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Everything posted by les

  1. Oh my lord I need to live in Sydney, I love the pics the fish are ammazing and I will be looking out for more giants very soon Cheers Les
  2. That is so cool, I love to whatch the dragons on new year I remeber in KL one year at the YMCA we where throwing firework out the window as the Dragobns went past it was so cool Cheers les
  3. les

    Cherry Tank

    Sorry got busy I have niece and nephew living across the road now so its gotten a bit hectic till they are trained a bit Yes to subwassatang it grows like a weed No to the Java fern it is conected to cotton and the cotton is conected to a stick under the gravel If I took a picture now you would see that some roots have made it to the gravel and have ancord it but the rizome is well above its just my crapy pics that dont show things quite that well Cheers Les PS Ray I am sorting the gingers this week OK
  4. les

    Cherry Tank

    I sware its the Banana that dose it, the effect of the tea dont take long to be seen I did stop using it on the other fish for a while but kept it up on the VT girls and lots of water changes and my god they are huge when I get more giants I will try it on them as I do think it helps with the growth rate they are much biger than a male that was bought at the same time and had the same amount of water changes and food but no Banana tea but thats for another thread LOL Cheers Les
  5. Sure can see the difrence. can I ask what is the atraction to this type is it the couler combination or the length of ray etc? Cheers Les
  6. Thanks Ness They are ammazing I Love the super Blue and that salamanda girl looks like she has a bit of power going in that paduncle and a nice top line taboot Cant wait to catch your new thread on selecting females its somthing that is quite often overlooked Cheers Les
  7. HI Jha I like Ness critic and agree with it the first is a nice fish for a pet but the second DDR CT is realy nice and worth haveing a go with I have seen a few on AB but not often I think you might find some on Indonesian Betta society web site a DR girl would go well I think but as Ness said make sure she os up to his standerd or better. Cant wait to what you will choose and hop you post some pics Cheers les
  8. les

    Cherry Tank

    Hey Jarrod I dont plan on comming home empty handed LOL I am sure I will bring somtyhing over. get some cherrys and try them out on your giants my PKs, HMs and CTs leave them alone but the VT girls (the banana experiment ones) like them however they are almost three inches long now and not a year old yet I gave my giant boy some cherrys today I put three in this morning after his grindel feed and he had eaten all the grindels one by end shrimp by 10 this morning but I think that fild him up couse he didnt eat his black worm this arvo so I didnt feed him tonight LOL his a bit of a Buffet Betta LOL Cheers Les
  9. Very nice LFF and Yan will always steer you in the right direction. you take good pics by the way Cheers les
  10. How come you guys dont go out and get your own drift wood? I go down the beach after storms or big blows and also out the bush we have lots that is so old and dry. I love what you have done with the tank and those girls as just ammazing.More pics of your fish pleas Ness I always like the way you photo things Cheers les PS Where are you of to this time?
  11. les

    Cherry Tank

    @ MTS That pic was taken in the middle of winter and I had a small dodgie heater that I put in ther its not on now couse it makes em breed to fast I am taking afew (about fifty) to the LFS next wednesday my mate said he would take the execess of my hands. I like the way they keep the algie down on the Java fern and it helps with the Anubias as well. @ Busman Paul Yes the wife and I often have that conversation as Bribane was my last postting Mechanised Infantry but my first was Oakey with Aviation (Blackhawkes) and we did consider retiering there and even looked at blocks of land up near pine rivers but My Mum and Dad are getting realy old now and its only me that lives close enough to help out but Ill be over for the show (I cant waight) and even if I dont have eny thing worth showing I am still comming Cheers Les
  12. well its not much but they breed like rabbits but they dont need brushing LOL Well I hope you like em Cheers Les
  13. We have a lady up my way that has DRN and I was told that they very rarly breed in cap but its not unheard of I will try and get some info about how she keeps them Cheers Les
  14. Many thanks to Jodie-Lee for all the effort you have put in to getting me the pair of DR CT from Joty and a special thanks for the gift it is very much appreciated Cheers Les
  15. Thank you Joty for the fantastic pair of Red DR CT. they are better than I had ever expected and well worth the money and wait. I look forward to purchasing from you again Kindest regards Les
  16. I dont have any Pics of my Guppies as they are in large tubs in the glass house the surface is coverd with frog spit, water spright and duck weed and has water iris and vallaris in ubundance I have to cleer it when I feed twice a week. I am only wanting to breed them for feeder fish my larger Betta will take newly born fry up to two weeks old Cheers les
  17. I have a trio of blues that have already had one drop and should be dropping the second lot very soon they are kept in my glass house I have an ammazing yellow but not gold Cheers les
  18. les

    My New Fish

    this is the pair I recently got from Jarrod the male is a red Dragon HM PK and his sister Female Red Dragom PK Cheers Les
  19. Hi all Well I managed to find the camara work but the battery was low but took some shoots of my new fish These three are fro Jha This is a Giant Blue Dragon MG HM PK This is a little lady for him Giant Green Dragon HM PK This Girl is a Black MG DR CT [/img Cheers Les
  20. What are his coulers as the picture I am looking at looks like sepia (old fadded) not being rude just would like to know the coulers Cheers les
  21. Or you could get a pet Oscar then after 60 days he 'Ping' "Dinners ready Oscar" LOL or maby NOT Cheers Les
  22. What you mean you have to raise the fry as well, I thought you only had to breed them and then you got your badge I recon palm them off on to kids at the local school call it a comunity service and ask for the beadge LOL Na realy good luck with it and I hope it goes well, Oh by the way I wont be comming to Melbourne now as my brothers is comming back home so I will have to stay hear and help with my God Son, but never mind ther is always next year after the Betta Australis show Cheers Les
  23. YHi Melissa Welcom to the forum good to see more perth people on the net I am sure you will enjoy exploring the world of Betta Cheers les
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