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Everything posted by les

  1. Hi Xsilver My Niece Keeps a pond. She cleaned it out last week and put the goldies back in the day after she filled it back up. Her pond gets full morning sun and the clorine breaks down real quick. I think your water should be prity similer to hers. I put my guppies in there outside tubs the day after I fill if I use tap but if I use bore I put them in the same day. Happy ponding Cheers les
  2. LOL @ you Love Sick-Ness Who would'nt be intrested in a gal with tanks like that. Happy Water changes Ness Cheers Les
  3. Best day . I got a sink and side board for the fish room from my wife and daughter for my B/day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shadoh


      Great news Les! Won't be long before your fishroom is finished. Happy Birthday!

    3. les


      Thanks guys

      once my nephews go back home I will be able to finish the room off



    4. KillieOrCory
  4. Hi oliver Merry Christmass and welcome to the forum. Aus Aqua is a great place to find out whats happening in the Betta world in OZ Cheers les
  5. hey Hunter Dont forget to post updates on how you progress with this. There will be other members who come along later that will benefit from it. Cheers les
  6. I will go with Ashlea on the egg I use it instead of MW as I find it more hasle free and the fry respond to the water change. Just remember only a little you are feeding fry not Rabits, Ha Ha. I also keep wardleys liquid fry food on hand as this is a quick feed for the first two weeks if I am to busy to prep Egg. I start the BBS in the second week but still keep up the liquid food for another week so the smaller fry have a chance. I hope this helps cheers Les
  7. les

    New fish room

    Hi Serkan I cant quite remember the dimensions now I but I will measure it up tomorrow when I come back from kens place. The shed isnt realy huge but I dont need it to big as I am enclosing down the amenities side of the house. This other area I am enclosing will be for My moss collection Killi fish and Koonack as it will only get the heat transmited from the house. Hi 6Ft I did think the window thing out and after a lot of considerations I place it at the highest level on the south facing wall so it wont interfear with any wall space needed for tanks. the window is long and narrow amd will never recieve any direct sunlight however I have enough room and plans to rig up an adjustable mirror to redirect more sunlight into the shed if and when I wont to. As the window will be double glazed there shouldnt be to any problems with heat transferance from the reflected sunlight. Cheers Les
  8. Making chrismass dinner for tonight and the kitchen has stayed clean. Yesss!

    1. 6ftaquaman


      oh I dont think that will keep for 8 days mate :P

    2. les


      LOL My daughters boyfriend is leaving tomorrow and will be in Indonesia for christmass so thats why we did it early for them. We will still have it again on christmass day.



  9. les

    New fish room

    OK so I have been realy busy with spawns and all the other Murd at this time of the year. The roof went on and so did the capping and the door I still have to paint the door I filled in all the gaps with expandable foam (dont get it in you hair it wont come out) I have placed two layers of polystyrene sheets on the walls and roof and each layer was sealed and now I just have to fix the window in place but I wont be able to do that till after the Festid season. Cheers Les
  10. Hey Rodger If you have any plastic file deviders you can cut them to size and if inserted and pressed close to glass they will stay in position. As Razzi said I would think of individual lids for the compartments as males will get to each other with devistating effects. I like your set up it is a good start and you seem prepared for your Betta. Cheers Les
  11. Hi kevin If you are refering to his dorsal fin, That is becouse he carries DT Geno. DT geno has the effect of making the dorsal the same length as the anal fin it also increases the depth of the peduncle. This is a great way to increase the cadel spread. Cheers Les
  12. les

    New fish room

    Hi 6Ft I am pensioned out from the Army so I need somthing that will keep me ocupied. My Betta collection fitted nicely in the garage but now with the need to grow the Killi fish out I need much more space and I can take the Betta breeding to a whole new level also. As for the time it takes I am always looking for ways to make things easier so I will be setting the shed up so that water changes dont take as long. I am not sure that I want it to be automated in the sense of electric solanoides but I would like to be able to just open taps for water out and in. ( I dont like playing with electicity and water):blush:/> Cheers les
  13. les

