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Everything posted by les

  1. It will I know it will Cheers Water Changer
  2. Thanks for that Jim I will slip my Giant girl in with the others then it will free up a tank Cheers Les
  3. Hi Jim Have you got Giant girls in with normal size girls? Cheers Les
  4. Hi Jim they are ammazing pics I realy like the blue MG what an ammazing fish and the detail in the CT girls is awsome Cheers Les
  5. love the pics Jim, I found the more girls the easyer they get along a bit like chooks the tensions are spread out but few true conflics accure. you truly do have some fine looking girls there Cheers Les
  6. Hi Yan I have a quick story for you My daughters boyfriend has wanted a tank for a while now but couldnt make up his mind what he wanted marine, fresh chilids ETC he was confused with the choice so on sunday I showed him your thread and click all he could say was thats it thats it thats what I want so now the plan is we will get him a tank from the wife and I for christmass but will give it to him before hand so he can have it set up by then Thank you the thread has been a big help Cheers Les PS I think it was the music that sold him LOL
  7. well I just might be giving that a try Jarrod it looks easy enough, Ill do anything to improve my pics thats when I can get the camera Thank for sharing Cheers Les
  8. Hey Yan I am gobsmacked:drool: That tank and the selection of fish is out standing and once again an excelent choice in audio Cheers Les
  9. Your an inspiration and near enough to amazon is good enough as I wouldnt have a clue with aquatic plants LOL cant wait to see the pics of the full plant out Cheers Les
  10. Fan Blinking tastic Yan That is just so nice I love the back ground, is the bought or homemade? it was a good idea to stay with amazon it just makes it all jell Oh and the music works nice choice Cheers Les
  11. Watch out Busman paul there is a Koala behind you
  12. Sounds so good Yan, Hey when will you give the goramies another try at breeding? Cheers les
  13. Loving your work Jarrod they are looking ammazing. Thats a good idea with the thread Cheers les
  14. Hi Could a mod help me please I am trying to load an IBC link banner to my profile but as i try to resize it it wont I am not very tech savy so could it please be explained in Banners for Dummies for my benefite Sorry if this is a pain Cheers Les
  15. Chin up it wont be that hard I dont have any spares at the moment but there are plenty of members in this forum who will have. The following members sell Bettas, Jarrod at Brisbane Bettas may have some and Jha in NSW always has quite a selection but you could also try Jodie-Lee (Fishchicks)in Bribane. These are just a few so make a few friends on the forum and sound a few members out when you know what types you are after and I am sure you will get some quality stock in time I hope this helps Cheers Les
  16. Hi Mausberg Good to see more perth people on sight are you just looking to buy for resale or are you looking to breed as well? Cheers les
  17. Hi Xsilver Welcome to the forum there is a welth of knoledge to be had hear just ask questions and some one will be able to ansewr or point you in the right direction Cheers les
  18. les


    Hey Mighty Matt What on earth do your parents think of that? You know if you dont want your Mum in your room you dont have to go that far as keeping scorpians LOL When I was 14 I got sick of my Mum comming in to my room so I put a fish tank in there and put eels in it but she didnt mind untill one day she went in the room and an eel had got out and she freeked leaving the lid of a little will do it. Ahh we still talk about it a family gatherings and she shivers and we laugh Ok So how big will they grow? where do they originat from? Will you use the to scare people ? and what do your parents think? Cheers les Ps I think they are cool
  19. Great Tanks Hai I am going to take most of the plants out of my Cherry tank so I can enjoy them more I am going to set my Nephew up with a tank in his bedroom so do you think drift wood or ceramic caves would be better? Cheers les
  20. Good lord what are you feeding them Sarah? the tummy on that axi is huge LOL Buda Axi maby they are great pics Cheers Les
  21. Cool name Feliz I like it. Whats the count on Axis Now Sarah? if you get any more we will be calling you conswaler(Spelling?) LOL Cheers Les
  22. He has hinted that he would like them to have a Betta instead so that may be the avenue I take I will build them a tank each just to make it special Cheers les
  23. That is so goood of your brother, finding a good fish siter is a rare thing for most of us. Did you injoy your time away/ and is that a good growth rate for Axis? Cheers Les PS My brother wont let me get his children the Axis couse he dosnt like them but I will have to work on him a bit I think
  24. les

    Cherry Tank

    HI All I make my banana tea with three banana leaves(Canarvan) three or four pandanus leaves and four AIL leaves thats what I have now realy sets them off I can have them in the mood in three days with that recipe Cheers Les
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