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Everything posted by les

  1. Ok so as you all know shrimp are new for me but they are going so well that my tank is getting to full (its like wathching an ants nest realy busy like) and I dont want it to crash it is heavely planted and has a fair bit of drift wood in it I have cosiderd using a net or just stripping the tank and starting two new tanks. so I am up for sujestions from you more experianced shrimp keepers Cheers Les
  2. Hey Hai how do you find that carbon bamboo? do the shrimp like them? and what benefits do they provide? I was thinking of it for my shrimp tank when I clean it out but wasnt sure of the value of them Cheers Les
  3. Ammazing choice cant wait to see what the orange guy and the girl will produce. It would be nice if they produced some Mustard gass CTs for you I love that look Cheers Les
  4. I can vouch for the lossing fish I lost to female guppies in one but will reattempt soon Cheers Les
  5. So how are the cripts going Joanis ther much growth? Cheers les
  6. WOW thats ammazing and the size of there yolk sackx are huge, well done. Aro Aquatic had egg tumblers in there cataloge and they promis to be the cheepest so try them for your tumbler Cheers les
  7. Hi Razzi Can you strip the Patoti and place the eggs in an egg tumbler? Also was thinking about your 2Ft tank when looking through Matt Giang s cataloge at aro aquatic he has external breeding houses that sits on the outside of the tank this might help a bit with the heavy stocking you experiancing at the moment I plan on getting a few for durring the summer so I can accomodate more fish anyway just a thought that might help Cheers Les PS how long between Patoti spawns?
  8. OK Razzi Thats long enough what has happend in the two foot tank so far and how are the Pattoti going? Cheers Les
  9. Great Vid Jarrod I love your set ups they are truly insireing Cheers Les PS that blue DT is great
  10. Well the guppies got the barrels but I stil did what Razzi sugested and put netting over them that freed up two tanks so I can now split the shrimp in to two tanks but first I will make a proper fitting lid for them before they go into the glass house and I will have to remodel the bench in there @ Ray What type of frogs frequent your yard? and do you put your broms away durring winter I only had mine in ther for the frogs. Cheers Les
  11. Hi Sarah Yes I do like the wilds myself but with out the iridophores he looks even better than a wild I also like the look of yellows with black eyes the red eyed ones remind me of a steven king movie LOL Cheers Les
  12. Hi All I just finished up putting two half barrels in the glass house today and the bore water is now curing with duckweed and watersprite added so tommorow I will add another two half barrels and have them filled and cureing. I had a look around and I have frog spawn in my hair grass its not a deep tank and the hair grass just touches the surface with the frogspawn on top so I will make an area down the side of the house under the Banana trees for them with lots of bromilads and ferns I am sur I can make it cat proof if I try then I can reclame the glass house and not at there expence Cheers Les
  13. Hi Sarah I am so sorry to hear about Bastante that is a terible shame. I do love the look of sonrientes he is a very hansome looking Axolotl Cheers Les
  14. Love the new look bet the shrimp love it as well I want to do that with one in the loung room so I will get the wife to look at your pics and she may say yes hear is hoping Cheers les
  15. They realy do sound like a motorbike changing gear and its a sound we like to hear in our garden I dont have a pond for them as they seem to produce in the bromalids I have realy big bromilads and havent realy had to worry about the population up untill now. we have been hearing a lot of squielling (poor frogs beeing eaten by cats) of late as the cat population is increasing. I have asked the family across the road on numerous ocasions could they pleas keep ther cats in, as it is allways pooing in my garden but they recone ther isnt a prob so I am getting a cat trap and they can pay for the pound fee to get there cats back. I have been hearing our dog go of at some cats that come over our back fence and fight each other so the trap seems to be our only option. when our estate was first built we had teal ducks and mained geese breeding all the time down by the lake but now we rarely see any ducklings or goozlings at all its such a shame Cheers Les
  16. Ok then Ill have to make a cover then as I was going to use barrels cut in half not actually glass tanks. I dont want to diturb the frogs as we have lost so many species hear on Perths coastel planes and where I live is the last area that these little monsters are found in the northern corridoor and the glass house stops the cats from getting them. Thanks for the input Cheers Les
  17. Well I was going to move the shrimp to the glass house but I have a group of motorbick frogs that live out there in the bromalids and seeing that they are an endangerd species I am relucktent to move them on. so dose anyone know if frogs eat shrimp (sounds odd now i have writen it down) but it is a serious question I realy dont want them to eat my shrimp
  18. Most of the LFS in my area only chrarge two or three dollars for cherry ther are some of the chain LFS that have a higher mark up but quite often you can take your excces shrimo if you know your LFS realy well and get store credit thats a blessing when you need new items cheers Les
  19. I have a colonie of shrimp that I am goint to have to split in to two tanks soon Cheers Les
  20. Well what can I say but OMG they are awsome you have done an amazzing Job the Sarah they all look very well balanced and each direrent from the next your an insperation Cheers Les
  21. les

    Is This Normal

    Ok then Matt I usualy use a brick so Ill dipatch them that way then so dont fret OK Cheers Les
  22. OK so how about for $499.00 you can get a solar panel for a caravan that can charge a large battery that will run a few heaters and pumps no prob and if you dont intend to grow plants you realy only need lights for your conveniance dont know what the wal floor set up is but road side collect is one of my favourate games to play especialy after dark and all of that can be taken with you when you leave, Every man deserves a fish room (Man Cave) Cheers Les
  23. les

    Is This Normal

    Thanks MTS I will put the whole tank in the freezer and cull the lot as the I dont think the fry will survive me pulling them out plus my fingers are way to big for things that small Ill pull the tank appart steralize the glass and re sillacone the glass that way itll be safe from spreading the blighters ill also worm the parents thank god I dont have comunity tanks that would do my head in. I feel like the kids have come home with nits its got me scratching all over YUK Cheers Les
  24. No mates that are sparkies? you will have to network a bit I think Job swaps mighht get it done for you Cheers Les
  25. A big thank you to Jodie-Lee at Fish-Chicks for all the work that whent in to getting my AB purchase from Thialand to me its a bigger job than many of us could handle and she delivers every time also thankyou for the Green Mustard Dragons that you recomended they are perfect Thank you Cheers Les
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