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Everything posted by les

  1. les

    Is This Normal

    yes found out today that its anchor worm My Mate said he had had it in his fish room before so now how do I get rid of it? this is the first time I have ever in my life had it so I dont have a clue Cheers Les
  2. Your a good Man Shaun I hope you get that house your after and a realy big fishroom to go with it Cheers Les
  3. les


    WOW this is like inception that is one strange looking device it reminds me of somthing Japanese HA HA NO HAWA GENKIDES (that means my mother has nice teeth) it would make sense if we where in Japan but I cant think of what it realy reminds me of, nothing I have ever seen before but a great device I said to Jodie I would get some No Planeria of her next month as I have to put in an order for some more Canadian Peat s I will ask her about a trap as well thanks Mighty Matt your the best Cheers Les
  4. les

    Is This Normal

    Thanks I was thinking ribben fin but wasnt sure I bet my mate Jason (the guy who gave them to me) is Peeing himself laughing Thanks again Cheers Les
  5. Hi Mighty Matt yes one pair where AB pair the other where a pair jodie mentioned when I was talking to her about some genetics I wanted to chase up so I got them as well. She is so ammazing it almost makes me want to move back to QLD though I dont think Id live back in Brisbane I did like living in Oakey though Cheers Les
  6. Sounds great guys well done on the organising Jarrod Hey Matt did you see my fish when you where there wish there was a place like jodies hear would be great for meets Cheers les
  7. Thanks Joan So no heater Cheers Les
  8. les

    Is This Normal

    as you all know Guppies are somthing new to me so as these guys are my first gupy spawn what is thisI have about six like this and the rest about therty dont have it at all. So please excuse my ignerance oh by the way they are from two different females that where enseminated by two different males and thats all I know My mate said I should get some nice suprizes and thats all he said Cheers Les
  9. Ill need to put a few air stones in there I am just working out a solar power option for the air pump at present.I didnt realise you where in Melbourne Thats a great tropical look for there I have some Gingers that will handle your temp I can send some ryzomes over if you like? Hedychium, Alpinia, costa,would be OK the rest that I grow are realy to tropical for Melbourne. Cheers Les
  10. I use the Hikari discus fry formula with my fry and they thrive I realy like there products Cheers Les
  11. les


    Can you get a pic of that contraption for me Matt? would like to see how it works Thanks busman Paul I might use that one in the glass house tanks that dont have any fish just plants Cheers Les
  12. les


    how do you use a snail trap in a fish tank? or am I realy thick becouse im thinking like the garden snail trap beer in a saucer LOL I cant make that work Cheers Les
  13. I built number three but number two (not twos) is just as good its all hourses for courses and once you have one up and running you will want to alter and try out new theories as long as it makes the job easyer it makes it more enjoyable Cheers Les
  14. I went around to Mums and asked her about when I had my Oscars and she said it did happen a couple of times when they where feed beef heart or products with beef heart in them (What would we do without our Mums even at my age) so maby that might help Cheers Les
  15. Ok mine are going in the glass house as well as the guppies and the Betta growouts. It dosnt realy get to cold hear as I am just north of perth and 5Min walk to the beach no frost(oopppss) dont want to hijack this thread Sorry Cheers Les
  16. If you cant put a tank together and I know you can, then you can build a barracks just follow a plan like razzi has or Kermadan and bobs your uncle ya gota barracks Just have faith and you will fell forfilled doing it youself Cheers Les
  17. I didnt know they would live outside whats your outdoor pond set up like Ray? and would the climate be similar to Perth Cheers les
  18. I love fish school My mates use IAL with there chiclids so that might help Cheers Les
  19. les

    Katapang Trees

    Ill build ya a glass house Razzi if you have room with solar heating it would be somwhere to sit on rainy Melbourne days LOL I do like you idea of Bonsai the leaves would reduce in size if done proply But Polarding will keep them under control for now @ Busman Paul I realy dont have a clue how long it will take since those Pics they are now a foot tall but there is a fare amount of CO2 in the glass house with the composting along one side I do it to fsten growth in winter Cheers Les
  20. les

    Katapang Trees

    Well I eat the PawPaw whilst watching the fish but they do have antibacterial properties so I think I will try and find a way of using it as an antibacterial maby in a salve form on the skin I just have to find some fish with bacterial infections and see how it works out If you can get hold of the bisexual PawPaw you will only need one tree as it polinates its self otherwise you need a male plant and a female plant in order to produce fruit Ill send some seed if you like Cheers Les
  21. les


    Thanks Mighty Matt Some how I thought you would be the one with the answers on how to with the shrimp they are realy powering along and I dont want to hinder the population rise so I will get so of that stuff from Jodie Cheers Les
  22. les


    Hi All Well my shrimp tank ha snow become a haven for snails I got me some plants recently and they must have sneeked in is there any way of getting ridd of them with out damaging the shrimp the tank is heavely planted with two types of Java fern Crips Embulia subwasatung( thats where the snails came from) and pelia the tank is three foot long any sugestions would be appreciated Cheers Les
  23. LOL Yan that reminds me of a bar I was in once and this parrot would push a ping pong ball up and down the bar and that was all it did non stop like it was on a mission ammazing Bangkok Cheers les
  24. les

    Katapang Trees

    Katapang babies only two in this spawn< they dont look much but seem to be growing quite fast and hear is a spawn of bisexual PawPaw these are therd Gen in my garden and one more for Ness second gen Banana all will be used in some way with the Betta Cheers les
  25. I remember back in 1980 having Oscars they where such personalities and always at the glass to great one male would put his head out to feed he was awsome MMMMM (No stay focused) Cheers Les
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