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Everything posted by les

  1. Where did you get your fisendens from Matt? I am told it makes a tidy wall better that Java. I have looked over hear but cant find any it is alowed hear but no one is stocking just like subwasatang its only just available I got mine interstate Cheers Les
  2. Hey I just got a three x two floro light from the salvage yard for twenty five dollers so went to the FS and got two tubes and bingo, they said some comany went out of buisnes. my brothers just putting a plug on it for me as the dog chewd it of, Little staffy Cheers les PS Like the new pics the Black dragon girl is great
  3. Very Nice Matt and the link to the Plant shop was great Cheers Les
  4. Great clip Wayne, I love Ocii my Nephew in Buselton always has a few for my to cook up Cheers les
  5. Now whos the master ROFL my how tides turn, konnichiwa ikebana no sensei Matt LOL Cheers Les
  6. LOL, Sarah the weed died becouse you cared for it, weeds are ment to be neglected and then they thrive Cheers les
  7. Hi Beth Welcom to the forum, There is a welth of knoledge in the forum and always some one to sak and awnser questions Cheers Les
  8. Thats great Sarah, are you going to identify all the plantsin your new plantied tank? or are you already in the prosess LOL I bet you are cheers Les
  9. She is the Bomb Busman paul one very nice looking girl I love her Irids and do her caudel rays vear out or is it just the angel? Cheers Les
  10. Good luck Busman Paul You definetly have put a lot of work in to sorting this out so I think you realy deserve a win Cheers les
  11. les

    Hi everyone

    Hi Daniel Welcom to the forum there is a welth of minds to pick and every one is great with the fredom of information Cheers Les
  12. Thanks for the link Sarah and they are butyfull. I would say if Jim knows what you want to breed with your Giant Boy let him look for one as he has a great eye for picking out fish. Cheers Les
  13. I dont know how I missed this thred Sarah but I have it now thanks They are a butyfull pair. I wish you the best of luck with your breeding of them and hope to see them in the spawn logs soon Cheers les
  14. @ Jarrod The PK girls seem to be a bit teratorial, the CTs hang out in a gang and do raids on the PKs turf and the HMs are just like Dori (Nemos mate) LOL @ Ness Thanks, down five girls as they are in spawn tanks at the moment Cheers les
  15. cant wait to see pics of them all in there Cheers Les
  16. Hi Sarah they sell fans that sit on the side of tanks and blow across the surface of the water to help cool tanks so using that principal you could lower the temp slightly by having a fan blow across the surface of the water and with Jarrods sujestion it could help until your chiller comes along. I love the pinky story I was chukling away and my wife asked what was so funny when I told her the look on her face was priceless her words wher "Dont you go getting any ideas" LOL Cheers Les
  17. Hey Jim I like bare bottom tanks couse it makes it all so easy to clean but after seeing what Yan and Jarrod did I have started getting my suplys together for this tank to be changed I dont know how I will cope with substraight but Ill giv it a go. and yes I am lucky to live so close to the beach Cheers Les
  18. Hi Sarah Great pics and he is awsome I love pic three its almost Zoolander the Panda LOL. I bet he has some attatude? Do you have a lady lined up for him? and who was the little fella in the tank beside Panda? more pics please Cheers Les
  19. Boiling water, Place in drum tighten lid and rotate getly so it comes in contact with all sefacesess it will rupture the alge cells and kill them off then do your canasta shaking to kleen and whala no more alge. or as an alturnative if they are 20 Ltr cut the top off with a jig saw and that will make cleaning easyer I did that with my 200Ltr drums and the lid just rests on top Cheers les
  20. well I just thought id share where my girls live when not forfilling the wishes of their master I love Anubias and so dos my Red Jotya CT girl when she goes back in the serority she will fight for that corner I think its becouse the the small log that the Anubias is on is hollow and she can swim up and through it all the drift wood is local of the beach 10 Min walk from the front door Cheers Les
  21. Ye Gods he must be one fit fish with all that finnage, glad to see he is back in balance once again and they are excelent shots maby enter him in the Calander comp Cheers les
  22. Very Nice Hai. What coused the die off with the cherrys? Cheers Les
  23. Looks like that red HM gets around a bit you pics are starting to remind me of wheres wally LOL All jokes aside you have done a great job Jarrod it look so good it will be great to see the evolution as the tank ages and the plants take over Loving your work Cheers les
  24. Hey Jarrod are you moving that sticker Matt asked about? couse I could have sworn it was at the bottom of the tank in the first pic Cheers les
  25. Very nice Jarrod I like the look of the white sand and the dark drift wood I have just got some crushed brown gravel same size as the prop sand to start mine but I am thinking I like white now:confused: Cheers Les
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