    New fish room

    Hi Stefan Yes I see what you mean. Two 1000ltr tanks are going on frames above the garden bed level with the limestone wall. They will be inclossed top and sides by wood planking. The intake will be under this construction so that the air is cold. Perth is basicly built on sand but I live on a limestone ridge so putting pips underground would be a mammoth task. Nice to see you back online Stefan. I often look at your diagram/ Models for Betta fin forms and use them as my culling guide. How is your stock going?? Cheers Les
  14. les

    New fish room

    LOL @ you HisGirl Sorry no can do another shed as the grass area has to remain for parties:cheer:/> we have a few. I went to give some one a small collection of Moss today and came back with a 2ft tank and I will go back on the weekend and get another three I realy only want them for the glass as it is in realy good condition. Cheers les
  15. les

    New fish room

    LOL at 6Ft I am more autistic than artistic :confused:/> I do have some art planed for the inside but I will take pics of it if it comes together. Cheers Les
  16. les

    New fish room

    LOL @ Razzi I am glad she dosnt read this forum LOL Cheers Les
  17. les

    New fish room

    The roof and front of the fish room went on today. I will paint the front tomorrow and then the floor has to have a flood leveler poured that will happen during the week when the door goes on. I still have to get a electrician but I can put in all the conduit and all he will have to do is run the cables. Pics tomorrow it looks so small now even my wife is saying I should have made it bigger Cheers Les
  18. les

    New fish room

    Hey Sarah I didnt realise I had so many tanks I think they just propagate by themselfs. At least that is what I tell my wife:giggle: Hey 6Ft I think I can enclose down the utility side of the house. I have only just put this idea to the wife and she seemed OK with it or was that just a stuned look she gave me. I am on a promise I wont get any more tanks till I sort this lot out. I did get 30 bottles today my brother got them for me, they are old style preserving bottles that I can use for jaring up young fry. I think that dosnt break the promise dos it. Cheers Les
  19. les

    New fish room

    I had planed for a whole day working on my Man Cave ( fishroom ) all day today but would you believe it I had so many interuptions I only got a window in and the roof beams. Lucky my visitors know me well enough ( old friends ) to tell me to shut up and sit down. Still now I have the roof and a wall to do tomorrow plus deliver fish for a young childs B/Day GGGRRR Just venting cheers Les
  20. @ Wild nut Hey Ashlea I love the pics of your tanks they always look so natural and healthy. I havent found any Tiawan Moss hear in Perth but I have seen it used to great effect in some aquascapes. @ Busman Hey Paul I have seen pics of your tanks and you definatly have a green thumb. I think maby if you just tried plain old water in a large coffee jar and just leave the moss in a well let room but not in direct sunlight it will grow like a weed. I find flame moss the easyist moss to grow maby try that one just for a change. Cheers les
  21. Yes I am a certified Bryophile ( Moss Lover ) I have had a few Moss for a while now but had the chance to get some different kinds at the ANGFA plant swap on tuesday night along with some very nice NON moss plants. My moss collection now comprises of the following Christmas Moss - Peacock Moss Flame Moss Willow Moss Spiky Moss Stringy Moss and of course the moss that most of us start off with Java Moss What types of moss do you have and how do you display them?? cheers Les
  22. les

    New fish room

    LOL Hey Serkan I have Killi fish club envy:drool: i can only hope that with more becomming available over hear that the number of people keeping them will increase. How far off are you from compleating your fishroom??. and are there any up to date pics?? I think I jinxed the fishroom by postting to early. I should have taken the pics and then at the end of the build posted. I dont think I have been so busy in such a long time but never mind familey then friends always come first. cheers les
  23. les

    New fish room

    LOL @ Razzi Ian is busy now with a limestone wall at his house. No envy Ness the garden has been ruined by the two dogs I have the plans drawn up for the shelves for the fish room to try and make every bit of space usable. I got the shelving idea from an English Killifish site. I will use the blue barrels for growing out the guppies and Killi fish this summer that way I wont use up to much space in the fishroom as they can all be outside same for Betta spawns over eight weeks old. Cheers Les
  24. ANGFA plant swap was a ROARING success and I had a ball

  25. les

    New fish room

    and more and these are full of fish as well MMM some of those foam boxs have fish in as well. Cheers les
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