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Everything posted by les

  1. les

    New in W.A

    Hi Andrew welcom to the forum I am Sure that you will find the members a welth of information and have a few laughs along the way Cheers Les
  2. Whats the news Razzi have you got your Badge yet and whats in ya tank Cheers les
  3. Thank you J Ha For the ammazing fish that you sent and that somthing soecial as a gift was simply ammazing she will go in to my spawn tank as soon as she is conditioned. if any one is reading this you should buy from this guy his stock is great quality, healthy and robust and they are shipped realy well so get in ther guys and suport a very good suplier Cheers Les
  4. Happy Birthday Neffy I hope today is realy special and the reast of the year as well Cheers Les
  5. Hi Sarah I have seen chillers for sale in the clasifieds over hear but they seem prity pricy some people have them for ther marine tanks I think.would placing them in realy large tubs like the black preformed ponds over winter giv them a chance to breed? any ways and I hope those eggs pop up for you at some stage Cheers Les
  6. dont some Axi owners use chillers in ther tanks? i think I read it on one of the sights you gave me links to. Are you going to start breeding them Sarah? Cheers les
  7. Oh I see taking the invading language of the cruel and plundering spanish brought with them along with desies and enslavment over the indigenus langouge for an indigenouse species. Na only joking I like the sound of the names but i thought it was a good ribbing LOL maby LOL come on LOL Cheers Les
  8. WOW they look so small up aginst the worms but ver cuite. Can I ask why the spanish theam for names? Cheers Les
  9. OMG Im just guna leave it hear before I dig a deeper hole Cheers les
  10. NO Busman Paul NO A Hooka is a long airhose that dillivers air to a diver from a suface source that way you are not hamperd by tanks great for inclosed areas. LOL though Cheers les
  11. it adds a whole new meaning to the wife saying stop playing with the fish (that guys son had his own hooka I havnt used one of them in ages) you find some strange stuff in peoples garages Cheers Les
  12. Cool pics Sarah Those guys are realy ammazing
  13. I started with the plastic containers but found the viewing was hard and the lid had to be lifted I only use them for guppy fry now and have gone for glass jars from plasdine 3.75Ltr jar about$3.00 so then get a glass cutting spade bit from bunnings (its cheeper than the dimond ones and dose the same job and drill your holes Ill take a pic when Alex finds the camara and they wont scratch like plastic will and you can boil them I just like the cleaness of glass IMO Hope it helps Cheers Les
  14. You get my Vote for Betta Mother of the year and you figerd out your Elec bill allready LOL, I do like it when everything is organised like that OH and the Pics are great I think you will have a lot of members insired by them Cheers Les
  15. Ill go with busman paul on the yellow ct like to see some more of him flaring Cheers Les
  16. Hi Mum That was a good idea replacing the MDF ceder planking is much more durable. Its a very tidy set up you have ther what do you have in the tanks Cheers les
  17. les

    Katapang Trees

    Potted up the IAL plants today into large pots they have ther second leaves and are growing well will post pics as soon as I find that camera (Iknow its hidding somwhere) Cheers Les
  18. Sounds great Mum. I got dun on the pump thing as well but it only happens once and then the lessons lernt would love to see pics and like wayne said louvers are a great source for glasss for making tanks Cheers Les
  19. Yes 24/7 and the shrimp keep the glass cleen I dont think the light is realy strong though but all the plants are thriving its the best I have seen the I think they are all low level light Crypts,two types of Java Fern, Subwasatang, Ambulia, Java Moss, Duck weed (which I have two clear quite often) Water Sprite, and frog spit. so there is a lot in there its so crowded that I will have to plant up the four foot tank when I get the side panel of glass replaced Cheers les
  20. Hey Mighty Matt I used your idea for a shrimp trap and modiefied it a bit 1. Cut top and bottom off a 1Ltr cool drink bottle 2. Inverted top and siliconed it in to the middle section 3. Got black stocking and placed over bottom off middle section and secured with laky band 4. Placed some boiled zuchini in trap and placed in bottom of tank Today I have quite a few shrimp in the trap just from overnight I think they like the darkness with the food inside as I leave my light on in that tank 24 7 so thank you Matt you have excelent ideas now go patent it and sell those traps Cheers Les PS seriously thanks
  21. I use filter sponge from clarks rubber for the first part of my filter and expanded clay balls for hydroponics for the biological side of the filter i get them from bunnings Cheers Les
  22. LOL thanks Paul reading it back it dosnt look quite right what I ment was calling Sarah master it must have been late Cheers Les
  23. You are a legend Mighty Matt that sounds like the best idea ever I will make it today and let you know how I go If you carry on with sugestions like that I will soon need to call you master as well as Sarah Thanks Heaps Cheers Les
  24. Feeding them to the Betta was my first goal in getting them but I wanted a good colony going first then endded plantting the tank up that much that I dont think I could get a net in there without doing some serious damage so I supose id beter strip the tank and put some in to a non planted tank just moss and subwasatang that should do do you think Cheers Les
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