Cheers Les
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